Scientists Have Found Out Whether It Is Possible To Defeat The Coronavirus With Vodka - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Out Whether It Is Possible To Defeat The Coronavirus With Vodka - Alternative View
Scientists Have Found Out Whether It Is Possible To Defeat The Coronavirus With Vodka - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Found Out Whether It Is Possible To Defeat The Coronavirus With Vodka - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Found Out Whether It Is Possible To Defeat The Coronavirus With Vodka - Alternative View
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Information has appeared that alcohol with a concentration of 30% or more may be effective against coronavirus.

In the electronic library, owned by the American laboratory Cold Spring Harbor (New York), published an article about the testing of antiseptics by WHO. According to the results of the experiment, alcohol (ethanol and propanol) with a concentration of 30% or more can be effective in suppressing coronavirus.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is world renowned for its research in oncology, neurobiology, plant genetics, and bioinformatics. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the information published in the bioRxiv electronic library is not considered scientifically proven in the strict sense of the word, these are only the current results of antiseptic testing. The test results are submitted for discussion by the scientific community.

But nevertheless, these are very important results!

It all started with an experiment: scientists tested antiseptics with an alcohol concentration of at least 60%, as recommended by the WHO. Solutions with such a high concentration of ethanol and propanol, when interacting with the new virus, killed it within 30 seconds.

"What if the concentration is lowered?" - thought the scientists. And empirically found out that the solutions remain effective even at an alcohol concentration of 30%. Biologists have suggested that alcohol solutions with an alcohol concentration of 30% or more may be effective for hand disinfection and will effectively resist the spread of coronavirus. Also, the solutions can probably be used to disinfect surfaces in public places and medical facilities.

This is more than encouraging news for us. So, you can still disinfect everything around with ordinary vodka! Well, if, of course, American scientists manage to prove the conclusions of their tests. And we will definitely follow this.

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