Why Do Brownies Come To People? - Alternative View

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Why Do Brownies Come To People? - Alternative View
Why Do Brownies Come To People? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Brownies Come To People? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Brownies Come To People? - Alternative View
Video: Your Brain On Edible Marijuana 2024, June

Perhaps the first place among the stories passed by word of mouth about the supernatural is occupied by stories about brownies. What do they not get up to! And they make noise at night, frightening the owners, and make a mess, and hide things …

The age-old experience of coexistence with such "guests" helped to develop a kind of etiquette of communication with these otherworldly creatures. But no one really knows anything about their nature. Someone claims that these are restless souls who, because of their sins, cannot get into the afterlife, someone considers them to be entities from the lower astral dimension, an evil spirit. And someone is convinced that these are representatives of a certain parallel civilization, capable of becoming invisible.

For worse

As you know, brownies often prophesy some kind of events, most often misfortunes. Young woman Elena from the Trans-Baikal village of Kharanor says:

“My troubles began in February 2004. We then moved to a two-room comfortable apartment. One evening, when my husband Andrey was away, I, as always, put my children to bed and went to bed myself. Already falling asleep, I felt that someone was standing next to me. I ask through a dream: who is here? When did you hear the ominous "Huh?" - numb. And then someone heavy piled on, began to choke. I remember his tightly compressed lips, hooked bird nose. I began to lose consciousness …

And yet she jumped out of bed, barely overcoming her fear. Turned on the light - nobody. His neck hurt terribly. I went to the mirror to look, and saw a long bright red scratch that a cat's paw could leave. But we don't have a cat.

Once my husband, waking up in the middle of the night, saw a human figure at the table. Remembering the instructions of the old people, he asked: "Is this for good or for bad?" The brownie answered in a deaf voice, as if coming out of the ground: "For worse!"

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And then, on Youth Day, at a mass festivities where we went with the whole family, tipsy guys stuck to my friend's husband. And Andrey stood up, as a result he received a knife wound in the chest.

Play - and give it back again

Brownies also like to hide, and then again "put" in place various objects. Raisa S. recalls: “I had a beautiful wallet trimmed with beads. I always carried it with me. Once I received a salary, at home before going to bed I began to sort through things in my purse and discovered that there was no purse with money!

I looked, I looked, I didn't find it. During the day I interviewed all my colleagues at work, but no one saw my wallet. On that and calmed down.

True, I had one assumption: I secretly sinned against my son-in-law. With this thought, I went to bed. And before dawn I see a dream. It’s as if someone’s hand holds out a purse to me, and a man’s voice is heard: "Take it, take it, but don't think badly about others." From this voice I woke up, jumped up, rushed to my purse, opened it, and the purse was lying on top, and my entire salary is intact to a penny!"

Alyosha the healer

In some cases, brownies are kind to people: they even treat human diseases! Tamara P. had a similar experience: “Once I realized that some invisible being lived in my apartment. Before contacting me, it gives off a garlic smell. I will lie down for a minute or two and feel a heart beating on my hand. If I feel hot, then I feel pleasantly cool, and vice versa.

Alyosha's concern (as I call my uninvited tenant) was most fully manifested during the period when I was conducting a healing procedure to cleanse the liver - I drank a mixture consisting of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Once, after taking this medicine, I felt nauseous. Then Alyosha gently scratched my hand with his claws, lay down on his chest, and the nausea stopped.

Crushes and strangles

Unfriendly brownies are very fond of choking or crushing people, sometimes with sexual intentions.

“It happened at noon,” says a girl named Liana. - I was at home alone and watched TV. Suddenly it began to turn off and on again - the electricity went out of business, and after a while it was completely cut out. And only in our apartment. Soon I was drawn to sleep, there was some kind of fatigue. I lie down on the sofa, look towards the door and see: a cat comes up to the headboard. She just wanted to put her hand down and stroke - she disappeared. I look around - the cat is sleeping, curled up on the other side of the room. I think a glitch …

She closed her eyes and fell asleep. But something bothered me in my sleep, I felt that something was interfering … I opened my eyes: to the left, leaning on me, was a translucent man. He put his left leg on top and hugs my chest with his left hand. Fear gripped me. I tried to scream - in vain, the voice disappeared. And not even lift a finger - the body does not obey. She closed her eyes and said: "Chur me!" The figure vanished."

Brownie survives

According to legend, if the brownie does not like someone - expect trouble. Tatiana from Chita was almost driven to suicide by the mystical "owner"!

“Falling asleep, I felt as if someone blew lightly in my face. Deciding that it was a draft, she fell asleep calmly. The next night the breath was repeated, although, oddly enough, the window was closed. I was already asleep when the birds living in the next room woke me up. They rushed about restlessly in the cage, uttering anxious screams. Turning on the night light, I went out into the corridor and heard someone's footsteps and vague muttering … Fear swept over me. I grabbed a knife in the kitchen, put it under the pillow, and after that everything became calm. And in the morning I found a children's spatula on the kitchen table, whose place is in the corridor. Neither I nor my five-year-old son put it there …

As night approached, my soul became somehow painful. There was a feeling that there was someone unkind nearby. When I went to bed, an inexplicable fear gripped. Turning my eyes to the window, I suddenly realized that salvation was there. You just need to decide and step into the black opening. Only when she heard the little son twirling in a dream, she came to her senses.

What attracts brownies?

Probably, readers have already noted one pattern of our narrative: all storytellers are women. So, maybe the point is in the impressionability inherent in the fair sex? Although in one of the stories the heroine's husband also observed a strange creature …

According to legends, brownies live in every dwelling. But why is it not given to everyone to see them? Why are some of them unaware of the presence of these "settlers", while others are constantly disturbed?

Parapsychologists believe that some people do attract brownies. In all likelihood, we are talking about those who have psychic abilities. In addition, there are "restless" houses, where the brownie is rowdy. These entities can pursue the inhabitants of the house, if there is a dysfunctional energy, or on the eve of some events, for example, the misfortune or death of one of the owners or their loved ones.

In any case, if you have a brownie, you should listen to him: clean the energy of the apartment, in other words, sanctify it. It would be nice to go to church and pray. After all, otherworldly forces will not just knock on our lives!