What Is A Phantom - Alternative View

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What Is A Phantom - Alternative View
What Is A Phantom - Alternative View

Video: What Is A Phantom - Alternative View

Video: What Is A Phantom - Alternative View
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Phantom is an anomalous phenomenon, translated from French "fantome" means - "vision, ghost." Thus, phantoms are called something that in reality does not exist or is ephemeral, invisible and intangible in our material world.

Such a phenomenon as a phantom will be more understandable if we recall the doctrine of the multidimensional nature of man and the entire Cosmos.

There are many different opinions on what a phantom is. For example, a phantom is an energetic copy of human consciousness, its chakras and energy sheaths, but it is not a soul, but only a copy taken from the consciousness of a particular person. Phantoms are directly related to people. A phantom cannot exist without a person, without a soul, he does not make decisions on his own, he can implement programs written in the human subconscious and fully lives and works on the energy of the owner. The phantom can both increase in size and decrease.

Under such a concept as a phantom, thought forms, thought images and essences created by people can also be perceived.

In occultism, it is believed that phantoms can be used if you consciously develop this innate ability in yourself. Some occultists claim that each person has several (many?) Astral copies, or, as they are also called, phantoms. According to the teachings, our physical world, rough and heavy, and above it, a step higher, there is another world - the astral.

From the point of view of an esoteric approach to reality, a person can learn to interact with the astral (subtle) world. The phantom will be the main mediator in such interaction.

A phantom is essentially different from a ghost, it is a kind of energetic copy of its owner. Ghosts can exist on their own, without its real physical carrier. There are many known cases of encounters with phantoms, while their "owners" are often unaware of anything. In some cases, phantoms are so real that, in principle, they look like real living people.


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What are phantoms

Presumably, the reasons for the unconscious selection of a phantom (double) are strong emotions, experiences, thoughts about a particular place, event, person. When people constantly return their thoughts to some place, their phantom may actually be there. Moreover, sometimes other people even see him.

Theologians claim that there are both negative and positive phantoms (thought forms) created by negative or positive experiences. It should be noted that these invisible entities can affect human energy.

Because a phantom is associated with a person, its presence in a particular spatial environment can be dangerous for a living prototype - a person. For example, placing your phantom in a situation of experienced tragedy, grief or illness (constantly thinking about it) - causes certain harm to a person's energy.

The formation of a phantom is also used in occultism - envolting - making a doll (volta). In this case, the volt is a material object, a “fixing” phantom in a negative spatial environment.

The phantom feeds on the energy of its creator. He, being a copy of a person, can harm the enemy, but not in the physical world, but in the subtle one. By creating a negative phantom, a person loses energy. Therefore, one should try to block negative thoughts. A positive phantom can help a person regain their strength and energy. Therefore, it is important to learn how to do it.

In order to remove the created phantom (thought form), one must imagine it again and make it melt or simply erase it. Then the space will be freed from the energy phantom.

There is such a thing as phantom pain. It is no secret that after amputation of limbs, people can talk for a long time that this limb bothers, or that they feel it as before, etc. This is because physically this limb was removed, but its energetic essence (phantom) remained.

In general, the concept of a phantom is multifaceted, a lot of interesting and mysterious stories are associated with it.


Phantoms around us

Tales of phantoms - energy counterparts, have been widely known since ancient times.

• One American woman has dreamed about the same house for many years. Once she saw this house in reality and was amazed. He looked exactly the same as in her dreams and, above all, he was on sale. She knocked on the door, but when the owner opened it for her, barely glancing at the woman's face, he slammed the door in her face. As it turned out later, a ghost lives in the house, and this ghost was herself (her double).

• From a letter: “… On the question of the phantom … Once I saw myself hanging in the air … clothes, body position, everything repeated me, as in a mirror image - only from the back. This second "I" flew away from me to the open window. I felt very scared, my heart was pounding terribly and for some reason I thought that if "It" flew away, I would die. Where "It" went - I do not know … At that time I was not sick and nothing threatened my life …"

• In the 1860s. in Pereyaslavl, two friends served in the horse-jaeger regiment. They took an oath that the one who dies first will appear alive and tell what awaits the soul after death. The deceased friend came in reality. The survivor was so amazed that he devoted his whole life to serving God, selling off his property.

• XVIII century - in Ireland a widow married a handsome young Italian. Unfortunately, after some time, the woman found out that her husband was a bigamist. She drove the unfaithful spouse out of the house, and she herself moved to live in another city. Saying goodbye to her, her husband said that he would appear to her on the day of his death. A few years later, under the windows of the house where the woman lived, her ex-husband appeared, he called her by name, assuring her of his love. This lasted for several days, then he disappeared. The woman later learned that her husband had passed away on the day she saw him under her window.


• Nowadays, there are such curious cases: grandmother saw her granddaughter walking with the boy arm in arm along Nevsky Prospect. Grandmother decided to immediately start raising her granddaughter (early at 12 years old to go for a walk!), But when she approached her granddaughter, she instantly got lost among passers-by. At home, it turned out that when the grandmother was not at home, the girl was sitting at the computer, this was confirmed by her mother and father.

• The woman was waiting for her husband from work, but he was late. The heated soup cooled down, the wife looked out the window and saw her husband walking down the avenue to the house. She could even make out a dirty stain on the sleeve of her jacket. The woman again put on the heating of dinner, and the husband came home only half an hour later - the bus got stuck in a traffic jam. When the man got off the bus, another passenger touched him with a backpack, wet with a dark liquid - bitumen varnish leaked.

• It happens that the energy phantom helps in the fulfillment of desires and can attract the necessary objects. My neighbor passionately wanted a computer, but he did not have enough money for equipment. The neighbor has already prepared a place, constantly imagining how the computer turns on and the monitor lights up. After that I even noticed that there was a large fresh scratch on the side of the system unit. After some time, a friend called a neighbor: “Come immediately, our company was changing computers, and the old ones were allowed to be sold, they already put one in my car, packed, bring a thousand rubles.” Well, how can you buy a normal computer for that kind of money ?! In the evening, a neighbor unpacked his computer. To his surprise, he turned out to be an exact copy of what he wanted, and there was a fresh scratch on the side of the system unit!

Quite often people see phantoms of cars, motorcycles, trains, ships, submarines, and even cities.

In Alaska, in the area of the glacier of Mount St. Elias, every year from June 21 to July 10, a phantom city appears (not a mirage; a mirage is a reflection of a real object), which is called the silent city of Alaska. It is visible to such an extent clearly that it seems that you can touch it. One eyewitness wrote: “We clearly saw houses, streets and trees. Here and there spiers of tall buildings stuck out, which seemed to be something like ancient cathedrals or mosques."