The Secret Protocols Of The Prophet Johannes Of Jerusalem Shook The World - Alternative View

The Secret Protocols Of The Prophet Johannes Of Jerusalem Shook The World - Alternative View
The Secret Protocols Of The Prophet Johannes Of Jerusalem Shook The World - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Protocols Of The Prophet Johannes Of Jerusalem Shook The World - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Protocols Of The Prophet Johannes Of Jerusalem Shook The World - Alternative View
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Information about the life of the prophet Johannes of Jerusalem is very scarce. It is known that he was a Benedictine monk and was a member of the Templar society. The prophet traveled extensively throughout Europe and lived for some time in Jerusalem. It was there that his famous book of prophecy was found, entitled The Secret Records. Having deciphered the message of Johann, scientists were shocked - the predictions made by the great seer are already coming true.

Johannes of Jerusalem wrote that Europe will be captured by barbarians, and this will lead to sad consequences. "Bread and circuses" will not be enough for everyone, Europe will be seized by chaos, poverty and rampant crime. Now the EU countries are flooded with refugees, whose number continues to increase. In pursuit of a good life, immigrants from Africa and the Middle East flocked there, and many Ukrainians want to move there. In Europe, unemployment is growing, crime is rising, the moral and ethical qualities of society are declining.

The most terrible prophecy of Johannes Jerusalem has not yet come true. However, it is possible that it will come true. In his book, the fortuneteller wrote that Europe "will be set on fire by people who have no future." It can be assumed that the prophet did not mean just a fire. In the modern world, this can mean a war, including a nuclear one, which is capable of completely destroying Europe.

Other prophecies of Johann concern the moral side of society. Times when a man will openly desire a man and a woman a woman will lead to great misfortunes. Following this, people will fall on: hunger, cold and loss of human appearance. In many European countries, same-sex relationships have already become the norm, and the state registers such marriages. Judging by this, there is not long to wait for the upcoming consequences.