Was The Chronovisor Created Or The Vatican Mystery - Alternative View

Was The Chronovisor Created Or The Vatican Mystery - Alternative View
Was The Chronovisor Created Or The Vatican Mystery - Alternative View

Video: Was The Chronovisor Created Or The Vatican Mystery - Alternative View

Video: Was The Chronovisor Created Or The Vatican Mystery - Alternative View
Video: "Voices From DARPA" Podcast, Episode 15: The DARPAnthropologist 2024, October

I must say right away that this mechanism consists more of rumors, innuendo and mysticism than of drawings and gears. But he, be at least 50% real, is really incredible, and “NM” simply cannot not tell about him. Because this is, no more, no less, a real time machine, a chronovisor, which the highest ranks of the Vatican hide from everyone.

Alfredo Pellegrino Ernetti
Alfredo Pellegrino Ernetti

Alfredo Pellegrino Ernetti.

The inventor, or, more correctly, the creator of this incredible apparatus is the monk Alfredo Pellegrino Ernetti, who has been developing the concept of time travel for over forty years. He was born in 1926, spent almost his entire life in the monastery of the islet of San Giorgio, was engaged in theology and exorcism.

Ernetti's father was inspired by his unusual hobby to create a chronovisor, or as it is also called the observatory of time. For a long time he was the only expert in the ancient music of prepolyphony in the world. This kind of music was "in use" in the period 1400-1000 BC. The monk was especially interested in the opera "Trieste", Quintius Ennius, forbidden and practically forgotten. Collecting scraps of the score Ernetti was so fired up with the idea of hearing the whole opera that he decided to go back in time.

But this is the only (unproven, however) photo of the chronovisor
But this is the only (unproven, however) photo of the chronovisor

But this is the only (unproven, however) photo of the chronovisor.

It is interesting that many scientists, whose works significantly influenced the development of civilization, were friends with the unusual monk, for example, Werner von Braun and Enrico Fermi. In whose conversations with colleagues, thoughts about the reality of creating a time machine have repeatedly flashed. Strange, but in the period of 50-60 years of the XX century, all talk about the chronovisor ended. Although it was at this time that he was created.

And only in 1972 Ernetti accidentally made a slip of the tongue in an interview with the newspaper that he was not sure whether his chronovisor was good for people or a curse. The same newspaper published proof of the truthfulness of the device: it was a real (???) photo of the crucified Christ, taken during the experiments.

The same article and the same photo
The same article and the same photo

The same article and the same photo.

Promotional video:

Another circumstantial evidence of the existence of an amazing machine is believed to be the words of a scientist from the United States Baird T. Spalding. According to him, he not only saw the device itself, but also watched it work. Spalding talked about a number of successful experiments - transferring in time to listen to "Trieste" in Ancient Rome, and moreover, as if Father Ernetti, Spalding, with several other participants in the experiment, personally attended the Sermon on the Mount of Christ.

After his sensational and interview, Ernetti never spoke to the press again, and Spalding disappeared completely suddenly and without a trace. Of course, this only added fire to the spread of rumors. Nothing is known about the real fate of the chronovisor, but the topic continues to excite various people. Peter Crassus tried to collect everything known about the mechanism in his book "Das Schicksal ist Vorherbestimmt".

And one more photo from a mysterious monk
And one more photo from a mysterious monk

And one more photo from a mysterious monk.

This is the story, this is the mechanism.