In 2021, Due To The Inversion Of The Poles, The End Of The World Will Occur - - Alternative View

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In 2021, Due To The Inversion Of The Poles, The End Of The World Will Occur - - Alternative View
In 2021, Due To The Inversion Of The Poles, The End Of The World Will Occur - - Alternative View

Video: In 2021, Due To The Inversion Of The Poles, The End Of The World Will Occur - - Alternative View

Video: In 2021, Due To The Inversion Of The Poles, The End Of The World Will Occur - - Alternative View
Video: What Will Happen When Earth's North And South Pole Flip? 2024, September

Throughout its existence, humanity has been preparing for the end of the world. Scientists have repeatedly made predictions about the apocalypse, now there is new information on this topic, according to which it will come in 2021.

Magnetic pole inversion

The Sumerians, representatives of the Mayan tribe and modern scientists have repeatedly spoken about the cessation of life on Earth. In 2017, humanity managed to survive several ends of the world without visible consequences. However, now experts are again talking about a possible apocalypse. The closest and most probable end of the world is associated with the inversion of the poles. According to this theory, the South and North Poles will swap places in the near future. As a result, there will be some weakening of the Earth's magnetic pole.

Scientists could not establish with what frequency the corresponding process occurs. In their opinion, the end of the world will come in 2021. It is noted that the last change of the poles took place 780 thousand years ago. It is obvious that no one knows what consequences this process has led in the past. In this regard, researchers tend to fear only the worst, for example, an increase in volcanic activity. In addition, a collapse of electrical systems may occur.

However, scientists say that the situation is not so dire, since the change of poles cannot lead to the death of all mankind. This process will lead to a weakening of the planet's protection from gamma-ray bursts, solar wind, cosmic best and stellar flares.

Predictions of Nosradamus

As for the prediction of Nostradamus, the Earth should go out of orbit in 2023. To date, scientists cannot provide any official facts that would confirm this theory.

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Asteroid Apophis

The next hypothesis of scientists is based on scientific calculations. According to them, the apocalypse should be expected either in 2029 or in 2036, since there will be a collision with Apophis. This asteroid should approach the Earth at a record close distance, after which the planet can radically change its trajectory.

Apophis was first discovered by the Kitt Peak lab staff back in 2004. The asteroid got its name from the ancient Greek god-destroyer, who appeared in the form of a large serpent that lived in the underworld. Also, the creature tried to destroy all living things every time the sun went down.


Theoretically, if a celestial body with a diameter of 240 meters really collides with the Earth, then the consequences can be the most unpredictable. According to research by NASA employees, the power of the explosion could reach 506 megatons. In the event of an asteroid falling to Earth, a crater is formed, the diameter of which will be about 6 kilometers. As a result, within a radius of 100 kilometers, earthlings will feel an earthquake of at least five points on the Richter scale. In the event of Apophis falling into the sea or ocean, a tsunami will occur, capable of destroying all life at a distance of up to 300 kilometers.

However, scientists from the United States in 2013 analyzed the trajectory of the asteroid, with the result that they came to the conclusion that in 2029 the object will not collide with the Earth. In their opinion, no lasting consequences will occur.

Newton's theory

Another most common theory of the onset of the apocalypse was calculated by the scientist Isaac Newton. This famous researcher, who is the founder of modern physics, was fond of studying the Bible. As a result, he managed to establish the exact date of the death of humanity.

Newton outlined his findings in a letter that he sent to a friend. In 1936, the text was put up for auction. The experts managed to analyze the message only in 2002. The Bible recorded the end of the world in 1260 after Christmas. Using his own calculations, the scientist determined that humanity will die in 2060.

Death by the Sun

Many groups of international scientists tried to establish the exact date of the apocalypse. They concluded that the universe is gradually dying. According to researchers, over the past several billion years, it has faded at least twice. As a result, one hundred trillion years separate humanity from complete darkness.


One of the theories claims that the inhabitants of the Earth will be killed by the Sun. In the future, the Star will begin to grow more intensively, turning into a huge red giant. The planet Mercury is predicted to be the first to disappear, followed by Venus. After that, death awaits the Earth.

Scientists believe that humanity needs to colonize other planets, such as Mars or Jupiter. There should be water in the form of ice on celestial bodies.

The disaster of nanotechnology

The following hypothesis is inherently fantastic. Its author is the futurist and scientist Alexei Turchin. According to him, in 2020-2040 there will be a disaster from nanotechnology, which will become uncontrollable. The probability of the apocalypse coming during this period is 50%.

Volcano yellowstone

According to scientists, it is the Yellowstone volcano that poses a great danger to the inhabitants of the Earth. The last time it erupted was about 600 thousand years ago, as a result of which thousands of cubic meters of ash fell on the planet's surface. In the future, researchers predict a global catastrophe that will lead to destruction and death of all living beings. The so-called "volcanic winter" may also come.


Hawking's theory

Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking believes that humanity must leave the Earth within the next millennium, otherwise it will face inevitable death. According to the researcher, it is necessary to tackle the exploration of outer space more closely, since life on the planet will become impossible due to the massive formation of black holes.

Thus, there are many doomsday theories. Earlier, earthlings were predicted death, but so far none of the predictions has come true. Today, no one knows for sure when humanity will die out and what exactly awaits it in the future.

Valeria Orlova