Many Celebrities Predicted Their Own Death - Alternative View

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Many Celebrities Predicted Their Own Death - Alternative View
Many Celebrities Predicted Their Own Death - Alternative View

Video: Many Celebrities Predicted Their Own Death - Alternative View

Video: Many Celebrities Predicted Their Own Death - Alternative View
Video: These Celebs Sadly Predicted Their Deaths 2024, September

"Many surgeons can certainly recall from their practice a case when a patient, before an absolutely not dangerous ordinary operation, suddenly says: I cannot bear the operation."

This is not fear. The patient speaks naturally and calmly, as about an inevitably expected event. The patient was examined before the operation - everything seems to be in order - and, nevertheless, the careful surgeon will not operate …

“Once Igor Talkov flew on tour with his group. Some of the musicians started talking about accidents that often happen in the air. To this the singer replied: Do not be afraid to fly with me. I will never die in a plane crash. They will kill me on the ground, with a large crowd of people, but the murderer will not be found. He was right. On October 6, 1991, during a gala concert, in front of several dozen people, a pistol shot ended the singer's life …"

Glenn Miller, who was called the king of jazz, on the contrary, died in a plane crash. After America entered World War II, he created an orchestra with which he toured the United States and performed in front of the military.

In June 1944, Miller flew to England with his orchestra to raise the morale of the soldiers. In early December, his friends and acquaintances noticed that the usually talkative and cheerful musician became depressed and irritable. In those days, Miller's orchestra was supposed to perform in Paris at a Christmas concert for the Allied troops. The day before departure, he spent the evening with the sound engineer George Wootsas. They discussed plans for the future.

Before saying goodbye, Glenn said, “I don’t know why I’m wasting my time talking like this. You know, George, I have a terrible feeling that you guys are coming home without me. On the night of December 15, 1944, a light single-engine aircraft took off from a military airfield 65 kilometers from London and headed for Paris. Its only passenger was Glenn Miller. No one else saw the plane or the musician.

"Many surgeons can certainly recall from their practice a case when a patient, before an absolutely not dangerous ordinary operation, suddenly says: I cannot bear the operation."

This is not fear. The patient speaks naturally and calmly, as about an inevitably expected event. The patient was examined before the operation - everything seems to be in order - and, nevertheless, the careful surgeon will not operate …

Promotional video:

Annushka has already bought sunflower oil

It is well known that at a critical time of a serious illness, the outcome - to live or die - largely depends on the patient's desire. And not only during a dangerous illness. If a person is sure that he will soon die, and calmly talks about it as something obvious, he is likely to die soon.

“The willingness to move to another world often occurs in old sick people, but it also happens in young, absolutely healthy people. Nature often meets this desire, multiplied by despondency, depression, loss of interests and energy, disappointment …"

On May 18, 1972, the famous Leningrad parodist Viktor Chistyakov died in a plane crash. He lived only 28 years, four of them - on stage. But during these four years he achieved incredible popularity: he became the most famous artist of the Theater. V. F. Komissarzhevskaya.

“It looked like a comet that suddenly appeared above the ground and just as suddenly disappeared,” Gennady Khazanov said about Chistyakov.

Chistyakov's repertoire included parodies of famous artists of the late 60s - early 70s. He spoke and sang in the voices of Lemeshev, Utesov, Zykina, Piekha. The performance of the song "Blue Scarf" amazed even Shulzhenko herself. "This is me singing!" - Klavdia Shulzhenko said, listening to Chistyakov's singing.

Everyone recognized that Chistyakov's talent was from God! Victor's life was very busy. He never felt sorry for himself. Several concerts a day - and this is taking into account the fact that there was no soundtrack before. Chistyakov not only acted out in front of the audience, he always entered the image on stage, sometimes even for a long time afterwards he could not get out of it.

He seemed to know that he would not live long. Already a week before the disaster, he had a presentiment of death. When asked why he was wearing a black shirt, he joked: “Why are you sticking to me? I'm in mourning!"

On the day of his departure to Kharkov, Viktor slept, but he was awakened by a phone call. “The flight has been delayed. You can still make it …”- came through the receiver. When Chistyakov arrived at the airport, check-in had already ended, and the gangway had already been rolled away from the plane, but he still managed to get on this last flight for him "Moscow - Kharkov". Luck turned into a fatal inevitability …

In October 1974, in the Don village of Kletskaya, Sergei Bondarchuk was finishing shooting the film They Fought for the Motherland. One evening one of the villagers invited the actors to his bathhouse. When the actors were driving along a rural street, their car accidentally ran over a cat. Vasily Shukshin, who never believed in omens, dropped on this occasion: “This is not good. There must be some kind of grief."

A few days before his death, Shukshin and Georgy Burkov ended up in the same dressing room during filming. Yuri Nikulin later recalled this. While Vasily Makarovich was waiting for the make-up artist to be free, he took an empty cigarette box and began to draw something on it with red ink. "What are you drawing there for?" Burkov asked him. “Yes so … Rain, mountains, clouds. In general, a funeral,”answered Shukshin. Burkov scolded his friend and took the pack with the terrible pattern from him.

The next day, towards evening, Vasily Makarovich's heart seized - no validol was found, and Shukshin drank drops of Zelenin, which Burkov had procured for him somewhere. Then he went to his cabin (the film crew lived on the ship), and in the morning he was found dead.

Georgy Burkov himself had a presentiment of his death. “He was ill for two years in the dark,” recalls his wife Tatyana Sergeevna. - Didn't complain. I think he had a premonition of death. In his notes there is often a phrase about himself: "Annushka has already bought sunflower oil." Someone told him the time of death, so he told me later: "I live an extra two years …"

Eldar Ryazanov writes in his memoirs that he offered the role of the President in the "Promised Heaven" script to "friend Zhora". The latter agreed, but reached for a book, fell, broke his hip. The operation could not have been done, but then the actor would have walked on crutches for a long time, and he could not wait to start filming. After the operation, Ryazanov called the Burkovs home. His wife Tanya said that everything went well, but on the third day the actor died. The fracture provoked a detachment of a blood clot, which entered the pulmonary artery.

In recent years, thoughts about death have not left Leonid Bykov. He was depressed and desperate, he believed that he had not managed to realize himself. Some colleagues in the film shop considered him an upstart, not a director, and the success of his films was called an accident. Bykov could not accept such an attitude, but he considered it humiliating to prove the opposite.

In 1976, Bykov, having barely finished filming the later famous painting "Aty-Baty, Soldiers were Walking," unexpectedly wrote a will in the name of his close friends. In it, he gave orders for his future funeral, and most importantly, asked to take care of his son. Three years later, Bykov really died tragically. Did he anticipate his departure or deliberately wanted to part with his life?

Even in his youth, a gypsy guessed Andrei Mironov by hand: there will be health problems, you need to take care of yourself, otherwise - an early death. But he didn’t give a damn about the warnings and worked like an institute: he acted in films, played in the theater, toured the country with concerts. He worked hard - when he returned backstage, his face was always covered with beads of sweat.

But, not having time to come to his senses, the actor again rushed to the stage. And only the closest ones knew that pallor and soreness were hidden under the makeup, that the actor was tormented by regular heart attacks. Due to chronic furunculosis, his body was covered with non-healing ulcers. But Mironov went on stage, gritting his teeth and overcoming pain, flaunting the ease of movement and ease of dancing.

“In 1987, the Satire Theater went on tour to Riga. Anatoly Papanov was supposed to go. But this did not happen - the actor's heart stopped. Mironov said then: I will be next …"

“On August 14, 1987, the performance of Figaro with Andrei Mironov in the title role was staged at the Riga Opera House. A few minutes before the finale, he uttered his remark and, not at all according to the script, settled in the arms of Alexander Shirvindt …"

Black label

For many years, specialists of the Russian Experimental Laboratory of Energy Information Security have been using unique devices to study the energy information field (aura) of people who became victims of a disaster, were injured or suffered a serious illness.

It turned out that in their aura there is an imprint of the misfortune that happened. And, most importantly, such an imprint appears not after, but long before this misfortune happened! On the photographs of the energy-information field, it looks like a black spot. Experts called it a "black mark".

Scientists have come to the conclusion that some people are able to accumulate the so-called energy of destruction. “It looks like a disease-causing microbe that has penetrated into the energy-informational field,” says one of the founders of the laboratory, Valery Sokolov. - In any case, it is a living substance. Ordinary microbes and bacteria, getting into the human body, immediately begin their destructive activity, but its consequences do not appear immediately, but after hours, days or even weeks. So it is with black marks. With a certain concentration of this harmful energy, the mechanism of self-destruction of a person turns on and then he says to himself: my days are numbered.

"Viktor Avilov, who became popular for his role as Count of Monte Cristo in the Soviet television movie Prisoner of the Castle of If, died in 2004 in Novosibirsk, where he was undergoing treatment with a diagnosis of fourth-degree cancer."

The hopelessly ill, in fact, undertook to help the actor a major specialist in the field of oncology Gennady Markov, who became famous in Russia and abroad for his unconventional methods of treatment, which give amazing results. The doctor really eased Victor's suffering a little, but the rest of the medicine turned out, alas, powerless.

“A close friend of the actor Dmitry Chubarov, who brought the artist to the Markov clinic, claims that Victor had a presentiment of his imminent death. Just a few days before his death, he suddenly asked to be put on a wooden shield, without explaining the reasons, but simply saying: This is how it should be."

When Avilov died and his body began to numb, the doctors demanded to put the artist on … a wooden surface …

“Once Igor Talkov flew on tour with his group. Some of the musicians started talking about accidents that often happen in the air. To this the singer replied: Do not be afraid to fly with me. I will never die in a plane crash. They will kill me on the ground, with a large crowd of people, but the murderer will not be found. He was right. On October 6, 1991, during a gala concert, in front of several dozen people, a pistol shot ended the singer's life …"

Glenn Miller, who was called the king of jazz, on the contrary, died in a plane crash. After America entered World War II, he created an orchestra with which he toured the United States and performed in front of the military.

In June 1944, Miller flew to England with his orchestra to raise the morale of the soldiers. In early December, his friends and acquaintances noticed that the usually talkative and cheerful musician became depressed and irritable. In those days, Miller's orchestra was supposed to perform in Paris at a Christmas concert for the Allied troops. The day before departure, he spent the evening with the sound engineer George Wootsas. They discussed plans for the future.

Before saying goodbye, Glenn said, “I don’t know why I’m wasting my time talking like this. You know, George, I have a terrible feeling that you guys are coming home without me. On the night of December 15, 1944, a light single-engine aircraft took off from a military airfield 65 kilometers from London and headed for Paris. Its only passenger was Glenn Miller. No one else saw the plane or the musician.

The Mystery of the Princess of Monaco

In 1980, two years before she died in a car accident, Princess Grace, former American film star Grace Kelly, visited the North Carolina Institute of Parapsychology, where she was interviewed and tested by several experts for six hours. This visit was kept in the strictest confidence. It was only recently that it became known that the princess had a phenomenal foresight.

"A computer called Horse Racing was used to test the princess. Four horses are visible on the screen, they begin a race in which one must win. The computer knows which horse will win the race, but the decision is made using a very complex device, deliberately focused on randomness. Dozens of races took place before the princess's eyes, and each time she named the horse that she had a presentiment about to win. The hit percentage was absolute."

“I noticed a strange property for a long time, - said Grace. - I often had premonitions, I mentally saw in front of me an earthquake, a flood or the death of a person I knew, and then these events took place in real life. And when I had children, and some misfortunes happened to them, for some reason I always knew about it. Right away the very place that the child had hurt started hurting."

"In the last two years of her life, the princess often said that her days were numbered: I know that I am destined to die very soon, and it will happen in Monaco."

Friends recall her other statements on the same topic. “I often see myself in the coffin, I see the children cry, attending the funeral service near my coffin,” said Grace. Over time, these moods gripped her more and more. She referred to her near end as something completely certain.

On Monday, September 13, 1982, a car driven by Princess Grace crashed into an abyss at one of the bends in the mountain road leading to the summer residence of the princes of Monaco. Next to Grace sat her seventeen-year-old daughter, Princess Stephanie. By a happy coincidence, she escaped with minor bruises, and Grace was taken unconscious to the clinic. A day later, Grace Patricia Kelly, Her Serene Highness Princess Grace of Monaco passed away without regaining consciousness.

In a three-year study, Dr. Morton E. Lieberman of Preitzker School of Medicine offered elaborate tests to eighty men and women, ages sixty-five to ninety-one years old, who had no physical or mental illness at the time the study began.

In the year after the end of the study, forty people of the subjects died. Dr. Lieberman compared the test results of the deceased and those of the survivors who lived an average of three years longer, and found that those who died within a year had a lower level of adaptability to reality, less energy.

“Those who approach death,” explains Lieberman, “avoid introspection, fearing that they will notice it. A series of statements, from which those investigated by Dr. Lieberman chose what, in their opinion, characterizes them - showed that those who approach death, there was no persistence and aggressiveness, they were more submissive and dependent compared to others. Finally, in thirty-four out of forty people who died in a year, an awareness - usually on a subconscious level - of impending death appeared …"