Phantoms Of Inanimate Objects - Alternative View

Phantoms Of Inanimate Objects - Alternative View
Phantoms Of Inanimate Objects - Alternative View

Video: Phantoms Of Inanimate Objects - Alternative View

Video: Phantoms Of Inanimate Objects - Alternative View
Video: Phantom Movie: "Inanimate" objects! 2024, September

Speaking of a ghost, we usually mean by its prototype a person or an animal, in the extreme case, some mythical, anomalous or "extraterrestrial" creature, but necessarily a creature, that is, something living. However, the clothes of this creature (if you do not mean such organic coverings or elements of the body of ghost animals, such as fur, wool, scales, horns, hooves, claws, teeth) in the image of a person cannot be considered alive, and they are not less seen too!

This circumstance allows us to consider inanimate, inanimate objects as ghosts and ghosts. Indeed, in addition to clothing, a ghost may appear with a cane in his hand and a pipe in his teeth, and even sitting on a chair or in an armchair; elements of the environment can also be seen.

For example, a case is described when a door opened in front of a witness, followed by a ghost of a person who, entering the room, politely closed it behind him. The most curious thing is that the door really could not open in any way, since it was locked with a key! That is, "behaved" in the same way as the ghostly analogue of a living being.

The variety of "non-living" ghosts seems to be as great as the variety of the originals themselves. Quite often “living” and “non-living” ghosts act as a united front, in the form, for example, of a ghostly funeral procession: here is a coffin, flowers, a hearse, horses, and those who see them off. In the hands of a ghost, a hat, flowers, a handkerchief, a handbag, a pet, a cross, or something nowadays sometimes mistaken for a "space" weapon may be in the hands of a ghost. It happens that one sees fire or flame that does not burn.


The functions that "inanimate" ghosts carry, that is, the tasks that they entrust themselves, in most cases do not differ from those assigned to "living" phantoms. Both of them notify of death or portend the arrival of the noseless, inform us of extremely important information for us, or "settle" in any chosen place, making it restless for years and decades.

Perhaps people most often meet with ghost carriages - carriages, cars, buses and even trains. Thus, Abraham Lincoln's funeral train is said to have been seen for several years, each time in April, on the New York Central Railroad, slowly and sadly returning to Illinois, along with a phantom military motorcade.

The Albany Times once reported about him: “He walks silently. Even if the moon is in the sky, clouds immediately cover it, as soon as the train appears. It looks like the rails are covered with black carpet. In the head car there is a coffin guarded by skeletons in blue. Some of them have coffins behind them."

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On one of the roads of Scotland, there is a dangerous turn, where, according to the testimony of many eyewitnesses, a mysterious little blue car has mysteriously appeared and disappeared several times, the same took place near Remsgate, Kent, England.

Of course, before the era of scientific and technological progress, only ghost carriages appeared to people - without a coachman, of course - no one drove them, and therefore all this looked incredibly creepy. However, occasionally they saw a ghost coachman sitting on the irradiation, which also did not add peace of mind to the eyewitnesses.

This is what happened on one far from perfect day in the Scottish town of Co Limerick in 1806. Mr. Ralph Whistropp was dying. The sons sent for the doctor and awaited his arrival. After some time, the sounds of the wheels of the approaching carriage were heard. One of the sons rushed to meet the doctor and saw a huge black carriage approaching the entrance of the mansion. However, she passed by - in the direction of the exit from the estate.

The sons of the dying man rushed after them; they constantly heard the noise of a retreating carriage ahead. When they approached the gate, everything suddenly fell silent, but, oddly enough, there was no carriage anywhere. They questioned the watchman who happened to be at the gate. He not only did not see anything, but also showed the surprised brothers the gate locked with a key and the key itself that was in his pocket.

The doctor arrived a little later, but could no longer help, and the patient died a few hours later.

Sometimes the ghost carriage appears just like that, without any consequences. For example, on one of the August evenings in 1878, a certain major, who lived in an almost deserted area of Scotland, somehow went out to get some fresh air before going to bed. And suddenly he noticed a carriage moving in the direction of the house, pulled by a pair of horses with two coachmen on the box.


Suddenly she turned off the road and rushed straight to the river, not at all heeding the shouts of the major, seeking to warn of the danger. But the carriage, not reaching the shore, turned sharply and rushed back.

The major's son managed to come out with a lantern and make out the passenger. It turned out to be a woman in white - motionless, as if frozen. None of the inhabitants of the carriage honored the owners of the house with any sign of attention.

The major undertook an investigation into a strange incident. There were few neighbors in the area, they all knew each other well, none of them looked like a passenger of a strange crew, whom the Major's wife and daughter had also seen. The major went around all the places where the "carriage" passed, but on the soft and damp soil the evening vision left no trace. The case remained unsolved.

Such visions are widespread on the other side of the ocean. In the last century, there was a lot of talk about the Beacon Hill cliff not far from Boston, from where some strange carriage would headlong off in front of many people, the traces of which no one could find later …

Sometimes death is foreshadowed by the ghosts of other inanimate objects. Here are two cases from the 19th century. The Commissioner of the Naval Ministry, Monsieur Nores, who served on the frigate Melpomene, was told by Lieutenant Joshond du Plessis about such a strange event. One day he was going to visit his parents who lived in a villa in the vicinity of Nantes. Walking along the main alley of the garden towards the villa, he clearly saw a coffin moving along the alley. On the same evening, his mother died suddenly - no one expected such a close end.

Another similar case. One Sunday the mother of the narrator, perfectly healthy, went to church. About an hour later, her son went out to visit one of his friends who lived on the same street. Already approaching his house, he suddenly saw a large golden cross in the sky and, feeling an inexplicable melancholy, for some reason immediately turned to the house.

After a short time he was stopped by an acquaintance: “Have you seen your mother? I hope this is just a swoon, but she had to be carried out of the church. He rushed home, but it was too late - his mother died.