Russian Clairvoyant Monk Abel Predicted The Cataclysms Of The 21st Century. - Alternative View

Russian Clairvoyant Monk Abel Predicted The Cataclysms Of The 21st Century. - Alternative View
Russian Clairvoyant Monk Abel Predicted The Cataclysms Of The 21st Century. - Alternative View

Video: Russian Clairvoyant Monk Abel Predicted The Cataclysms Of The 21st Century. - Alternative View

Video: Russian Clairvoyant Monk Abel Predicted The Cataclysms Of The 21st Century. - Alternative View
Video: Who is he a monk Abel? 2024, September

It often happens that in such a difficult time, when experts remain silent, millions of people from completely different parts of the globe begin to listen attentively to the predictions of clairvoyants. Of course, all these mystical prophecies can be treated in different ways: you can believe, you can doubt.

This week it became clear that several prophecies, which have been gathering dust in the vaults of America, Great Britain and Russia for many years, agree on one thing: "And people will leave their lands and go on the run, and the Russian State is destined to become the center of the new world."

One of those who said this two centuries ago was the Russian monk Abel. Few people know that there was such a Russian Nostradamus, who, during his life in various monasteries, managed to predict the time and cause of death of all Russian tsars, wars and even modern revolutions.

The biography of the soothsayer is shrouded in many secrets and mysteries. He was born into a peasant family, studied carpentry, but suddenly decided to go to a monastery. There, according to a number of historians, Abel began to have strange visions, which the monk wrote down and immediately encoded into pictures.

On one of the sheets of paper, he indicated the exact date of the death of the empress, for which he was immediately put in a prison. Then he predicted the short reign of Paul I. And here is the last record about Russia in the XX century. It is not difficult to guess what and who are we talking about.

From Abel's prediction: “New Batu will raise his hand. But the Russian power will rise, Batu will collapse, will not stand it."

Of course, everyone wants to know if Abel said anything about our days. What is surprising is that when you read the prophecies of a monk, you get the feeling that you are watching a report on TV.

In his predictions, Abel rarely gives exact dates, which is why the number 2024 instantly attracts attention. Who knows, but maybe the answer to the question is hidden there, without which not a single large press conference of Vladimir Putin can do: will he run for the next term and has he not found someone for his successors?

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