Mysticism And Predictions In The Life And Work Of Pushkin - Alternative View

Mysticism And Predictions In The Life And Work Of Pushkin - Alternative View
Mysticism And Predictions In The Life And Work Of Pushkin - Alternative View

Video: Mysticism And Predictions In The Life And Work Of Pushkin - Alternative View

Video: Mysticism And Predictions In The Life And Work Of Pushkin - Alternative View
Video: Гоголь и его юноши 2024, June

A. Pushkin was not just "the sun of Russian poetry", he had a tremendous influence on the minds of his contemporaries. There are many secrets in his life. They say that many of his poems are a cipher. Pushkin is also credited with a connection with Freemasonry. Mysticism was present in his life, and in large quantities. And the poet himself attached great importance to predictions.

Soon after graduating from the Lyceum, Pushkin was enrolled in the Collegium of Foreign Affairs and settled in St. Petersburg. Once he found out that the famous fortune teller of German origin Alexandra Kirchhoff had arrived in the northern capital. Pushkin with several friends visited her.

At the sight of Alexander, the German woman exclaimed: "Oh, you are an important head!" She took the young man's hand and began to speak. At first she said that upon returning home he would find a bag with money on the table, and then she continued: “Soon you will be offered to change the type of service, and then you will be exiled twice. You will enjoy immense popularity among your contemporaries and descendants. At the age of 37, you will be in big trouble because of your wife. Be wary of the white man or white horse. If they do not interfere, then you will live to a ripe old age …"

Upon arriving home, the poet learned that his lyceum comrade Korsakov had visited him and returned the card debt to the poet. An envelope with money lay on the table.

A few days later, General A. F. Orlov invited Pushkin to enter military service, and in 1820 he was exiled from St. Petersburg for anti-government poetry.

As we know, the rest also came true - Dantes, who killed Pushkin, was blond and rode a white horse … The reason for their duel was Pushkin's wife Natalya Nikolaevna. And there is no need to talk about the glory, which the name of Pushkin is fanned to this day …

Another mystical line in Pushkin's life is associated with his rings, which he wore as talismans. They can be seen on the poet's hand in the famous portrait by Tropinin.

So, until the end of his life, Pushkin did not part with a massive gold ring of twisted shape, into which was inserted an octagonal carnelian with an inscription in Hebrew carved on it: "Simcha, son of the venerable Rabbi Joseph, bless his memory." It was presented to the poet by Countess Elizaveta Vorontsova, whom he met in 1823 in Odessa. They had a whirlwind romance, and they even claim that Elizabeth's daughter, Sophie, was born by her from a poet, and not from the legal husband of Count Vorontsov.

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By the way, in Russia it has long been believed that carnelian brings good luck in love. It is not known whether Pushkin believed in this, but he associated his successes in the literary field with the inscription engraved on the stone.


When he was dying, Pushkin presented the ring to V. A. Zhukovsky, who liked the gift so much that he began to wear it constantly on the middle finger of his right hand next to the wedding ring.

After the death of Vasily Andreevich, his son presented the ring to I. S. Turgenev. He, in turn, expressed the wish that after his death the ring would pass to Leo Tolstoy. But his beloved Pauline Viardot ordered otherwise and donated the relic to the Pushkin Museum of the Alexander Lyceum. From there, the ring was stolen, but was never found.

Another ring - with turquoise, a gift from P. V. Nashchokin, Pushkin shortly before the fatal duel presented to his comrade Danzas. Holding out the ring to him, he said: “Take it and wear it. It is a talisman against a violent death. Soon the poet died in a duel. By coincidence, Danzas was one of his seconds. However, Danzas could not save the gift: some time later, the ring was lost.

Many mysteries are associated with the work of Pushkin. As you know, in Eugene Onegin, depicting the death of Lensky in a duel, he practically gave a description of his own death. Lensky is very similar to his creator: he is also a poet, he has dark curly hair, the duel also takes place over a woman, and the outcome is fatal …

And what about the period of Boldinskaya autumn, to which Little Tragedies owe their appearance, five stories, the end of Eugene Onegin and 30 poems of the great poet? All this was written in just three months! It seemed that inspiration did not leave Alexander Sergeevich for a day, which did not happen either before or after that autumn …

Nowadays, this fact has become interested in researchers in a field very far from literature - physics.

Pushkin arrived in Boldino in 1830, when a cholera epidemic broke out in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Intending to stay there for a very short time, he, however, was unable to return due to quarantine and remained a recluse on the estate.

The mention of cholera is not accidental. 1830 was the year of the active sun. Such years are usually fraught with wars and epidemics. Living organisms receive increased doses of cosmic radiation. Employees of the Institute of Nuclear Physics (St. Petersburg) have experimentally proved that the level of X-rays corresponding to the period of solar activity stimulates brain activity and awakens the imagination. All that remains is to sit down at the desk …

