Prophecies Or Shocking Coincidences? - Alternative View

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Prophecies Or Shocking Coincidences? - Alternative View
Prophecies Or Shocking Coincidences? - Alternative View

Video: Prophecies Or Shocking Coincidences? - Alternative View

Video: Prophecies Or Shocking Coincidences? - Alternative View
Video: Top 15 Scary Psychic Predictions That Came TRUE 2024, September

An analysis of world history shows that there were people in the world who had a special gift from nature - the talent of prediction or prophecy. For many centuries, they were treated in different ways: some were considered charlatans, others were idolized, often hypocritically, others generally received a crown of contempt from the people and authorities and were subjected to the death penalty, considering them warlocks.

Where do the roots come from?

The era of the twentieth century can be safely called the heyday of predictions from world diviners. Throughout the entire period, representatives of the elite category of society, rulers and leaders could not do without forecasts of predictors. People like Adolf Hitler, Arthur Conan Doyle, American President Roosevelt and other similar personalities in history preferred to have even personal parapsychologists and clearly adhered to their mysterious prophecies.


True, if these did not come true, or they showed the opposite, the contract between them ended immediately at the same stage, sometimes even more tragically. For example, the Fuhrer resorted to many soothsayers, but he listened more clearly to Karl Kraft, who was quite famous for his skill in mysticism. Many who were in front of him, Hitler sent to concentration camps. Louis de Voll, Karl Kraft, Jane Dixon, Jean Houston - all these astrologers and prophets of that time were known in elite societies, getting to them turned out to be a lot of trouble and it was impossible for an ordinary person.

In the middle of the twentieth century, two soothsayers appeared in the world, who, thanks to their prophecies, became famous until that time. The first most famous person to prove his real ability to predict the future was the American Edgar Cayce. He was able to fully justify himself as a mystic and master of clairvoyance. Many Americans perceived his name as something mystical, since he was engaged in magic, was familiar with reincarnation, mystical healing. Even falling into a trance for Edgar Cayce was not a problem, although he agreed to this very rarely, since after such a procedure he did not feel very good. Among those prophecies that belonged to this mysterious Englishman, there were those that have already come true: the collapse of the USSR, the onset of the first and second world wars on earth.


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One of the many soothsayers of that time is Michel de Nostradamus, whom mankind of all times knows as the great Nostradamus. Throughout his life, this mysterious alchemist left several predictions that were expressed in quatrains. These omens are valid until the end of the world. At present, scientists who are constantly engaged in deciphering the predictions of Nostradamus are ready to claim that seven of them have fully realized themselves.

Even during his life, Nostradamus predicted the sudden death of King Henry II. At the time of the next tournament, there was a nuisance with the Count of Montgomery - the king got a piece of a wooden prong in his eye, and this led to the death of the sovereign. This fulfilled prediction made people start listening to the scientist, who continued to broadcast about the future of the world. He promised that King Louis XIV would be at the center of French rule from 1661, as soon as Cardinal Mazarin died. The heir to the crown of this king was later his grandson Philip V. Nostradamus predicted the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte, whom he called "a prince very expensive for the Italian kingdom." Russia was not left without the fate of Nostradamus. For this country, the seer foreshadowed 73 years of totalitarianism, which was during the period of Bolshevik rule.

The second person was a fortune teller from Bulgaria - Vanga, who had absolutely no eyes, she was blind from birth. Many of the prophecies of this clairvoyant society were able to survive and be convinced of their reality. She predicted the sudden death of Princess Diana in a car accident, which was to take place on the day when Vanga herself left the world of the living. This is exactly what happened. The Bulgarian craftswoman broadcast that the United States would not be able to be the ruler of the whole world, moreover, this country would certainly cease to be omnipotent, forever losing its power over other states.

The famous Vanga spoke about the achievement of unprecedented peaks by the singer Philip Kirkorov who appeared on the music arena. She predicted to this performer the position of the King of the Stage. The reality of such a prophecy can be seen now by looking at the archive of events in the life and work of the singer. The date of death of the ruler of Bulgaria Boris became known also from the words of this woman, who named the specific date of death - August 28, 1943. During the life of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, no one knew that there would be a disaster with the Kursk submarine. The seer clearly spoke of some kind of flooded city where there will be a mass of the dead, but at that time no one could even roughly imagine that this would happen with this particular ship, and as a result, a lot of people would die.


Grigory Rasputin also had a talent for predicting the future. True, this popularity was not as pronounced as that of his predecessors, in the opinion of many, he was just a deceiver. But the mystery of Rasputin still found a place in history as a “knowing” master. His prophecies carried tragedy into the future. One of these broadcasts was the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, about which at that moment no one even thought that this was possible.

In his notes, Rasputin called nuclear power plants - "castles of death around the world." In addition to this disaster, it was said about the flooding in the Far East in 2013. Grigory Rasputin told the public at that time about the upcoming Third World War.


Wolf Grigorievich Messing became one of the mysterious people of the post modern era, who joined the list of soothsayers. This man saw all his predictions in the visions that visited him, which came to mind suddenly, sometimes even at the risk of his life. For the first time this happened to Wolf in Berlin, it was then that he predicted the beginning of World War II, as well as the defeat of the Germans in it. Everything happened on the stage of the theater, in front of many eyewitnesses. According to archival records, Messing spoke without stopping, and after a certain time he simply fell unconscious. Such an event led to persecution of the prophet, who was forced to hide from imminent execution for his insolence towards the Nazis. Later, Wolf even names the date of the Great Victory - May 8, 1945.

The next news from Wolf Messing was the news of the imminent death of Joseph Stalin. He said this to his eyes on the territory of the Kremlin, where he had been previously invited by the leader for a check. For reference, it was even said that there would be a Jewish holiday on that day. Subsequently, this is what happened: Stalin died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage on March 5, 1953, on the holiday of Purim (Jewish).

The most recent and terrifying prophetic promise was the predicted own death of Wolf Messing, he told about its exact date. During his illness, he tried by any means to bypass fate, but even going to the planned operation, he said goodbye to his home for the last time, as he knew that he would never return here alive. At the present time, when the world is full of modern technology and various types of scientific discoveries, many individuals are very skeptical of predictors, but whether it is worth something to happen globally, these people may be the first to run to the prophets and broadcasters for advice, although a few minutes ago they could express negative opinion among other people. If you analyze history, you can see that people who possessed the gift of prophecy have lived on this earth for a long time. Broadcasts of many of them have already come true, some even managed to make a forecast for the distant future.