The Birth Of The Devil - Alternative View

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The Birth Of The Devil - Alternative View
The Birth Of The Devil - Alternative View

Video: The Birth Of The Devil - Alternative View

Video: The Birth Of The Devil - Alternative View
Video: 51 Things You Missed™ in The Conjuring: The DEVIL Made Me Do It (2021) 2024, June

The birth of the Devil happened after God created man in his own image and likeness. But we must honestly admit that the Creator did not succeed in much of what he intended. It sounds blasphemous, but judge for yourself: a person is not at all a spiritually perfect person. There are many negative character traits in him. That is, the Lord wanted one thing, but received something completely different. Therefore, annoyance and disappointment crept into his soul. And the result was the most deplorable. The first people were expelled from paradise without regret, and went to drag out existence on the earthly firmament.


People settled down on it, settled down, but their thoughts were far from perfect. Vice, greed, envy prevailed in them. They put a heavy burden on the psyche and awakened everything dirty and bad to action. From here, murders, theft, betrayal and other base deeds began to occur. They turned man into a primitive animal with poor goals and ideals.

However, do not exaggerate. In any person 2 mutually exclusive principles coexist. This is good and evil. But the concentration of good and evil is different for each person. For some people, the inner world consists of lighter tones, for others of darker ones. It is almost impossible to find a person who shines with moral purity or plunged into complete and hopeless spiritual darkness on a sinful earth.

Of course, there are extraordinary people, immensely bright and righteous. But their number is negligible, and the names are on everyone's lips, because the church immediately identifies such people, and after death can be counted among the saints. There are also downright scoundrels who have completely lost their human image. There are also few of them, they are also known to everyone, thanks to the judicial chronicle and scientific treatises devoted to the study of such an unusual phenomenon.

We can only sincerely sympathize with the Creator and regret that he did not succeed in a perfect creation. He dreamed about one thing, but something completely different came to light. However, the world is so arranged that not every creative person gets what she dreams of. There are thousands of such examples in history. So our Lord is not alone in his disappointment.

But in paradise, where man first lived, there were only sinless angels who did not have flesh, but possessed pure and blameless souls. They sang in beautiful voices, sitting under the heavenly apple trees, and, it seemed, did not want anything more. Over time, it turned out that this was not the case.


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Among those who surrounded the Creator was the archangel (senior angel) Lucifer, devoted to him. His name meant - "bringing light" or "son of the dawn", and he loved the Lord immensely, trying to be like him in everything. The wisdom of the Creator caused a special thrill in the soul of the archangel. Sincerely Lucifer admired her, but apparently, over time, something happened, and a dark cloud flew into the admirer.

Lucifer was shod with pride

Lucifer was shod with pride. He began to look at the Lord not with delight and devotion, but with hidden envy. And one fine moment, when the Creator was absent, the archangel declared himself the ruler and ordered the angels to bow before him. Not everyone obeyed Lucifer. Most of the virgin souls turned away from him, but there were some who bowed their heads before the impostor.

The rebel archangel did not rule for long. The Creator returned and quickly put things in order. It was hard for him to punish his favorite, but he committed a great sin - he fell into pride, and therefore, it was impossible without fair retribution. God created hell deep underground and sent Lucifer and all those angels who swore allegiance to him there. But before the birth of the Devil was still far away.


The failed ruler turned out to be out of work in the underworld. He did not have any occupation there, and the Lord could not immediately decide what to entrust to Lucifer so that he would not be idle, but conscientiously fulfill his duties.

Fallen angel cast from heaven

From forced idleness, any bad thing can happen. God understood this perfectly, and therefore sent the Archangel Michael to hell. He put Lucifer in shackles until the Creator decides what to do with the guilty subject.

We had to wait a very long time - a thousand years. Finally, a job for Lucifer was found. The Almighty ordered him to take into account the sins that people committed on earth. This work is a clean office: record only violations of the commandments, but send the data to the authority. There is no flight of thought, no creativity, no fantasy - one boring routine, but the shackles were removed and allowed to move freely.

Lucifer took up such activity conscientiously, responsibly - he had to atone for sins before the Lord. Years ran, centuries dragged on. Everything seemed to settle down, went into a rut, but everyone understands - at least be no diligent, at least not be zealous in the assigned task, if it is not to your liking, if boring and uninteresting, then over time, internal protest will begin to grow, discontent and tossing will appear, there will be a desire to change the situation.

The same thing happened with the fallen angel Lucifer. He understood that he deserved more, but did not dare to oppose the will of the Most High. The same person could see everything from the heavenly heights, the Creator knew about everything, nothing was hidden from him. He saw the throwing of his guilty subject, realized that he had not humbled that pride, it was not good for him to stay in hell as a humble extra and obedient performer.

By that time, people had settled throughout the Earth. There are a huge number of them on all continents and continents. They lived as best they could, as best they could. They sinned, of course, how could it be without it. Among them there were also helluva righteous ones who strove for the light, and swept away everything shameful and dirty.

All these collisions of life were disorganized, let go by themselves. The vicious violators of the commandments after death did not bear the due punishment, since there was no hell with hot pans and mocking devils. The souls of people who honestly and dignifiedly served their earthly time, went to heaven, but such a reward did not raise them extremely above sinners, since they lived quite well and felt very comfortable in places, although not heavenly, but quite suitable for the existence of …

Having weighed everything, assessing the situation, the Lord decided to send mortals more serious trials in order to draw the gulf between a righteous life and a sinful one, and after death to raise blameless souls to light and bliss, and subject the fallen and corrupted to eternal and terrible punishment.

At the same time, the Almighty did not want to be biased, but strove for objectivity and justice. The point here is that at birth, all people received different character traits. Some were already born honest, and therefore they could live as such without problems all the years of their earthly life and automatically end up in paradise. Others appeared in God's light vicious, and they were already destined to find themselves in hell after death.

In order to equalize everyone in rights, the Lord decided to subject every person to temptations during his lifetime. Here it is not known what the final of the human path will be. An honest and righteous one can be tempted to fall, and a sinful and vicious, on the contrary, can rise above sin and earn forgiveness, fearing hellish torment and indefinite punishment.

The seduction of the soul, its introduction into everything sinful, was entrusted to Lucifer. He was already completely withered away for his unloved work, but after the Lord's decision he revived and proudly raised his head. He received the status of Prince of Darkness, he himself called himself the Devil from the Indian word "devi", which means God. The Almighty did not react to such insolence, since his wisdom knows no boundaries: he understood that the name does not reflect the essence, but serves only for the joy of pride and pride.

This is how the Devil was born. And now for many thousands of years he has been subjecting people to temptations, trying to lead them into sin. There are many who succumb to temptation, and after death find themselves in hellish hell.

Author: Winter Cherry