Noah's Ark Or Spaceship? - Alternative View

Noah's Ark Or Spaceship? - Alternative View
Noah's Ark Or Spaceship? - Alternative View

Video: Noah's Ark Or Spaceship? - Alternative View

Video: Noah's Ark Or Spaceship? - Alternative View
Video: Here's What Nobody Told You About Noah's Ark 2024, September

Millions of people have heard or read about the biblical Flood. The Bible tells about the exploit of Noah. Namely, how he on his ship (ark), at the direction of God, saved all life on Earth from the flood.

From time to time, sensational information is heard about the discovery of the ark on the slopes of Mount Ararat. On the other hand, geologists, biologists, paleontologists and other scientists do not find traces of global flooding of the surface of our planet. Life on Earth from the Cambrian to the present day is developing progressively, never and nowhere being interrupted.

To resolve the contradiction between modern science and, probably, the first book of mankind - the Bible, I decided to re-read the chapters about the Flood and came to the paradoxical conclusion: there is no contradiction, the Bible does not contain a statement about a flood on Earth. How did I come to this conclusion? The thing is that I am armed with my hypothesis about the universe, which overthrows many dogmas, I have dedicated my book to this.

The Bible has been copied and translated many times. Willingly or unwittingly, the scribes deviated from the original source, adjusted the content to the flood on Earth. And yet the cosmic footprint in the text is clearly visible. In this discussion, I use part of the text of the four chapters about Noah. So let's get down to reading the Bible.

Chapter 6.

  • 5. And the Lord saw that the corruption of men on earth was great, and that all the thoughts and thoughts of their hearts were evil at all times.
  • 7. And the Lord said; I will destroy from the face of the earth the men whom I have created, from man to cattle. I will destroy the creeping things and the birds of the air, for I repented that I made them. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
  • 13. And God said to Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth was filled with evil by them. And now, I will destroy them from the earth.
  • 14. Make yourself an ark of gopher wood; make compartments in the ark, and coat it with pitch inside and out.
  • 15. And this is how you shall make it: The length of the ark is three hundred cubits, its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits.
  • 16. And make a hole in the ark, and bring it in at the top of the cubit, and make the door to the ark on its side; arrange in it the lower, second and third dwellings.
  • 17. And now I will bring a flood of water on the earth to destroy all flesh in which is the spirit of life under heaven; everything on earth will lose its life.
  • 18. With thee, I will establish my covenant, and you will enter the ark, you and your sons. And your wife and your sons' wives are with you.
  • 19. Bring also into the ark, of all animals and of all flesh, in pairs, so that they may remain with you alive: let them be male and female.

Consider the above passage. The actions of the Higher Reason are not logical. It is necessary for some reason to destroy everything, but at the same time to save. Caprice of Reason? If he is Reason, then he must act rationally and logically. The mood of the Lord is understandable when He saw that "the corruption of men is great." But why make a desert on the planet devoid of any life? The Higher Reason would find a way to punish people. At the same time, God's actions in building the ark and preparing the expedition become consistent and orderly. There is noticeable concern for the preservation of all living things.

Where is the ark going to go? The destination is not marked in the text. They just have to wait out the flood in the ark. Noah built the ark at the direction of God. It follows from this that others could build ships, that is, others could also be saved from the flood. Why was Noah alone saved?

Everything falls into place if we assume that the flood was not on planet Earth. Written exactly - the Flood. In our time, it would be called the Cosmic Flood. Let's start examining the ark, the approximate dimensions of which are 100x16x10 meters. The dimensions are too small to accommodate all living things. For some reason, the door to the ark needs to be made from the side. But remember, please, the landing of the astronauts in the spacecraft. They sit on the side. There is no other place for the door on the rocket. The dimensions of the ark are commensurate with the dimensions of modern spaceships. The authors of the Bible could not write that the height of the ark is 100 meters. Then they would completely confuse the reader. It is not clear from the text the purpose of the tapered elbow-sized hole at the end. Only in our time can it be understood that the authors meant the rocket nozzle. There is not a word about oars or sails on the ark.

Promotional video:

It is known that the best tree for ships is pine. The ark is built from gopher wood. I don't know such a tree. The ark will pray outside and inside. Yes, the sealing of the spacecraft should be very good. That is why the wooden ark, unlike the rest of its kind, is still visible from the inside. How else to write? Primitive people will not understand to talk about vacuum frost-resistant rubber or other seals. The advent of rubber and the writing of the Bible are thousands of years apart.

The ark has “lower, second and third“dwellings”. The word “housing” is in italics. Thanks to the numerous translators and Bible scribes. They told us that the word “housing” is just a term for something else. Many people interpret this word as the deck of a ship. In that case, there would be no italics. On the ship, the “lower, second and third” decks are real living quarters. Of course, the authors wanted to write “lower, second and third stages of the rocket,” but they were afraid that the reader of the Bible would not understand them.

The departure fees are described below. Two generations set off. It is not at all necessary that these were the sons of Noah and the wives of the sons. Noah is 600 years old. There should be grandchildren at this age. No grandchildren. It is written “sons”, probably only in order to smooth out another contradiction - “grace in the sight of the Lord,” besides Noah, had others. Let's continue reading chapter 6 of the Old Testament.

  • 20. Of birds after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, and of all that creep on the earth after their kind, of all of them, a couple of them will come in to you to stay alive.
  • 21. You take for yourself all food to yourself; and it will be food for you and for them.

Why take all the birds? Maybe some will fly or swim? And fish and waterfowl seem to care about the flood? No, there can be no exceptions. They are not able to overcome space. And the beginning of the seventh chapter only confirms the conclusions made.

  • 2. Of every clean cattle, take seven each, male and female; and of all non-clean cattle, take two, male and female.
  • 3. Also of the birds of the air, seven by seven, male and female, in order to preserve the tribe for the whole earth.
  • 4. For seven days later, I will pour rain on the earth forty days and forty nights; and I will destroy all that exists that I have created from the face of the earth.
  • 7. And Noah, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him went into the ark from the waters of the flood.
  • 8. And of clean animals, and of unclean animals, and of all that creep on the earth.

The dimensions of the ark are clearly small to accommodate the entire animal kingdom with fodder and provisions. From the second and third verses it becomes clear that only the seed of the animal kingdom is taken. Such "little things" as plant seeds are not even mentioned. This is followed by the loading of the crew and test tubes "from clean cattle and unclean cattle." Moreover, from the unclean cattle, two seeds or two test tubes are taken. Yes, if you are not sure about the germination of seeds, then have a fallback. Every gardener and gardener knows this. It can already be concluded that Noah is a representative of a very developed lost civilization.

Let's move on to describing the flood:

  • 10. After seven days the waters of the flood came to the earth.
  • 11. In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day, the springs of the great abyss were opened, and the windows of heaven were opened, …
  • 13. This very day Noah entered the ark …
  • 16. And those who entered the male and female priest of all flesh went in, as God commanded him. And the Lord shut up after him.
  • 17. And the flood lasted forty days on the earth, and the water multiplied, and lifted up the ark, and it rose above the earth.
  • 19. And the water on the earth became exceedingly strong, so that all the high mountains that are under heaven were covered.
  • 21. And ALL flesh lost its life …
  • 24. The water became stronger on the earth for one hundred and fifty days.

Verse 11 describes more than just rain or melting snow flooding. Some cosmic phenomena are described here. An explanation of the origin of these sources will be given later on another occasion. Compared to the rest of the description of events, launching the ship is just a trifle. It is marked with a short phrase - "and the Lord shut up after him." How similar it is to modern astronautics. If the pilot lifts the plane himself, the spacecraft is launched.

So that we think, and not read the text automatically, another contradiction is thrown to us: it rained for forty days, and the water intensified for one hundred and fifty. What did the authors of the original source want to say by this? Perhaps, in this way, the cosmic causes of the flood are once again emphasized. There are many numbers in the text. It should be noted that there will be no unnecessary ones.

"And all flesh lost its life …" The inhabitants of the sea must still survive the flood. And the people? That they had no more arks? The answer is near. Noah's ark rose above the earth. Any sea vessel is on the Earth, and does not rise above it. The rocket is another matter. After 190 days of flight, it will be very far from the launch site. I invite the reader to return to the ark. There, in chapter eight, more pleasant events take place.

  • 1. And God remembered Noah, and all the beasts, and all the beasts that were with him in the ark: and God brought the wind on the earth. And the waters stopped.
  • 3. Water gradually returned from the ground, and began to decrease at the end of 150 days.
  • 4. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat.
  • 5. The water gradually decreased until 10 months; on the first day of the 10th month, the tops of the mountains appeared.
  • 6. After 40 days, Noah opened the window he had made in the ark.
  • 7. And he released a raven, which flew out, flew away and flew in, while the earth was dry from the water.
  • 8. Then he released a dove from him to see if the water had left the face of the earth.
  • 9. But the dove found no resting place for its feet and returned to it into the ark; and he stretched out his hand, and took him, and took him into the ark.
  • 10. And he delayed another seven days; and again he sent the dove out of the ark.
  • 11. The dove returned to him in the evening; and, behold, a fresh olive leaf in his mouth; and Noah learned that the water had come down from the earth.
  • 12. He hesitated another 7 days, and released the dove; and he never returned to him.
  • 13. In 601, by the first day, the first month, the water on the earth dried up; And Noah opened the roof of the ark, and looked, and behold the surface of the earth dried up.
  • 14. And in the second month, by the 27th day of the month, the earth dried up.
  • 15. And God said to Noah.
  • 16. Come out of the ark, you, and your wife, and your sons, and your sons' wives with you.
  • 17. Bring all the animals with you.

If you take the text literally, then its content can be reduced to a few words: mooring to a mountain, playing with birds and leaving the ark. But behind this simple plot, the most important information is transmitted to us - earthlings. The main thing in the text is arithmetic and contradictions. Let's start decrypting. Exactly five months later, the ark stopped on the mountains of Ararat. The previous passage says that the water rose for 150 days. The last passage tells us that the water began to decrease at the end of 150 days.

Thus, the ark came to rest on the Ararat mountains during the peak of the flood. But the sea vessel could not stop at the mountain, which is hidden by water. Perhaps the author of the Old Testament forgot that during the flood the water rose higher than the highest mountains? No, he has not forgotten anything. He even highlights the contradiction. So, in the fourth paragraph it is said that the ark stopped on the mountains of Ararat on the seventeenth day of the seventh month. And already the next item says that on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains appeared. Two months and thirteen days passed. We are forced to think and think again.

The authors of the text do not know that long ago, even during the construction of the ark, we guessed that the ark is a spaceship. Our guess easily resolves the next contradiction.

Five months later, the spacecraft entered low-earth orbit, from which the Earth looks like a perfectly round body. Only after landing, two months and thirteen days later, could the peaks of the mountains be seen. A question may arise. Why is it in orbit for so long? There is plenty of work in orbit. We can only assume a few: mapping the surface, studying climatic zones and weather conditions, choosing a landing site, waiting for summer or spring. In choosing the landing site, the astronauts had no room for error. The mistake could have cost them their lives.

Subsequent events are completely inexplicable if we consider them on the assumption that the ark is a sea vessel. The crew of the ship must miss the ground in five months. Here she is. But for a few more months, everyone is in the ark. There must be a good reason for voluntary confinement. The reason is indicated in the text, at first glance, by a meaningless phrase, namely: "And Noah opened the roof of the ark." There is no other mention of the roof in the text. There is no need for a roof either for a sea or a spacecraft. To solve the riddle, a fresh oil leaf comes to the rescue, that is, the appearance of vegetation under the roof. From this we can conclude that the roof was a fence for growing plants. It is difficult to surprise a modern person with a film greenhouse in which plants are grown. Plants release oxygen. That is why the carriage sat in the ark. The Earth's atmosphere did not contain enough oxygen for humans to breathe.

Armed with such a decoding, we will follow the course of events in the habitation of the planet. After landing, the ship, along with the adjacent terrain, is covered with film. Plants are planted. There is not enough oxygen. Work is carried out in spacesuits. 40 days pass. The first fast-growing plants grow. The atmospheric composition begins to change under the roof.

Noah opened a window in the ark he had made and released a raven and a dove in order, of course, to test the influence of the atmosphere on the birds. The behavior of the birds was different. The raven, perhaps, as a scavenger immediately adapted. Noah took the dove into the ark and not at all because there was no resting place for his feet. In the end, a dove could sit on the ark. The window made is mentioned for a reason. On modern space stations, such windows are called an airlock.

Seven days later, the second release of the pigeon follows, which returned with an olive leaf. Clearly, the plants are growing. Noah himself sees this. And about the leaf of oil it was written for us, for our decryption, which we used above. After another seven days, the third release of the pigeon follows, which began to feel great outside the ship. In this place we will not believe the biblical text (forgive us, Lord). Domestic pigeons rarely fly away. Even a crow flies somewhere nearby. They, like canaries in mines, signal the composition of the atmosphere.

The vegetation is fragrant under the roof of the ark. But this is not enough for the team of the ark. Who would like to live in a greenhouse? And Noah removes the roof of the ark so that vegetation can spread around.

Let's check the arithmetic. From the moment of landing, 40 plus 3 times for 7 days have passed, i.e., a total of 61 days. It can be considered differently. On the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains appeared, and on the first day of the first month the roof was removed. As you can see, any calculation turns out to be 2 months.

Another 2 months and 27 days pass and the team leaves the ark. As you can see, it took 2 months for the vegetation to grow under the canopy, and almost 3 months for it to start spreading outside it. Almost everyone knows that plants develop faster in greenhouses, which is why the second digit is greater than the first. The oxygen factory started working, the crew was able to take off the oxygen masks and start settling on Earth the civilization that Noah brought.