Ancient Civilizations That Few People Have Heard Of - Alternative View

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Ancient Civilizations That Few People Have Heard Of - Alternative View
Ancient Civilizations That Few People Have Heard Of - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Civilizations That Few People Have Heard Of - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Civilizations That Few People Have Heard Of - Alternative View
Video: You Need To Hear This! Our History Is NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations | Graham Hancock 2024, September

What is civilization? Archaeologists use this term to designate a society that has reached a high level of cultural and technical development. Sometimes scientists disagree on what to call a civilization. For example, the Aboriginal people of Australia are considered the oldest society on the planet, but their nomadic lifestyle and lack of infrastructure does not provide a basis for defining them as a civilization. There is a heated debate among scholars regarding the classification of the aborigines.

Most people are aware of the civilizations of the Egyptians, Aztecs and Incas. Nevertheless, there are a huge number of ancient peoples that few have heard of. They also left their mark on history and led a peculiar way of life. Here are 10 representatives of the most ancient civilizations that almost no one knows about.

Indus Valley Civilization 3300-1300 AD BC eh

This civilization was located on the plains near the Indus River. Today this territory is divided between Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. During the excavations, archaeologists were able to find evidence of the existence of farming communities and even entire cities.

The most prominent among them are Mohenjo-Daro ("hill of the dead") and Harappa. Scientists discovered houses with their own wells and bathrooms, and a complex drainage system was located under the cities.

The inhabitants of the valley had their own written language, which archaeologists never managed to decipher. Apparently, the civilization was isolated and had its own language and way of life. The reason for the decline is still unclear.


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Kingdom of Aksum 100-940 n. e

The kingdom of Aksum was located in what is now North Ethiopia. During its heyday, it stretched from the edge of the Sahara in the west to the Arabian Desert in the east.


The inhabitants of Aksum successfully traded with all the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. Contemporaries described the kingdom as one of the four largest powers in the world. Despite this, very little is known about Aksum today and is considered a "lost civilization".

Konar Sandal 4500-3000 BC e

This civilization was located in the city of Giroft in the southern part of Iran. In 2002, a ziggurat (terraced temple structure) was opened here, recognized as one of the largest and oldest in the world. During scientific research, a two-story building with massive walls was discovered, which may have been part of some kind of fortification.


The discovery of a ziggurat during excavations indicates an advanced civilization based on religion. According to scientists, it dates back to around 2200 BC. Unfortunately, this area has been plundered and unauthorized many times, so it is not known how many treasures were lost forever.

Sanliurfa, Turkey

Sanliurfa, located on the territory of modern Turkey, was originally called Urfa. This place boasts many interesting archaeological finds, such as the cave where the prophet Abraham was said to have been born. Not far from Sanliurfa are stones that were hewn before the invention of metal tools. It is noteworthy that they were made 6000 years before the famous Stonehenge. These stones may be the oldest temple complex in the world.


They reach a height of 5 m and are arranged in a circle. The weight reaches 10 tons. The largest circle is about 20 m in diameter, and some of the stones depict animals such as lions, scorpions, vultures, foxes and others. Unfortunately, in 2018, improper conservation work damaged part of the historic site when concrete was poured onto it.

The Vinca civilization 5000–3500 BC BC e

The Vinca civilization is also called the Danube Valley civilization. Some scholars consider its writing, which consisted of approximately 700 characters, one of the earliest. Despite the fact that the language has not been translated, archaeologists believe that it contains numbers and letters. Civilization was distinguished by a developed farming system.

Evidence for the existence of the Vinca civilization has been found on the banks of the Danube. Archaeologists believe that this society existed long before the famous civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt.


The first archaeological evidence was discovered in 1908 near Belgrade. Archaeologists believe that these settlements existed for over 1000 years before they were abandoned. Residents kept animals, raised crops and used a plow-like device. In addition, evidence has been found of copper utensils that were used 1,000 years before their introduction in Europe.

Aryan Kingdom 1500 BC e

Around 1500 BC, a large group of nomads migrated to India. Scholars disagree over whether this mass migration was an escape from a natural disaster or an invasion.


Nevertheless, this migration of peoples was the beginning of the development of a new civilization. The settlers were actively engaged in agriculture. Unfortunately, there is very little historical evidence for this people. He is mentioned in some religious texts, but there is no way to know how accurate the evidence is. Excavations are ongoing.

Mehrgarh 7000 BC BC e

Excavations in Pakistan began in 1974, but little success was achieved due to a lack of government support and constant looting.


The artifacts that were found show a highly developed society with good trade connections. The population was about 25,000 people. During the study, even evidence of the existence of dental surgery was found, which indicates a high level of development of this people. As a result, a large number of mud brick buildings and even an official cemetery were found.

Nineveh 6000-612 BC e

This place was located in the territory of modern Iraq. It is one of the oldest and greatest civilizations in the world. The early period of its development is difficult to recover due to a series of earthquakes. There was a huge library in the city, including about 30,000 clay tablets. Scientists flocked here, the city became a real center for the development of art, science and architecture. Excavation of the ruins began in 1846 and continues to this day. Unfortunately, some of the buildings were damaged during the riots and were damaged by vandals.



This civilization was located south of Egypt in what is now Sudan (main photo). She once ruled Egypt. This region was rich in gold and also had its own written language and culture. The Nubian people were largely assimilated with the Egyptians, but some archaeological evidence of their civilization has survived. Interestingly, the inhabitants of Nubia often portrayed themselves as overweight.

Civilization of Norte Chico 3500-1800 BC e

This civilization existed in Peru and is possibly the oldest known civilization in America. Very little is known about her at this time. Archaeological excavations have unearthed huge structures such as pyramids and the remains of complex irrigation systems. Unfortunately, very little evidence has been found about how people lived in their daily lives. Interestingly, the Norte Chico civilization was one of the few that did not know how to make pottery. Archaeologists believe that they used pumpkins as dishes. Until now, scientists have not been able to find a single example of art or decoration, although it seems that there was some kind of religion.


The settlements were abandoned and the inhabitants disappeared in 1800 BC. e., but it is not clear why. There is no evidence that they were involved in a war or destroyed by a natural disaster. Today Norte Chico is the most mysterious ancient civilization in the world.

Maria Shumskaya