Prophecies Of The Hopi Indians - Alternative View

Prophecies Of The Hopi Indians - Alternative View
Prophecies Of The Hopi Indians - Alternative View

Video: Prophecies Of The Hopi Indians - Alternative View

Video: Prophecies Of The Hopi Indians - Alternative View
Video: Randy Hayes: The Hopi prophecy of our world 2024, September

The mysterious Indian culture has always attracted the attention of Europeans. Maya, Aztecs, Incas, Toltecs … There is another Indian tribe, which is not so widely known, but lately it makes people talk about themselves more and more. We are talking about the Hopi tribe. And about his prophecies.

This tribe still lives on the US reservations and numbers about 6 thousand people. The Hopi believe that their ancestors long ago came from the depths of the earth, where they lived in giant underground dwellings.

After reaching the surface, the great-grandfathers of the Hopi scattered all over the world and only many years later "at the behest of the spirits" gathered and settled in Arizona, where they still live. For more than a millennium, nothing has changed here.

The tribe is divided into thirty clans, which are ruled by elders. At the same time, they take on the position of shaman, establishing contact with the afterlife. Most often, elders are born with the ability to see the future and heal diseases.

Even the Hopi entered the new millennium by erecting special structures called kivas, where they perform mysterious rituals for contact with the spirits of the dead.

During the winter solstice, the shaman goes to kivas and there, as he says, he sees the events that are coming both for his fellow tribesmen and for the entire planet.

The Hopi language lacks such a word as time. They only use "now". Every Indian understands that time is a constant energetic movement that has no past or future. All Hopi know how to use the mind of their dead great-grandfathers and, accordingly, are able to turn to them for parting words in difficult times.

Communication with representatives of the afterlife takes place in small rooms dug very deep underground. In fact, all Indians have such a personal underground room, and the conversation with the souls of the deceased sometimes stretches for more than one day.

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The most important for the Hopi Indians are the ancient blocks of stone, preserved by shamans for centuries. The messages of the first Indians rest on the boulders. As the Hopi say, there is information about the fate of the whole world. In addition, the most powerful shaman regularly "receives" fresh messages from heaven, which reach the President of the United States.

Individual predictions have not yet been widely publicized. The White House's parapsychologists dissect the symbolic messages the Hopi convey to them and try to ward off any emerging danger.

Now attention to the Hopi Indian tribe has risen to unusual heights, especially in the wake of the disaster that occurred in America on September 11, 2002. It turned out that the Hopi predictions mentioned him, but initially the government did not pay much attention to them.

The first Hopi prophecy was published in 1959 as a rotator-printed mailing list and distributed to American Methodist and Presbyterian pastors.

The legend of his appearance is as follows. In the summer of 1958, driving through the desert in the southwestern United States, a pastor named David Jung took an elderly Hopi Indian into his car. After sitting, according to Indian custom, for some time in silence, the elder began to speak …

The pastor learned that the old man's name is White Feather and he is from the ancient Bear family. Throughout his life, the old man has been collecting ancient and secret knowledge of the Hopi and the same ancient prophecies, but his life is coming to an end and he has no one to transfer them to - his sons have already died.

Then we talked about nine signs that foreshadow the appearance of Pakan, the missing White Brother of the Hopi people. As proof that he is a white Brother, Pakan will bring with him symbols - a clockwise swastika (salt sign) - a sacred symbol of the Hopi and other Indian tribes, and a lost corner of the table kept by the Hopi elders. (It was about four stone tablets, which depict the history of the Hopi and their prophecies. The corner of the second tablet is broken off.)

The first sign spoke of the coming of white-skinned people, similar to Pakan, but not living like him. These people will take the land that does not belong to them, and their enemies will be struck with thunder.

In the second - that the Indians recognize the wheel, which will be given to them by alien white-skinned people.

In the third - about a strange cattle, similar to buffalo, but with large long horns, which will cover the earth in myriad numbers. This is the white man's cattle.

In the fourth and fifth - that the earth will be entwined with iron snakes (railways) and a giant web (electric and telephone lines, the Internet, etc.).

In the sixth - that the earth will be crossed (in all directions) by stone rivers that produce images (highways. In hot weather, mirages and haze appear on them).

In the seventh - that the sea turned black and many living creatures die from this. (There were no catastrophic oil spills in 1958.)

In the eighth - that many youngsters who wear long hair, like the Hopi people, will come and join the tribal peoples (i.e. the Indians) in order to learn their customs and wisdom. (The first hippies did not appear until six years later.)

In the ninth - that there will be dwellings in the heavens, high above the earth, one of which will fall to the ground with a terrible roar. It will be like a blue star.

Soon after, the rituals of the Hopi people will end. (It was either about the crash of the Skylab space station in 1978, or the flooding of the Mir station.)

The most interesting thing is that the Hopi have ceased to perform certain rituals forever. But the Hopi believe that while they perform their rituals, the planet exists, and if they stop doing this, the Earth will very soon perish. Throughout the year, according to a complex calendar, special rituals are held several times a month, the task of which is to maintain the state of our noosphere, i.e. balance of relations between man and the subtle world. This philosophy permeates the entire existence of the Hopi, and their entire life and life are subordinated to this messianic role.

The old man also said that great destruction was coming. The earth will wobble (it will roll over and over). White people will fight with other people, in other countries - those who have gained the first light of wisdom (obviously, the war in the Middle East, the cradle of ancient knowledge).

There will be many huge pillars of fire and smoke, like the ones that white people make in the desert not far from here (nuclear tests in Nevada). But these will produce infection and great death.

Other Hopi prophecies, which have been collected by a variety of researchers, speak of the Third World War. It, according to the Indians, will be started by one of those countries that were the first to receive enlightenment.

American civilization (land and peoples) is destined to perish in this war. Only those who live a peaceful life according to the precepts of the Hopi will be saved. They will not be touched by either the war or the ensuing global cataclysm, for they have already moved (in spirit) to the coming Fifth World. (The Fourth World, according to the Hopi, ends.)

The Third World War will be a spiritual conflict against material values. Material values will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain on earth to create a single world and a single people - the world of the Creator.

Pakana, the White Brother of the Hopi, will come with two assistants. When the end of the Fourth World is near, these two powerful assistants will shake the earth.

If the work of these powerful assistants fails, then instead of a peaceful transition to the Fifth World, a period of complete lawlessness of Koyaaniskatzi will begin, and the world will cease to exist: "A pumpkin full of ashes will fall from the sky to the ground, and many will die from a terrible ulcer that is in this ashes." …

The very ancient stone tablets kept by the Hopi Indians speak of three ancient civilizations that disappeared from fire, from glaciation and from a flood. The present civilization is outlined in amazing detail. For example, the tablets say that people living in different parts of the Earth will communicate with each other along the threads stretched in the sky and underground, that thinking machines will be created. Nuclear weapons are described as a device of overwhelming power that produces a mushroom cloud.

These tablets were shown by Hopi elder Martin Gashweseoma at a press conference he convened ahead of the war with Iraq (known as Operation Desert Storm).

According to the prophecies contained in them, the attack on Iraq was the beginning of the Third World War. The prophecies said that the first stage of the war would be local, but after a while it would develop into the next phase - nuclear.

However, it should be emphasized that according to the ancient Hopi texts, even the beginning of a nuclear war is not yet the end of humanity: the world will be saved by the White Brother. He will protect the righteous from the rest of the aggressive, selfish and greedy world. But first, humanity will have to pay a certain price for its arrogance and unreasonableness, for its inability to live in harmony with the world.

It is curious that the Hopi predicted at one time the beginning of the First World War. This happened on March 27, 1911. The then Hopi leader Yukiuma warned US President Taft of the impending threat to peace.

The recording of the conversation has been preserved. But no one listened to the prophecy. Just as they did not listen in the late 30s, when the Hopi predicted the outbreak of World War II.

Disastrous earthquakes in California, Japan and Turkey were predicted by the Hopi to the nearest day. Tribal elders warned the world about the comet's impact on another planet in July 1994 (This is the Shoemaker-Levy comet, 21 fragments of which fell on Jupiter.)

Until 2020, Hopi spirits warn of global climate change, increased solar activity and air temperature.

Until 2035, numerous natural disasters and celestial phenomena may occur, which will clear the planet of "extra" earthlings. A mysterious disease will contribute to this and mow down humanity like a plague. She will collect numerous victims, for it will not be possible to find a cure for her.

The Hopi also talk about “machines from heaven” that will save those who follow the voice of reason and live in harmony with the world; talk about houses on the moon and red earth; about a new bright star that will soon appear in the sky.

(Incidentally, NASA employees recently discovered an unusual object several hundred times the size of the Sun. The object is still far from our system. The funny thing is that the information obtained through telescopes is completely identical to the stories of the Hopi Indians.)

Another prophecy, passed down from generation to generation, says, apparently, about the method of cloning people: "A wife without the help of her husband can have children, and everyone will begin to reproduce himself."

All this may not be believed, but over the past hundred years, many Hopi prophecies have already come true. Therefore, experts now pay special attention to the prediction of this amazing Indian people.

Using their experience in our modern civilization will help create a more harmonious and internally holistic culture, overcome the negative experience of a consumer society. Of no small interest is the study of the mechanisms of awakening paranormal abilities through initiation rites.