Astral And Ordinary Doubles. Fatal Encounters - Alternative View

Astral And Ordinary Doubles. Fatal Encounters - Alternative View
Astral And Ordinary Doubles. Fatal Encounters - Alternative View

Video: Astral And Ordinary Doubles. Fatal Encounters - Alternative View

Video: Astral And Ordinary Doubles. Fatal Encounters - Alternative View
Video: CONSCIOUSNESS AND PERSONALITY. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive. (English subtitles) 2024, October

Parapsychologists and occultists believe that each of us has a double. This is our copy made of fine matter. And meeting with your own double does not bode well.

There is an opinion that the astral double is usually one with our physical body and is separated from it at the time of death. Sometimes, for some reason, he lingers in our world and then becomes a ghost. If a person, or his loved ones, encounter a double, then do not expect good.

There are many examples of such fateful meetings in history. Perhaps the most famous of them is the meeting with the double of Catherine the Great. On November 2, 1796, the ladies-in-waiting saw the empress with candles in her hands leave the night chambers and went to the throne room. They were surprised, but did not dare to call out to the Empress. But soon there was a call from the bedroom, with which Catherine usually called the servant.

The maids rushed to the challenge and saw the Empress lying on the bed. Noticing the confusion of the maid of honor, Catherine asked what had happened. Those who told her about what they saw. The Empress ordered the clothes to be served and, accompanied by her retinue, hurried to the throne room. The door to it was ajar, and a greenish light streamed from there. Entering the hall, the empress saw herself seated on the throne. Catherine could not stand the shock and fainted. Two days later she was gone.

The poet P. A. Vyazemsky met his double in his own apartment. Lord Byron's double was met in England at the same time he was dying in Greece. Shortly before his death, N. V. met his astral double. Gogol. By the way, the ghost of the writer has repeatedly appeared in the Russian capital after the death of the author of "Dead Souls".

Shortly before the death of the leader of the proletariat, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, his double appeared in the Kremlin. Many saw him, and the guard even called Gorki, outraged that Ilyich was left without proper escort and protection. Imagine the guard's surprise when he was told that Lenin did not go anywhere and was in bed as prescribed by the doctors.


There are too many such stories and therefore this phenomenon has long been of interest in the circles of occultists. Representatives of official science also tried to study the phenomenon. According to publications on the Internet, psychiatrist V. L. Raikov conducted experiments in which a psychic participated, who had the ability to separate with his astral double and control it.

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During the experiment, the psychic phantom entered the next room, in which there was a woman, immersed in a hypnotic state. She had never seen a psychic participating in the experience, but upon awakening she was able to accurately describe his appearance. Moreover, being under hypnosis, at the request of the doctor, she gave the phantom several injections with a needle, and all these injections were felt by the owner of the astral body.

Fortunately, meeting with a double does not always bode well. Now, when the Internet has connected all continents and countries, people increasingly began to find their counterparts on the network. Sometimes, they even specially get to know and meet with them. And there is nothing strange and mystical in this.
