Armageddon Scenarios - Alternative View

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Armageddon Scenarios - Alternative View
Armageddon Scenarios - Alternative View

Video: Armageddon Scenarios - Alternative View

Video: Armageddon Scenarios - Alternative View
Video: Zombie Apocalypse Scenario (SEMI REALISTIC) 2024, September

2012 will be remembered by the world for the fact that it was at this time that the end of the world was expected. In fact, this event has already been appointed many times, but it was in December 2012 that the Mayan calendar ended, which many interpreted as a prediction of the onset of the apocalypse. For the upcoming event, some prepared very thoroughly - stocked up with food and medicine, equipped shelters and bunkers. But the year ended, and the end of the world never came. New dates for the end of the world are periodically appointed, but few know whether this problem is so urgent.

Threat from space

The most common scenario in apocalyptic films is an asteroid falling to Earth. It is especially colorfully played in the movie Armageddon, where a team of brave drillers save the planet from destruction. In fact, the danger of a global catastrophe from the fall of a celestial body is quite real. On our planet, there are many traces of collisions with such bodies, some of which are of impressive size. So, the diameter of the crater, located in Arizona, exceeds 1 km, and in Canada there is a crater, the diameter of which reaches 200 km. Therefore, the probability of a collision with a large cosmic body is still there, but it is not so great. In addition, today technology makes it possible to detect such objects in advance and calculate their flight path. There are also projects to protect against such guests from space,the main problem is financing.

global flood

The flood, which destroyed all living things, is mentioned in the legends of many peoples, which did not intersect with each other in any way. And later, geologists in different parts of the planet also found material traces of this giant flood, which actually occurred in the past. The exact date of the cataclysm has not yet been determined, but according to rough estimates, it happened about about 9 thousand years ago. Experts hypothesize what could have caused a similar catastrophe that destroyed most of the life on the planet. One of these versions is a tectonic cataclysm, as a result of which the lithospheric plates rotated, and the ocean water, under the influence of inertial forces, swept across the continents in a giant wave, washing away all living things. As a result of the large shift of the lithosphere, the relief of the Earth became completely different, and most of the living died. There is an assumptionthat such "cranks" of the lithosphere occur with a regularity of about 10 thousand years, so there is a likelihood of a repetition of the disaster. Polar ice can lead to destabilization of the earth's crust. With an increase in their mass to a certain critical value, coupled with the rotation of the Earth, the ice begins to affect the lithosphere. The lithosphere, in turn, "floats" on the mantle, therefore, at a certain critical moment, under the pressure of ice, it begins its movement. Computer models have shown that if this happens, the North Pole will be in the area of the Japanese islands, and the equator will be located in the Ural Mountains, which will turn into islands. But it is possible that the flood will not be repeated in the future - thanks to atmospheric pollution, polar ice does not grow today, but on the contrary decreases. Therefore, press with such force that will unbalance the lithosphere,they cannot. At the same time, continuing to pollute the environment is also wrong. This problem requires a rational solution in order to ultimately prevent disaster and keep the planet clean.

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Artificial Intelligence

Modern technologies have made life comfortable and saved from many problems, but they can also cause the end of the world, as some scientists believe. So, Professor Hawking adhered to the idea that humanity will be destroyed by artificial intelligence, which at one fine moment realized itself. As a result, he can take people for unnecessary ballast, which is worth getting rid of. Such fears are not unfounded, as the most important industries and areas are gradually coming under the control of computers. As a result, it may turn out that people cannot even turn off the power supply, because it will also be controlled by machines.

Such dire scenarios can become a reality, as computing power is constantly growing, and there are already working models of artificial intelligence. But humanity has a more realistic chance of perishing even faster, for example, in a nuclear conflict. This probability is quite real, since today a number of states possess nuclear weapons, and the situation in the world is unstable. To prevent this from happening, humanity should seriously think about the consequences of their actions.

Our planet is a unique world, where life is supported by a delicate balance that can be easily disturbed. Therefore, people need to remember that there is no other such world and take care of their planet.