The Nazis Were Preparing A Telepathic Dog To Destroy Stalin - Alternative View

The Nazis Were Preparing A Telepathic Dog To Destroy Stalin - Alternative View
The Nazis Were Preparing A Telepathic Dog To Destroy Stalin - Alternative View

Video: The Nazis Were Preparing A Telepathic Dog To Destroy Stalin - Alternative View

Video: The Nazis Were Preparing A Telepathic Dog To Destroy Stalin - Alternative View
Video: Hitler's Dog Blondi 2024, October

The correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Evgeny Chernykh recently told about the secret Nazi program for the development of superpowers in dogs. He found this information in the book “Stalin. The whole truth about the "father of nations" from the "Golden series of mysteries of history."

According to the journalist, the book contains information according to which “the fascists had a secret school for training telepathic dogs. Reichsfuehrer Himmler, who supervised it, developed a whole operation "Schwarzi" (Chernysh). To mystically train a puppy of Hitler's favorite German shepherd, Blondie, and give it to Stalin through the leadership of a neutral European country, whose diplomat was secretly fed by the Nazis. At the right time, Chernysh, on the telepathic order of a trainer from Germany, will gnaw Joseph Vissarionovich's throat in the Kremlin. A sort of version of the immortal "Dog of the Baskervilles" by Conan Doyle. By the way, he is also a mystic who was engaged in British intelligence in spiritualism and other anomalous devilry.

And that, for a reason, many dog lovers believe that their pets have telepathic abilities, understand the owner without words and commands, as if they “read minds”, “learn” about his arrival long before, wait at the door … And the dogs also anticipate trouble. There is a popular sign: a dog howls - to be dead.

The famous Russian trainer Vladimir Durov also believed in animal "telepathy". His pets performed real miracles in the circus arena. The academician-psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev was also interested in telepathy. In 1919, the academician, at the suggestion of Durov, conducted the first series of experiments with him in Petrograd on the mental suggestion of orders to animals.


“A number of experiments were carried out in my apartment on a small male dog named Pikki of the Fox Terrier breed, very lively and nimble by nature,” Bekhterev himself described the experiment. - In the afternoon, in the presence of several members of my family, including two doctors - O. Bekhtereva-Nikonova and E. Vorobyova …

Pikki easily completed all the mental tasks of those present … In order to have complete confidence, I decided to do a similar experiment myself, without telling anyone what I was thinking … behind me in a distance of about 1 fathom, and, jumping on it, sit down. Concentrating like this for about 1/2 - 3/4 minutes, I let go of the dog, and before I had time to look around, the dog was already sitting on a round chair. The task that Pikki performed in this case, as mentioned, was not known to anyone but myself, for I did not consult with anyone on this matter, and, nevertheless, Pikki solved my secret without the slightest difficulty."

Later Bekhterev and Durov conducted several thousand experiments to study telepathy in humans and animals. Some - at the Bekhterev Institute of the Brain in Leningrad, the other - in Moscow, where Durov founded the Practical Laboratory of Zoopsychology. In 1921 alone, 1278 experiments of mental suggestion to animals took place with the participation of scientists from Moscow University. Those. all in science. Result: successful experiments - 696, unsuccessful - 582.

Promotional video:

Joint experiments ceased only in 1927. The vigorous academician died suddenly immediately after a trip to the Bolshoi Theater to Swan Lake. Telepathy is no sideways here. Poisoned. The official version is low-quality sandwiches in the buffet of the country's main theater. Unofficial - the Chekists poisoned by order of Stalin.

I do not exclude that the Nazis, who came to power in Germany in the early 30s, found out about Bekhterev-Durov's canine telepathy. There were many mystics and occultists among the leadership of the Third Reich. No wonder that the SS had a secret magical organization "Ahnenerbe" with broad powers and big money.

It seems that on the personal instructions of the Fuhrer in the 30s in the town of Leuthenberg (Thuringia) a secret "Animal School of Languages" (Tier-Sprechschule ASRA) was opened. If anything, it was one of Hitler's favorite projects.


School principal Margaret Schmidt and her assistants tried to instill in four-legged students - don't fall out of your chair! - the skills of speech, reading and writing. Fantastic?

Here is what Dr. Ian Bondeson from Cardiff University (UK) writes: “In the 1920s, a fashion for“animal psychologists”began in Germany, who promoted a high level of canine intelligence and their ability to think abstractly. Proponents of this fashion sincerely believed that dogs are almost as smart as humans. And all they need to start communicating with a person is to master the alphabet.

Nazi philosophy also implied a deep connection between man and nature, including dogs.

During the war, under the auspices of the SS, "animal psychologists" conducted very strange experiments with "educated dogs." Reichsführer Himmler supplied the four-legged students to the animal school. Therefore, after training, they had to automatically replenish the SS troops. It was assumed that "talking and writing dogs" would guard concentration camps and other security facilities, and the freed SS men would go to the front. Hitler himself several times drew the attention of the Wehrmacht leadership to the prospects of using dogs at the front. In 2011, Dr. Bondeson even published a book, Amazing Dogs, with a chapter on Hitler’s Animal School of Languages. Written after examining the Nazi archives.

The best cynologists in Germany worked at the School. What are the successes? The "excellent students" allegedly recognized and independently chose the necessary letters of the German alphabet. Pointing at them with a paw, they could form words and sentences. And one shepherd dog seemed to even learn to pronounce in a human voice: "My Fuhrer!"

Was it really knowledge or just circus tricks? The nephew of the headmistress of the special school, Margaret Schmidt, Thomas later recalled that before the war, the boy saw in the town many dogs of different breeds, performing miracles. They pressed some kind of buttons in mechanical devices. And they seemed to be trying to speak.

Sebastian Hein of the Munich Institute for Contemporary German History confirms: “In the Third Reich there was a place and a circus. The animals were taught a variety of tricks. The fascists provided the trainers with all kinds of support and took care of the "talking dogs".

In a special school, Margaret Schmidt allegedly underwent training and the "telepathic terrorist" Schwarzi, imprisoned for Stalin himself. But for some reason the special operation did not work out. And at the end of March 1945, Himmler invited the Fuhrer to train Schwarzi's mother, Blondie, on Stalin. Already without any telepathy. Like, at "H o'clock" Hitler will leave besieged Berlin by plane, and Blondie will remain in the bunker. The Russians will definitely show the Fuhrer's famous favorite Stalin. Then the shepherd dog will grab the Kremlin leader's throat. The General Secretary is finished! Enraged Hitler ordered to arrest Himmler for his plans alive pass his beloved Blondie to the hated Russians.

“I don’t consider the“telepathic dog school”in Nazi Germany to be a fantasy, except for the tale about the dog-killer of Stalin,” says Alexander Rudakov, a veteran of the special services, author of the book Secret Genetic, Financial and Intelligence Programs of the Third Reich. - Why did the Nazis take up this topic? Hitler personified himself with a wolf. His name Adolf means "noble wolf". Compiled from the ancient German words "adal" (noble) and "wolf" (wolf). No wonder the main headquarters of the Fuehrer in the forests of East Prussia was called the "Wolf's Lair" ("Wolfsschanze"). Hitler was very fond of dogs, the closest relatives of wolves. Even during the First World War, he was photographed with dogs. The last favorite, the German shepherd Blondie, was given to him in 41 by Martin Bormann. The Fuhrer constantly communicated with her, almost discussed plans for military operations. Together they passed away in the 45th. Himmler, Koch, and many other high-ranking Nazis had dogs.

To please the leader, in "Ahnenerbe" they did everything that he said in personal conversations about the most intelligent and devoted animal that will never betray, will always protect the owner.

The very breed of the German Shepherd, one of the three smartest dogs on the planet, comes from German watchdogs mixed with the blood of an Indian wolf. The tribes were once Indo-Germanic. And the secret occult organization "Ahnenerbe" is translated as "Legacy of the ancestors." It was legalized on August 9, 1937, with the transfer of the entire rich research base to the "Black Order of the SS". The certificate signed by Heinrich Himmler is now kept in the archives of Amsterdam. The Reichsfuehrer himself became the president of this Society. The entire intelligence and counterintelligence structure of the Main Directorate of Imperial Security was created to provide information and operational support for the secret project "Ahnenerbe".

It had 52 scientific directions, over 400 divisions. In addition to astrology, palmistry, occultism, telepathy, herbal medicine, folk medicine, dowsing, they were engaged in an atomic project, plasma, climatic weapons. Many developments were later implemented in the USSR and the USA. For example, one of the heads of the Ahnenerbe subdivisions, Werner von Braun, after the defeat of fascism, became the leading rocket officer in the United States. And a number of scientists from this esoteric structure worked on the creation of the Soviet atomic bomb. Do not be confused by pseudoscientific terms such as occultism. The Nazis were practitioners; they all sought to use the army for the good. For example, in the town of Gerdruf (Thuringia) there was an experimental farm where Tibetan ponies, unpretentious Mongolian horses, were crossed with European breeds. To breed the perfect warhorse!Dr. Ernst Schaefer from the Sven Gedin Institute was in charge of the Ahnenerbe horse breeding educational and research department. In 1938, Schaefer made an expedition to Tibet. Not only for the sake of the pony, but also for researching the ancient knowledge of the Kalachakra Tantra to train "warriors of the spirit". The Nazis tried to decipher ancient Sanskrit manuscripts in order to put the martial arts system of the ancient Aryans at the service of the Reich's special operations forces. Schaefer's Tibetan group included anthropologist Berger Bruno, cinematographer Ernst Krause, geophysicist Karl Vineth, technical director Edmont put the martial arts system of the ancient Aryans at the service of the Reich special operations forces. Schaefer's Tibetan group included anthropologist Berger Bruno, cinematographer Ernst Krause, geophysicist Karl Vineth, technical director Edmont put the martial arts system of the ancient Aryans at the service of the Reich special operations forces. Schaefer's Tibetan group included anthropologist Berger Bruno, cinematographer Ernst Krause, geophysicist Karl Vineth, technical director Edmont Gere.

In this series is the "Language School of Animals". Her developments were used in the structure of the 5th Main Directorate of the RSHA (criminal investigation). The Germans first introduced such a concept in forensic science - "cynological odorology", when the organ of smell of a specially trained service dog is used as an analyzer of odorous substances. (Odorology is the science of smells.) It is by smell that a dog takes a trace, finds a criminal, objects. Unfortunately, there is no documentary evidence of specific research in the "Language School". In any case, I have never seen them. Although, I believe, the School's archive is still in Russia.

- Really?

- In 1945, Soviet troops removed about 25 carriages of Ahnenerbe documents from the order castles Aidan and Ulm. The papers ended up in the Special Archives of the USSR. Now they are in different places. But all 70 years with these archives do not work. There are many secrets lurking, far more important than canine telepathy. Let's hope that someday the Ahnenerbe archives will be opened.

As for the special operation "Schwarzi" against Stalin, the veteran of the special services Rudakov is right. The story is very similar to the fake that appeared after the investigation of the British doctor Ian Bondeson. I have not found confirmation anywhere. Specialists in the history of psi-wars, Doctor of Sciences Victor Rubel (USA) and General Alexei Savin have not heard anything about this special operation.

The Fuhrer's rage, by the way, for some reason fell on Himmler, who allegedly offered to surrender the Blondie to the Russians alive only a month later. And the official reason for the anger was different. Interception of a Stockholm radio message about Himmler's talks with the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition on April 28, 1945. Hitler immediately dictated: “Before my death, I expel the former SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler from the party and remove him from all government posts … Goering and Himmler conducted secret negotiations with the enemy without my consent and against my will, and also tried to take over the power in the state than they caused irreparable damage to the country and the entire people, not to mention the betrayal in relation to my personality … About Blondie, as we can see, not a word. It was the agony of the regime. And already on April 30, the Fuhrer committed suicide,taking with him to the mystical Valhalla his newly-made wife Eva Braun, Blondie the shepherd and her puppy Wolf, who was born already in the bunker. On Walpurgis Night, when witches and other evil spirits are doing the Sabbath on Bald Mountain. From a letter from the Chief Forensic Expert of the 1st Belorussian Front F. I. Shkarovsky: “On May 5-7, 2 corpses of dogs and 2 charred corpses of Hitler and Eva Braun were delivered. No documentation. All these corpses were also opened by us without any objections from Smersh. (Acts N 12, 13, 3, 4.)No documentation. All these corpses were also opened by us without any objections from Smersh. (Acts N 12, 13, 3, 4.)No documentation. All these corpses were also opened by us without any objections from Smersh. (Acts N 12, 13, 3, 4.)

1. The corpse of a small shepherd dog; it had a penetrating bullet wound to the head with brain damage and a bullet wound to the chest. Both of these perforating wounds may well have been one shot. In our act, we indicated that the method of killing this dog could be as follows: the dog was introduced into the mouth, possibly with food, an ampoule of hydrocyanic acid, she crushed it with her teeth and immediately threw it out, but some of the poison got into the respiratory tract, convulsions occurred, and death did not come immediately, then the dog was shot … The blondie died at 7.5 years old.

During the Second World War, dogs were actively used by both the Nazis and Soviet troops. As watchmen, bloodhounds, miners, signalmen, rescuers, orderlies, demolition men. Yes, they tied the dogs with explosives, grenades, and let them hit enemy tanks. Without any telepathy.

And after the war, telepathic experiments with fighting dogs were completely stopped. The armies of the USSR and the USA decided to adopt other, smarter and more effective animals. Dolphins. Capable of undermining not tanks, but entire ships, submarines. During the Cold War, secret experiments were carried out with them, including telepathy. Perhaps they continue to this day. By the way, Vladimir Durov was the first to propose a hundred years ago to use trained sea animals against enemy submarines. But that's another story.

Bekhterev and Durov's telepathic experiments with dogs led to a real attempt at a mystical attempt on Stalin. But already by two-legged telepaths.

In the mid-1920s, engineer V. K. Chekhovsky. He turned out to be an experienced telepath. He relied on a "collective inductor" - a group of people who simultaneously try to convey the same idea to the subject. The Academic Council of the Institute and Bekhterev personally became interested in his research and gave a positive review, writes Doctor of Sciences Viktor Rubel in the documentary book “Psi-Wars. West and East ". On this basis, Chekhovskoy began to bother to open a branch of the Brain Institute in Moscow. And this is where something unusual begins - an attempt to actually use ancient magic to overthrow the ruling regime - a real psi-war! And even with the help of the magical procedure of involution!

The famous biophysicist Alexander Chizhevsky, who also dealt with telepathy and knew well the participants in those events, recalled:

“Every Thursday evening, at the apartment of Chekhovsky, who lived [opposite the OGPU building] on the Lubyanka, in compliance with the strictest rules of secrecy, a damn dozen of the owner's like-minded people gathered, including himself. In silence they threw some robes over their shoulders, donned strange hats, and seated themselves in a certain order around an elongated table with rounded edges. Before each of them lay a book with unknown letters. In the center of the table was a bust of Stalin himself, skillfully sculpted from wax! The head of the bust was covered with hair that belonged to the original. They were bought for crazy money from a Stalinist hairdresser. Sometimes, instead of a bust, in the center of the table there was a photograph of Stalin's head taken from the back. It was as difficult to get it as his hair, but the audience needed an image of the back of the leader's head.

Then the action itself began. It consisted in the fact that, to the accompaniment of special verbal formulas-incantations, a steel needle pierced a photo of the back of the leader's head or the back of the head of a wax bust. It is there, in the occipital region, that the medulla oblongata and the centers responsible for breathing and heartbeat are located in humans. Those gathered were eager to strike these vital centers of the leader.

After some time, the relevant authorities became aware of this criminally punishable desire. On one Thursday, the criminal community was neutralized. Suddenly, representatives of these very bodies appeared and arrested all, as they thought, the participants in the criminal act. They left an ambush in the apartment. But when, on the second day, an unusually dressed man suddenly appeared in that empty apartment, those sitting in ambush in panic rushed out of the strange apartment. It turned out that one of the participants of the action managed to hide in some nook, hid there, and was not noticed. When it became unbearable to hide, he decided - come what may, and left his secret hiding place, frightening to death the escaped ambush. And he was free. So it became known about that case in the wild."

The organs of the OGPU arrested two dozen mystic conspirators, together with the leaders of the group - Chekhovsky and Teger. In 1928, both were exiled to Solovki. The times were not yet as bloody as in 1937. Teger was later transferred to Central Asia due to illness. And Chekhovsky, after trying to lead the mass escape of prisoners, was shot in October 1929 …"