The Book Of Prophecies Of Johannes Of Jerusalem Gives Its Owner Unlimited Power - Alternative View

The Book Of Prophecies Of Johannes Of Jerusalem Gives Its Owner Unlimited Power - Alternative View
The Book Of Prophecies Of Johannes Of Jerusalem Gives Its Owner Unlimited Power - Alternative View

Video: The Book Of Prophecies Of Johannes Of Jerusalem Gives Its Owner Unlimited Power - Alternative View

Video: The Book Of Prophecies Of Johannes Of Jerusalem Gives Its Owner Unlimited Power - Alternative View
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Little is known about the prophet Johann of Jerusalem. They say he was born in 1042 and died in 1119. In the interval between these two dates, he participated in the creation of the mysterious Order of the Knights Templar and compiled a book of prophecy, which contains references to significant events of the third millennium. Where is this book? What does it say? How did he know everything?

The XIV century manuscript, which was kept for a long time in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad, calls this book "secret protocols." It said that whoever has these protocols in his hands will be able to have almost unlimited power over others.

About Johann from Jerusalem himself, that manuscript says only that he was “the most courageous among the brave” and “the saint among the saints”. It also says that he "can read and listen to heaven" and that "he was an eye and an ear with which the powers of God both see and hear."

Thus, Johann from Jerusalem was a mediator between us and some higher powers. Is he not an alien?.. However, the subsequent data of his life speak of his purely terrestrial origin.

Johann was born and raised in Burgundy, where huge monasteries were located. Johann's parents probably made a pilgrimage to the monastery of Santiago de Compostela, and the baby was born near Wesel. Subsequently, he spent almost all his time in the Benedictine monastery.

In any case, in one of their manuscripts, the Wesel Benedictines write about "Johann of Jerusalem, the son of a monastery, a child of Burgundy, a warrior of Christ in the Holy Land." However, after the XIV century, his name is not mentioned anywhere else. Probably because it became dangerous to refer to Johann from Jerusalem and his writings. After all, he was one of the founders of the Order of the Templars (Templars). And they, as you know, first rose, and then were persecuted by the French king Philip the Fair. And the order was almost completely destroyed.

The manuscript found in Sergiev Posad reports that Johannes from Jerusalem often went into the wilderness to meditate, pray and meditate. "He was where heaven meets earth, he knew the body of Man, Earth and Heaven, he could follow the paths leading to the secrets of these worlds."

That is, in other words, Johann was a healer and at the same time an astrologer or astronomer. He knew so much that in the end he decided to share his knowledge with others. From 1117 to 1119 he wrote a book of prophecies in Jerusalem. In it, it is believed, interpretations of human destinies are given, and also a panorama of the third millennium opens.

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It is believed that, having finished his work, Johann from Jerusalem copied the manuscript himself six times or gave it for correspondence. Therefore, there must be seven lists of the book of prophecy.

It is not easy to explore the paths that these seven copies of the book of prophecy have traveled, as the manuscripts of Johann of Jerusalem sometimes disappeared from sight for centuries. It is only known that one of the copies of the book of prophecies was brought to Rome, and there is reason to believe that it is still in the archives of the Vatican.

Bernard donated the second copy of the book to the Wesel monastery, where it was preserved for many decades. She disappeared - probably was hidden in some hiding place - during the persecution of the Templars.

The third copy fell into the hands of legists - lawyers of the French royal court. And she became one of the "evidence" that was presented during the trial organized by Philip the Beautiful against the Knights Templar by prosecutors from the king. Thus, the manuscript of Johannes from Jerusalem played, against his will, a fatal role in the fate of the order, of which he was one of the founders.

Then, judging by some information, this list could get to the famous physician and astrologer Michel Nostradamus. It was from there that he got information for his "Centuries". But the manuscript then died along with his son Michel Nostradamus the Younger. He was killed and burned by indignant people after he set fire to the town of Pusen near Priva in the Cévennes. Thus, the arsonist wanted to prove that he was right when he predicted the destruction of the city by fire.

Another copy was given by Johannes to the Master from the East, who stayed in Jerusalem during the trip. In this way, one of Johann's manuscripts from Jerusalem came to Asia. Where exactly is unknown, and nothing definite can be said about her fate.

About the fifth copy, it is only known that for several decades it was in the archives of Byzantium. Then in 1453 he was transferred to a Greek monk - one of those hermits who, like a bird, "build nests" high in the rocks. So, maybe this book of prophecies is still kept in one of the niches on Mount Athos.

There is no information about the whereabouts of the sixth copy of Johann's manuscript. He disappeared. They say that this manuscript, which at one time was in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, was confiscated by the Bolsheviks in 1918, and then simply destroyed, since Johann from Jerusalem did not predict at all that the third millennium would be the time of the triumph of communism.

Finally, the seventh copy of the manuscript is probably kept quite nearby - in the secret archives of the Lubyanka. This book was brought in 1945 from Berlin, where it was discovered in Hitler's bunker. She got there in 1941 from Warsaw, where the "secret protocols" were kept in one of the libraries of the Jewish community.

Did Hitler learn anything from the "secret protocols"? Hard to say. It is only known that the Fuehrer three times gathered persons especially devoted to him in order to "summon" the third millennium at a seance, since he intended to create a thousand-year Reich.

Unlike Hitler, Stalin took little interest in the opinion of astrologers and predictors. Therefore, he left the manuscript at the disposal of the NKVD. Perhaps he also understood that he himself would not live up to the third millennium, and that he was of little interest in what would happen after it.

I wonder if the current leaders of our state have looked into the "secret protocols"? If so, why didn't you dare to acquaint the people with the mysterious manuscript? After all, we would also be interested to know what awaits us all in the coming 21st century and the third millennium.