Is The War In Syria Part Of The Second Coming? - Alternative View

Is The War In Syria Part Of The Second Coming? - Alternative View
Is The War In Syria Part Of The Second Coming? - Alternative View

Video: Is The War In Syria Part Of The Second Coming? - Alternative View

Video: Is The War In Syria Part Of The Second Coming? - Alternative View
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In the Muslim and Christian tradition, the promised second coming of Isa bin Miriam (Jesus Christ) is directly related to the city of Damascus and this has given rise to many Christians and Muslims to re-read their Scriptures in the context of the current tragic events in Syria.

Christians turn to the Old Testament book of the prophet Isaiah (Isa 17: 1), which says: “Behold, Damascus is excluded from the number of cities and will be a heap of ruins” (synodal translation).

All further content of the 17th chapter of Isaiah is understood as a description of the "last war" - Armageddon. The opinions of Christians are divided here: some consider this prophecy about the invasion of the Assyrians in 732 BC, as a result of which Damascus was destroyed, others - a vision of the last days of mankind.

Muslims, however, rely on the following verse from the sura "al-Nisa" (Koran 4: 159 "):" Among the people of the Scripture there will be no one who does not believe in him until his death, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them "(Tafsir Yusuf Ali points out that among commentators there is no consensus on who the phrase “before his death” refers to. Most commentators who adhere to the traditional point of view that Isa did not die on the cross, but was taken by Allah to heaven and therefore lives incarnate, refers to him, because according to the extra-cranial tradition, Isa will come at the end of time and fight the Dajjal, preparing the way for Imam Mahdi. Then general death will follow, and after it - the Resurrection and Judgment. A minority of commentators believe that the phrase refers to the "People of the Scripture.").

More clearly and unambiguously, the connection between the personality of Isa is indicated by the hadith (Sahih-Muslim, book 41, hadith 7015), which says: “Allah will send down the Messiah, the son of Miriam, and he will go down to the white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus, dressed in a saffron-colored robe and putting his hands on the wings of two angels."

Imam Abdullah Antepli, a Muslim "chaplain" at Duke University in the United States, explained to the Huffington Post: “There are two points of view in Islam about this kind of prophecy. Some Muslims are of the opinion that such prophecies should be understood literally as they are stated in the Quran and hadiths.

However, most of the followers of our religion interpret them allegorically, not literally. So for me, as for a Muslim imam, such a prophecy means the unity of Christians and Muslims at the end of time and their joint actions to build a kingdom of peace and justice on earth. And this does not require the immediate presence of Christ."

And here is the Christian point of view, expressed by Professor David Lawse of Luther Seminary, author of the book "Giving Meaning to the Scriptures": present. If you look closely at the text of the Bible, you will see in it allegorical descriptions of events already taking place."

Promotional video:

Yasmin Hafiz, Huffington post