Wolf Messing's Predictions For Russia, Ukraine And Europe - Alternative View

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Wolf Messing's Predictions For Russia, Ukraine And Europe - Alternative View
Wolf Messing's Predictions For Russia, Ukraine And Europe - Alternative View

Video: Wolf Messing's Predictions For Russia, Ukraine And Europe - Alternative View

Video: Wolf Messing's Predictions For Russia, Ukraine And Europe - Alternative View
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The identity of Wolf Messing remains mysterious to this day. This can be easily explained by the fact that he worked to a greater extent in the Soviet Union, where such practices as clairvoyance and hypnosis were not recognized by official science. But, despite this, he freely conducted sessions, traveled around the country with his program of performances, of course, with the approval of the leader of the peoples - Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich.

A bit of biography

Wolf Messing was born into a poor family of Jewish fanatics. His gift of predictions manifested itself in early childhood, which was not accepted in the community and family. Even among his relatives, he felt like a stranger, and only his own mother supported him. He was forced to go to school with a focus on religion, as he was phenomenally quick to memorize prayers. The parents even went on to deceive, persuading the man to pretend to be a Saint in the night and order the boy to continue his studies. It was this incident that affected the psychological health of the boy, who, later learning the truth, fled to Berlin and started working there as a loader for a penny. Later, not only Europe, but also the USSR learned about his gift.

As a child, he was on the verge of death. According to the doctor, who ascertained the boy's death, he lay cold and dead, but three days later, right before the autopsy, he opened his eyes and spoke quite calmly. Later it turned out that he possesses the gift of hypnosis and divination. Since then, his touring life began.

Messing's first famous prediction

During his speeches, he met many famous people, making himself not only friends, but also enemies. After he predicted the death of Hitler in one of his "Psychological Experiments" if he turned his gaze to the east, the Fuhrer began to hunt him, offering the man who caught him a fabulous reward at that time - 210 thousand German marks. According to Messing's portrait, German officers found it.

Promotional video:


As the psychic later said, this was his first attempt to control people without eye contact. With the power of thought, he ordered the guards to open the cell and enter it. He himself left, but because of the expended energy, he could no longer go down to the first floor and therefore just jumped out the window. Legs were injured as a result of the fall. In the future, this event will play a role in the death of the soothsayer. The resulting injury will not only remind of yourself all your life, but will also noticeably affect your health, increasing pain from year to year. Later, he predicts his death, which will come after surgery on his legs.

Messing's friends included Einstein and Freud, who had deep respect for their friend and colleague. With them, by the way, Wolf discovered the gift of prediction, realizing that they invariably come true.

Messing and Stalin: the loudest predictions

The psychic had a rather ambiguous relationship with the leader of the peoples. During his speeches, Messing predicted tanks with red stars in Berlin. It should be noted that at that time (1940) the USSR and Germany had an agreement on mutual non-aggression. After these words of his were fulfilled, Stalin drew attention to his activities and invited him to his place.

To test his abilities, he set a series of tasks that were impossible for the average person. The first was the withdrawal of the maximum possible amount in Sberbank using a blank sheet of notebook. At the same time, the leader's people watched him. Messing coped with this task so well that the cashier, shocked by the incident, received a heart attack.

The second task was even more difficult. Wolf had to get into the chief's office. The guards, of course, were warned. Nevertheless, he was able not only to pass, convincing them that he was Beria himself, but also to leave the office, waving his hand to Stalin. This is how the difficult relationship between the hypnotist and the secretary general began.

Messing was very reluctant to talk about his visits to Stalin, but some became known. So, there were rumors that Wolf helped save Stalin's son, preventing him from flying on an airplane. Later this plane crashed. All passengers died, except for Vasily Stalin, who was sent to travel by train.

Further, the psychic predicted a turning point in the Second World War, as well as an end date. These words of his were remembered by people, since at that time no one was going to document the words of the psychic. During his last visit to the leader, Wolf asked him to stop the persecution of Jews in the Soviet Union. The answer was predictable - no. Then he told Stalin that he would die on the great Jewish holiday. This happened: Joseph Vissarionovich died of a cerebral hemorrhage on Purim.

Other predictions of Messing

After Stalin's death, Khrushchev invited the psychic to him. But the conversation went wrong and, after another prediction by Wolf, his relationship with the new leader did not go well. After that, the concerts began to be disrupted, and the psychic himself more and more often began to feel the influence of the old trauma on the quality of his life.


One of the most terrible predictions for Messing himself was the vision of the death of his wife. He knew that it would not be possible to ward off trouble, and therefore tried to spend all his free time with his beloved. Later, when she was gone, he began to spend more and more time at home alone, as pain in his legs made itself felt more and more, and depression became a constant companion.

Friends persuaded him to undergo surgery, and as a result, he agreed. Already leaving the house, he looked at his portrait and gave out his last prediction: he would never return to his native walls. The operation was successful, but the kidneys and heart suddenly failed. The soothsayer was gone. Khrushchev was outraged that even this prediction came true. In Wolf's apartment, they looked for documents with other predictions, as well as diamonds, but they could not find either one or the other. That is why the information about future achievements in the country is so fragmentary.

All Messing's predictions about Russia and not only

Now we list the main predictions of the psychic. The most significant for the state and the continent as a whole were:

The beginning of the Second World War.

The death of Adolf Hitler during the offensive of the Nazi troops to the east.

The end of the war. Soviet tanks near Berlin.

Death of Joseph Stalin on a Jewish holiday. On March 5, 1953, on Purim, the leader died.

There was a prediction about Ukraine as well. During one of his speeches in Uzhgorod, he said that it would not be possible to unleash a third World War artificially. He also warned of the consequences for these lands if there were attempts to sow discord.

There were also rumors that he predicted a confrontation between Russia and China. The dispute will be around the territory of the eastern part of Russia.

Other Messing abilities

Many were also interested in the ability of a psychic to hypnotize people. This feature was officially proved to Stalin himself. Many asked to influence other people. Naturally, the hypnotist also came across the concepts of magic, love spells. He did not believe in them and, moreover, dissuaded others not to engage in this "obscurantism."

He argued that a person's will for his own self-interest should not be fettered. For personal needs, he himself never used his gift. The only exceptions were those cases when it came to his own life or the lives of loved ones. But even when his family was captured by the Nazis, he did not use the gift, because he knew for sure that they would not accept either him or his abilities.

That is why it was especially difficult for him to build relationships with most people who expected magic, love spells, spells for quick and easy money, healing from all diseases. He could not do it either for others or for himself. He absolutely knew the date and time of the death of his beloved, who suffered from a severe form of cancer, but absolutely clearly understood that he could not help her.

Messing's predictions for 2016
