A Ghostly British Double-decker Bus Has More Than Once Caused Accidents - Alternative View

A Ghostly British Double-decker Bus Has More Than Once Caused Accidents - Alternative View
A Ghostly British Double-decker Bus Has More Than Once Caused Accidents - Alternative View

Video: A Ghostly British Double-decker Bus Has More Than Once Caused Accidents - Alternative View

Video: A Ghostly British Double-decker Bus Has More Than Once Caused Accidents - Alternative View
Video: VIDEO of "out of control" Routemaster Bus as it Crashes- Driver is cleared by Judge 2024, September

This case of a phantom-ghost phenomenon was unique in its own way. It was, first, the ghost of an inanimate object. Secondly, it was a modern analogue of the once widespread ghost carriages. Thirdly, hundreds of eyewitnesses, most of whom turned out to be drivers (and they are, as you know, great observers by virtue of their occupation), testified about meetings with this ghostly double-decker red bus.

There are especially many reports of such meetings in the mid-1930s. They all happened in the same place - at the corner of St. Marks Road and Cambridge Garden, near the Ladbroke Grove underground station in London.

In this place, there is already a sharp turn, and the bus of the seventh route, making a U-turn at the corner of those streets, greatly complicated the traffic, which led to a large number of road accidents. But it turned out that this is not the only problem.

It was not for nothing that the intersection was notoriously notorious among drivers, pedestrians and surrounding residents of the area. Many of the night drivers claimed that they were often forced to swerve onto the sidewalk by a red double-decker bus heading towards St. Marks Road. One of the victims, taken to the police station, said:

- I turn the corner, and towards the bus! The headlights are shining, both floors are lit, and there is no one inside - no driver or passengers! I, of course, turned the steering wheel, drove out onto the sidewalk and slightly hooked on the fence. And the bus immediately disappeared.

The driver who made such a statement to the local authorities of North Kensington in London, of course, could have been drunk, or hallucinated, or fell asleep while driving, and later, being in the station, tried to shift his blame onto the English drummer. But is it possible to say so about the hundreds of drivers who explained that they had to turn off abruptly in order not to collide with a red double-decker bus rushing towards?

Among the dozens of those road accidents, there were several fatalities. One of them was instructed to investigate a police inspector, and he began to study the circumstances of the death at that intersection of the driver of the car, who, "turning the steering wheel" and drove onto the sidewalk, not only demolished the fence, but also crashed straight into the wall of the house. One of the interviewed eyewitnesses of the tragedy said that a few seconds before the fatal maneuver, the same ghost bus appeared on the road right in front of him.

Naturally, the inspector at first did not take such a statement by a witness to the tragedy and eyewitness of the phantom bus seriously, but he thought about it. Then he began to collect all the evidence available by that time about meetings with that strange bus. A variety of people, clearly without saying a word, wrote the same thing in their explanations.

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Dozens of local residents themselves more than once met a strange ghost. Moreover, an employee of the bus station told how one day at dawn a red double-decker bus rolled up to its gate and immediately seemed to disappear into thin air!

The inspector made the only correct decision: he turned to the authorities with a proposal to straighten out that insidious turn. Local municipal authorities took this step. After the reconstruction of the intersection, the number of road traffic accidents dropped sharply. And there were no reports of a ghost killer bus.