Leva Fedotov Predicted Defeat For Hitler! - Alternative View

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Leva Fedotov Predicted Defeat For Hitler! - Alternative View
Leva Fedotov Predicted Defeat For Hitler! - Alternative View

Video: Leva Fedotov Predicted Defeat For Hitler! - Alternative View

Video: Leva Fedotov Predicted Defeat For Hitler! - Alternative View
Video: German Neo-Nazi Party runs for European elections | DW News 2024, October

In the early 1990s, a member of the German Bundestag disparagingly declared: "The Russians have composed a legend that a certain schoolboy in his diary even before the war outlined the Barbarossa plan in detail and predicted defeat for Hitler!"

A Russian journalist who was present during the conversation objected: "This is not a legend, schoolboy Lev Fedotov really lived, and his diary has survived." The famous Russian writer Yuri Trifonov was the first to tell about this in a documentary film of the 1980s. Trifonov was personally acquainted with Leva Fedotov, studied with him in the same class, read his diary. In the era of glasnost and perestroika, this amazing story was often mentioned, but now much has been forgotten …

Muscovite Lev Fedotov was born in January 1923. 17 days before the German attack on the USSR, he described in his diary when and how the war would begin, at what pace the German troops would advance and where they would be stopped. The future soldier, who did not even have a completed secondary education, foresaw historical events of a grandiose scale. He expressed his conviction that the blockade of Leningrad was inevitable and that Moscow would not be surrounded until the winter frosts, and also announced when the Red Army would launch a counteroffensive. The young man listed all Germany's allies, indicated the length of the front from the Black to the northern seas, predicted the conspiracy of German generals in 1944, the reasons for the US entry into the war, the inevitable collapse of the Hitlerite Reich, the subsequent Cold War, and even the 1969 flight of the American Apollo II spacecraft.

He left these diaries for safekeeping to his mother Agrippina Nikolaevna, who, after the end of the war, handed them over to journalists. But only 20 years later, the unusual prophecies of Lev Fedotov were published in the Druzhba Narodov magazine. Historians, doctors, psychologists became interested in them. However, the secret of the deceased clairvoyant remained unsolved.

From the diary of a Moscow schoolboy Leva Fedotov 1941

June 5, 1941

Although Germany is now on friendly terms with us, I am firmly convinced that all this is only an appearance. Thus, she thinks to lull our vigilance in order to put a poisoned knife in our back at the right moment …

Promotional video:

Arguing that Germany will not wait long after pushing its troops near our border, I gained confidence that this summer in our country will be turbulent. I think that the war will begin either in the second half of this month, or at the beginning of July, but not later, for Germany will strive to end the war before the frost.

I am personally firmly convinced that this will be the last insolent step of the German despots, since they will not defeat us before winter. Victory is victory, but the fact that we can lose a lot of territory in the first half of the war is possible.

The fascists will never do it honestly. They probably won't declare war on us. And they will attack suddenly and unexpectedly, so that by a sudden invasion they will seize more of our lands. No matter how hard it is, we will leave such centers as Zhitomir, Vinnitsa, Pskov, Gomel and some others to the Germans. We will, of course, surrender Minsk, the Germans can also capture Kiev, but with prohibitively great difficulties …

I am afraid to talk about the fate of Leningrad, Novgorod, Kalinin, Smolensk, Bryansk, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev and Odessa. True, the Germans are so strong that the possibility of losing even these cities, with the exception of only Leningrad, is not excluded. The fact that the Germans will not see Leningrad, I am firmly convinced of this. If the enemy takes him too, then it will be only when the last Leningrader falls. As long as the Leningraders are on their feet, the city of Lenin will be ours!..

For Odessa, as for a major port, we must, in my opinion, fight more intensely, even than for Kiev.

And I think the Odessa sailors will adequately pour the Germans for the invasion of the area of their city. If we surrender Odessa by force, it will be much later than Kiev, since Odessa will be greatly helped by the sea. It is clear that the Germans will dream of encircling Moscow and Leningrad, but I think they will not be able to cope with it.

To surround Leningrad, but the Nazis still can not take it. They will not be able to surround Moscow in the area of time, for they will not have time to close the ring by winter. In winter, the districts of Moscow will continue to be just a grave for them …

True, I am not going to be a prophet, but all these thoughts arose in me in connection with the international situation, and logical reasoning and guesses helped me to connect them, supplement them. In short, the future will show.

21st of June

Now, with the beginning of the end of this month, I already expect … trouble for our whole country - war … according to my calculations, only if I was really right in my reasoning, that is, if Germany is preparing to attack us, then the war should break out on these days of this month or in early July …

Frankly speaking, now, in the last days, waking up in the morning, I ask myself: maybe at that moment the first volleys had already struck at the border? Now we can expect the outbreak of war from day to day …

After the start of the war

Yesterday I learned the original news from the newspapers. SS members made arrests in assault squads. I think that when the fascists will suffocate in the fight against us, eventually it will reach the commanding staff of the army. The dullheads, of course, will still shout about the victory over the USSR, but the more reasonable ones will talk about this war as a fatal mistake of Germany. I think that in the end only the psychopath Hitler will remain for the continuation of the war, who is not capable now and is not capable of understanding with his corporal mind the futility of a war with the Soviet Union in the future.

With him, obviously, will be Himmler, who drowned reason in the blood of the peoples of Germany, and the monkey Goebbels, who, like a half-witted slave, will still bawl about the conquest of Russia even when our troops, suppose, storm Berlin.

At the end of the 1980s, the famous Russian researcher of mysterious phenomena, popularizer of sensational discoveries, engineer Yuri Roscius, published fragments from Levin's diaries with comments in the Znanie publishing house series "Question mark".

Let's look at them again. On December 27, 1940, the boy wrote that the first flight to Mars "is expected in 1969 in America." As for the purpose of the flight, alas, he was mistaken - the Americans flew not to Mars, but to the Moon: but it was they who first visited another celestial body, and it was in 1969!

Coincidence? Let's go further. At a time when the majority of our citizens believed in the inviolability of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact, and the government urged "not to succumb to provocations", on June 5, 1941, a senior student Fedotov in his diary outlined not only the top-secret Hitlerite plan "Barbarossa", but all the stages his real failure. Moreover, the young Fedotov predicted which countries would be included in the anti-Hitler coalition!

He foresaw that the USSR would have to fight with Japan. On July 11, 1941, during the ubiquitous and seemingly already unstoppable offensive of German troops, the young man wrote about the days to come, "when our troops, suppose, will already storm Berlin."

About the post-war period, Leva wrote in his diary the following: "We will repent of overestimating our forces and underestimating the capitalist encirclement." How accurate the last prediction was, we found out only after 1991 …

Lev Fedotov volunteered for the army and died near Tula on June 25, 1943.

Clairvoyance is not only a prediction of the future, but also penetration into reality inaccessible to direct perception. In the case of Leva Fedotov's diary, this option is also possible. That is, he "clairvoyant" precisely the scale of military training, and really thought out the rest. But he did not have access to the information that was owned by, say, Richard Sorge. It means, in fact, it is possible in some incredible way in the chaos of the "information field" to see the true state of affairs. How does this insight come? In his book, Yuri Roscius - a very conscientious researcher of various prophetic "paranormalities" - cites fragments of the diary of a Moscow schoolboy and points out the special state in which the boy was when he wrote it. Indeed, try to fill 100 pages in small handwriting in one night!

It turns out that Lyova himself was amazed at the persistent force that prompted him to see the future. With a certain mentality, some have the ability to see such connections between events and facts that are inaccessible to most.

N. N. Nepomnyashchy