Versions Of The Appearance Of Phantoms Of Doubles - Alternative View

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Versions Of The Appearance Of Phantoms Of Doubles - Alternative View
Versions Of The Appearance Of Phantoms Of Doubles - Alternative View

Video: Versions Of The Appearance Of Phantoms Of Doubles - Alternative View

Video: Versions Of The Appearance Of Phantoms Of Doubles - Alternative View
Video: Two Kids One Epic Dare | Double Dog Dare You | HiHo Kids 2024, September

Sometimes unexplained things or abnormal phenomena occur around a person that cannot be solved. And among them are phantoms. These are energy copies of people, as well as animals, which appear from nowhere and disappear into nowhere.

The role of ghosts-doppelgangers has always seemed sinister and therefore attracted scientists who were interested in strange, inexplicable phenomena. According to one version, a person is a complex physical and spiritual being, consisting of several shells. One of them is etheric, which is the energy double of a person. The second shell is astral, i.e. abode of feelings and imagination. This shell can also leave the physical body and travel on its own. Sometimes the astral double of a person looks like a bunch of energy and has vague forms. However, very often the phantom is clearly visible to ordinary people and is even mistaken for a real person. There is a hypothesis that the doppelganger separates during sleep, or under severe stress, and sometimes during illness.

Scientists have put forward another version of the appearance of double phantoms. Perhaps these are deceased people who, for some reason, stayed in the material world and were unable to overcome the line of energy transformation. Now they live among people in the form of double ghosts. An unnatural quick death, an offense against a murderer or a strong grief of a loved one - all these reasons can bind the soul of a deceased person to the material world and not let go to another world. However, it also happens that a person has committed a murder and his soul rushes between worlds and cannot go to another, since there is not enough energy. And the longer such a soul stays in the world of the living, the more difficult it will be for it to transform. An example of this is the ghosts living in ancient castles or caves. It is worth noting that many clairvoyants communicate with such phantoms and say,that contact with them takes less energy and strength than with other spirits from the other world.


The ghostly doubles that are the predecessors of the real person are called wardogers. In 1850 a strange story happened in London. During recess, two schoolchildren walked along the sidewalk and saw their principal walking towards them. The boys greeted the man, and after walking a few meters, they again saw the director walking towards them. Only later it turned out that the second man turned out to be real. Who, then, is the first?

Phantom double - a harbinger of death

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The human mind is practically unknown, and the power of human thought knows no boundaries. Therefore, a person, without even suspecting, is himself capable of creating mental images in the form of phantoms. And all the images created in the head, under certain conditions, are able to manifest themselves and live their own lives.

Scientists believe that a phantom double often portends the death of a real living person. But sometimes it also happens that doubles are only a projection of the human consciousness of an individual, who is in an unconscious state. It is worth noting that some peoples with a centuries-old culture use parapsychological practice to consciously split a person's personality, but this is available to a few and is usually observed during a period of deep meditation.

Phantom doubles always appear at a certain distance from a person, and they look like exact copies of those who have died very recently, or who are about to die. It looks like a phantom, like an ordinary person, but sometimes it has a translucent or blurry appearance.

Note that a person has always treated the appearance of a double with a certain fear. For a long time, it was believed that such an appearance portends an early death or an incurable disease that will lead to death. For example, shortly before his death, Johann Wolfgang Goethe saw his double, two Russian empresses - Catherine I, and also Anna Ioanovna. In 1923, during a grave illness of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, shortly before his death, the Kremlin also saw the leader's double, and he looked completely healthy.

Another interesting case was recorded by the famous ophthalmologist and academician Vladimir Filatov. In the late 30s of the twentieth century, a close relative of the professor asked him to come and examine his sick mother in order to prescribe her treatment. The elderly woman herself could not move as she was paralyzed. When the professor arrived at the patient, everyone was surprised by his appearance. The fact is that the day before he had already visited the patient, examined her and even prescribed medicine.

Another interesting case happened in 2008 in Belarus. An unknown person was taken to the mental hospital, who was dirty, slovenly dressed, with long uncut hair. The police officers who picked him up at the station tried to find out who he was and where he came from, but it was useless. The homeless man just rolled his eyes and could not answer a single question. Law enforcement officials considered him mentally inadequate and took him to a dispensary. This is where mysticism began! After the homeless man underwent water procedures and was brought into the appropriate form, then everyone saw an exact copy of the head of the psychiatric examination department.

One can imagine the reaction of the leader - a specialist in psychiatry, who, moreover, was an atheist and materialist. And now he saw an exact copy of himself, as if there was a twin brother in front of him. The doctor and his double stared at each other for a long time, but the homeless person's face did not reflect any emotions. But the psychiatrist was greatly impressed by the meeting, and soon suffered a hypertensive crisis.

Five days later, two recidivist criminals escaped from the dispensary, and together with them the double of the head disappeared in a mysterious way. Soon the criminals were caught, but the "twin" was never found. After the events, the head of the department died of a stroke.

Ghosts and phantoms-twins can be found in any places where there is a person, because they appear only near people. Or maybe they exist next to us in a parallel world? Perhaps the doubles live their own lives and the main thing for us is not to worry them, because we cannot know with certainty what is beyond the line. Perhaps to live forever among humans is their destiny?