What Does The Qur'an Say About The End Of The World - Alternative View

What Does The Qur'an Say About The End Of The World - Alternative View
What Does The Qur'an Say About The End Of The World - Alternative View

Video: What Does The Qur'an Say About The End Of The World - Alternative View

Video: What Does The Qur'an Say About The End Of The World - Alternative View
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The end of the world has long been predicted by many religions of the world, but no one knows the exact day and hour of the coming of the Day of Judgment except the Creator. People can guess about the approach of the Apocalypse only by the signs transmitted to them by the great prophets and recorded in the sacred books. One of these books is the Koran.

According to the Koran, every person is born with a predetermined destiny. Prophet Muhammad said that Allah had already prescribed a place in heaven or hell for every living soul.

However, when people asked the prophet why they should work, since everything is predetermined, he replied: "Act, because everyone is easier to do what he was created for."

The Quran also says that: "The hour of judgment will certainly come, and Allah will resurrect those who rest in their graves." (Surah Gafir: 5-7).

Throughout the history of mankind, the supposed dates of the end of the world have been repeatedly put forward, but the Quran says that the date of the coming of the Day of Judgment Allah did not reveal even to the Prophet Muhammad.

The Lord said: "They ask you about the Hour:" When will it come? " Say: “Indeed, this knowledge belongs only to my Lord. No one but Him is able to discover the time of its coming. This knowledge is hard for heaven and earth. It will come suddenly."

And also "His offensive will be so unexpected that you will not have time to eat a piece of bread, make a bargain, a deal or drink milk from camel milk."

Also, the Quran records the main signs of the approaching Judgment Day:

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1. Muslims will have a just ruler

2. The sun will rise in the west, and from that day on, neither the repentant disbelievers nor the apostate Muslims will be pardoned by Allah.

3. On the same day, an animal will appear in the west "which will tell them that people were not convinced of Our signs" ("Ants": 82). That is, it will immediately divide people into believers and non-believers.

Here, most likely, the "talking animal" (dabbat al-ard) is an allegory. Allah said: "All living creatures on earth and birds flying on two wings are communities like you" ("Cattle": 38). The hadiths also say that dabbat al-ard with the seal of Solomon will cleanse the faces of Muslims, and on the nose of unbelievers he will put the stamp with the staff of Moses.

Initially, the word "dabbat" meant only a four-legged animal walking on the ground. But since the word "dabba" means a creature (any), and "ard" is the earth, a number of researchers are inclined to think that they mean a person with extraordinary abilities and fulfilling the will of Allah.

4. The entire planet will be shrouded in smoke, which will bring great suffering to people.

5. The appearance of the Dajjal (false messiah). When the Companions asked the Prophet Muhammad, "How will he move?" The Prophet replied, “Like the wind. And people will not be able to understand who he is. He will appear between Sham (Syria) and Iraq. Having collected an army, he will go to Mecca and Medina."

6. Allah will resurrect Isa, and with the help of an angel he will descend in Syria (Damascus) and defeat the Dajjal.

7. New peoples of Yajuj and Majuj will come, they will have strength and sow vices and debauchery. To deal with them, Allah will create worms, which, having penetrated the bodies of the wicked, will destroy them.

8. The earth will tremble from three powerful earthquakes: in the West, in the East and on the Arabian Peninsula.

9. When there are no Muslims on earth, Allah will raise all the Korans to Himself.

10. Not a single believer will remain on earth.

11. Kaaba will disappear from the face of the Earth. Scientists of Islam say that people from Ethiopia will break into Mecca and try to destroy the Kaaba, but Allah will not allow this and will take her to himself.

“Doomsday will not come until its ten signs appear: smoke (dukhan), the appearance of a false messiah (al-masih ad-dajjal), the appearance of the beast (dabbat al-ard), the sunrise from the west, the condescension of Isa ibn Maryam, the appearance of the tribes of Yajuj and Majuj, gigantic sinkholes in the east, west and on the Arabian Peninsula, and after that there will be fire from Yemen, which will drive people to the doomsday ring.”(Muslim).

According to scientists, the end of the world, described in the Quran, fully reproduces the picture of the catastrophe that occurs when the poles of our planet change. In the entire history of the Earth's existence, this global event has occurred at least four times.

The most ancient manuscripts and legends of different peoples speak about this. The signs are the same: everywhere a change in the cycles of day and night is described (the sun rises in the west), the instability of the day cycle (the sun could shine for several days in a row, while on the opposite side of the planet the same number of days was night). Winter came instead of summer and vice versa.

Earthquakes, the emergence of new lands and catastrophic fires - all these phenomena accompany the change of poles. We can only hope that the Apocalypse described in the Koran will not happen soon.
