Jump Fireflies: Scum Or Plasma Life Form? - Alternative View

Jump Fireflies: Scum Or Plasma Life Form? - Alternative View
Jump Fireflies: Scum Or Plasma Life Form? - Alternative View

Video: Jump Fireflies: Scum Or Plasma Life Form? - Alternative View

Video: Jump Fireflies: Scum Or Plasma Life Form? - Alternative View
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Those who have read the tales of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov may remember the mention in them of the "jumping fires". So, he wrote about similar creatures appearing from their fire, not only Bazhov.

However, few people know that these seemingly fairy-tale characters have a very real origin. Bazhov knew this. As well as the fact that they are not always harmless.

One day in the summer of 1936, not far from the village of Zeleny Dol, Nikolai Slyusarev and Ignat Klychev, who worked as shepherds, made a fire while spending the night. And both at the same time saw how translucent men appeared from the coals of a burning fire, no larger than the palm of a man. And they began to dance an intricate dance. Of course, the vision can be attributed to a hallucination resulting from prolonged contemplation of the flame of a fire. But further events do not fit into this assumption.

Greatly frightened, the shepherds filled up the coals along with the little men dancing on them with a huge armful of spruce paws. A huge number of little men appeared from the bright flame that burst out, the growth of which was two times less than the previous ones. And they began to literally explode with a loud crash, leaving severe burns on the bodies of the shepherds.

Having received multiple burns to his body, Ignat Klyuchev died a few minutes later. The exploding little men set the forest on fire. Nikolay Slyusarev, overcoming pain, climbed a rocky hillock devoid of vegetation. And as soon as he climbed on it, the forest fire immediately stopped.

In the early morning, the villagers found Slyusarev on a hillock half-dead and trembling with fear. He pointed with his finger to a granite rock. Slyusarev's knife, hammered into the handle, protruded from it. And the metal handle of the knife shone with a crimson light, so hot it was. It should be noted that all the cows grazed by the shepherds died by the winter from terrible, burn-like ulcers. And the villagers, after the incident with the shepherds, often noticed glowing translucent men in their cowsheds.

Having smashed the granite with sledgehammers, Slyusarev's knife was removed from the rock. Later he got to Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Those who saw this knife at Bazhov argued that the blade could be bent almost in a knot, but later the blade itself acquired a perfectly straight shape.

Among those living on the banks of the Ural River Sylva, there were legends that the little men emerging from the fire killed a considerable number of people who tried to interfere with their strange dances.

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German aeronautics historian Gerhard Braude writes that before the outbreak of World War II, during the construction and operation of airships, the Germans encountered the phenomenon of polymorphic plasma. Plasma easily seeped into technical and domestic compartments, penetrating from behind the side of the aircraft, and existed in the flame of gas burners and the heat of electric heating elements. She took the form of a man, beast, or fish and was intelligent. It was even possible to agree with her about not harming people. But the incident with the "fiery men" did take place.

In December 1932, the Bavaria airship made a test flight. From the ball lightning that had penetrated into the airship, brightly glowing and having razor-sharp edges, fiery entities, similar to little men, appeared. First, they cut through the hard skin of the airship in several places. Then the cylinder heads of four power plants were cut off. The members of the team smashed them with shovels into small fiery shreds, but they again united into fiery men. With great difficulty, the airship landed.

According to the proposed by Academician V. P. According to Treasuryeev's hypothesis, creatures in the form of an energy field form live with us on the planet. One of the experts in this field, Pavel Poluyan, believes that field life forms have existed for billions of years and they formed much earlier than protein ones. Naturally, they went much further than humans in their technical development. According to Poluyan, field forms can easily change the state of matter, concentrate energy in huge quantities and take on any form.

Back in the last century, Boris Aleksandrovich Solomin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, put forward a hypothesis about the possibility of the existence of intelligent plasma life on the Sun. And in 1956, such a concept as a plasmoid - a plasma bunch, a limited configuration of magnetic fields and plasma, came into use.

Most often, plasmoids can be detected in open space, but they are also found in dense layers of the atmosphere, and even at its surface. The most famous of these are ball lightning. And with the help of sensitive devices, plasma formations invisible to the human eye were discovered, which were given the name "critters" (creatures).

They can be shot with a camera in the infrared and ultraviolet frequency range. According to L. Broccone, critters can move at a speed of up to 1500 kilometers per hour. They often follow aircraft and have a special attraction to areas with radioactive as well as magnetic anomalies. The beams emitted by plasmoids can be of limited length and bend at different angles.

Despite the fact that scientists are currently paying close attention to plasma formations, their study is extremely difficult. Plasmoids do not often please scientists with their appearance. Therefore, their nature, capabilities and properties are still not fully understood.