100 Years Of Disaster For Mother Russia! - Alternative View

100 Years Of Disaster For Mother Russia! - Alternative View
100 Years Of Disaster For Mother Russia! - Alternative View

Video: 100 Years Of Disaster For Mother Russia! - Alternative View

Video: 100 Years Of Disaster For Mother Russia! - Alternative View
Video: Alternate History of Russia 2024, June

In 2017, exactly 100 years have passed since the October Revolution. I am sure that only one person could have prevented it, with one movement of his beard, and it was not the king.

During his lifetime he was called either a saint or a devil. After the murder, some accused him of sexual hypnotism and sexual promiscuity, while others believed that he was a prophet and guardian of the monarchy. The question does not leave me: what if the last attempt on his life had failed? I am sure that then the whole history of the 20th century would have gone differently!

Who could predict the events of 1917 with such devilish accuracy? -Grigory Rasputin - a visionary who managed to look into the future 100 ahead; a healer with powerful psychic abilities; a man who, according to legend, put a curse on Russia, the destructive power of which we still experience.

Some considered him a saint, others a cunning swindler and a cynical lecher, others called him a devil-monk. But even his enemies recognized his extraordinary strength. Otherwise, how could he have managed to take power in the country into his own hands?

The Romanov family
The Romanov family

The Romanov family.

A semi-literate peasant from the very bottom enjoyed unlimited influence on the royal family, only he knew how to treat the disease that Tsarevich Alexei suffered from - hemophilia. The elder distributed advice on domestic and foreign policy, appointed ministers. Many people hated him. He knew this and foresaw his murder.

In 1916, just a month before his death, he wrote: “If boyars and nobles shed my blood, then the brothers will rise up against the brothers, if the murder is committed by your relatives, Sovereign, then none of the royal family will live more than two years …”

In the palace of the Yusupovs in Petrograd, the old man's corpse, mutilated beyond recognition, was discovered, the killers were convinced of his inhuman strength. Rasputin was first poisoned with cakes, then shot at point-blank range, and then thrown into the Neva, but even in the icy water the monk-devil remained alive for about half an hour.

Promotional video:

2 months passed and the elder's prophecy began to come true: in February the empire collapsed, and in October such events began that they completely forgot about the elder's curse, there was no time for that. And only years later it turned out that the papers with his predictions and a terrible curse against the murderers and their own country were stored and even studied in the secret archives of the special services. 11 sheets of prophecies and each line is a unique prediction that cannot be explained: the Bolshevik revolution and war, the shooting of the royal family and the mountains of the slain, the appearance of Hitler and the Second World War, and even the conquest of space. Rasputin was never mistaken.

We are only now beginning to understand many of his prophecies. “Towers will be built around the world. They will be the castles of death. Some of the castles will collapse and rotten blood will flow out of these wounds, which will infect heaven and earth for 7 generations. The date of this terrible prediction was also indicated - 2011. Couldn't anyone have predicted the Apocalypse at Fukushima with such devilish accuracy?

A frame of the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. March 11, 2011
A frame of the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. March 11, 2011

A frame of the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. March 11, 2011.

Other prophecies are still waiting in the wings. "You will see violence on the doorstep of your home every day as man will become a beast again and how all beasts will attack and be attacked."

The last curse of Elder Grigory Rasputin (the most famous Russian person abroad) read: “There will be shame and disgrace of the Russian land, pestilence, poverty, desecrated churches, spat upon shrines, where everyone will become a dead person and only 100 years later all the blood will be washed off and pure Russia will be able to again follow the righteous path."