Catastrophes Of A Planetary Scale In The Chronicles Of The Past And Predictions Of The Future - Alternative View

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Catastrophes Of A Planetary Scale In The Chronicles Of The Past And Predictions Of The Future - Alternative View
Catastrophes Of A Planetary Scale In The Chronicles Of The Past And Predictions Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: Catastrophes Of A Planetary Scale In The Chronicles Of The Past And Predictions Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: Catastrophes Of A Planetary Scale In The Chronicles Of The Past And Predictions Of The Future - Alternative View
Video: Future Earth: What Will Earth Look Like in 2025? | Disaster Documentary | Reel Truth. Science 2024, June

In the predictions of the Sioux Indians, it was repeated as truth: "The future is getting shorter." A person as far from the Indians as Archpriest Vasily Sadovsky agreed with this: “I think! Soon it will all pass and end."


Someone Peter Lemesurieu with the motto "The future can be recognized" extracted it from the geometric proportions of the Cheops pyramid.

On what scientists have not based this confidence for a long time! Newton - on his "theology", of which, by the way, 40,000 pages have not been published. Cicero in his "On Divination" remarked: "I do not know of a single soothsayer, be he educated or a barbarian, who would not be convinced that the future can be recognized."


The sacred book of Hindus "Bhagavata Purana" also assures of this. And Liber Vaticinationem, a medieval book of prophecy (preserved in duplicate). And the Buddhist book Visud-Dhimagga. And even the Egyptian papyrus (No. 1115, Hermitage): "Again a star will touch the Earth." More than 80 predictions have been known since ancient times, according to the calculations of the ethnologist Paul Andre.

And in recent history, Edgar Cayce concluded that since everything leaves a mark on the "space-time fusion" - is duplicated in the universal "bank" of the collective subconscious, then a strong person has the ability to read everything "in advance" - in the unity of space and time. "And the denial by science of the possibility of this only testifies to the impotence of those who are still practicing science."


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In August 1972, an unrecorded asteroid passed in extreme proximity to Earth. A collision with him "would not fit into the Richter scale." Moreover, there are about 170 large craters on our planet. For example, Arizona with a diameter of 1,270 and a depth of 180 meters. But what are asteroids compared to comets! And according to Kepler, there are "more than fish in the ocean."

Comet Typhon (as the Greeks called it - "the fuming one, born in Tartarus") has already visited the solar system several times. According to biblical sources, soon "the sky will again roll up like a scroll."

That is, the atmosphere will be captured? The Akashic Chronicle states that "the air was thicker" until the last impact. A similar is described in the Hittite legend: "When the old age of the world comes, the air will be numb … Birds will no longer be able to fly."


The myths of the Babylonians testify that when Typhon visited the solar system "on the way" he borrowed a satellite from Jupiter, the future moon, so that not so many years ago - only 26,000 - the moon first "rose". People who lived before the cataclysm, in antediluvian times, were even called “generations of dolunniks” (“praselenites”, from the Greek Selene - “Moon”) in legends.

The modern Indian shaman Elk Earring (Sio-Sio tribe) believes that the Moon was “towed and installed” exactly as “someone” needed it.

If we consider that Typhon this time will return to Earth with the shortest period, then he is already somewhere nearby, and this again threatens to shift the poles.


Plato in his work "Politician" refers to the shift of the poles: "In ancient times, the sun set where it rises now." And the clairvoyant Ruth Montgomery sees the future this way: “I don’t know what to call it, but the sun will one day rise on the wrong side of the horizon… And it will remain overhead for some time”.

Science calls this "instantaneous gyroscope precession." The core of the Earth from the gravitation of the Moon and the Sun moves in magma in a kind of orbit. When the movement of the core continues closer to the surface, then (under the influence of several other factors, such as, for example, magnetic storms in it), the core will come into contact with the mantle.

And the Earth, like a child's whirligig, whose center of gravity has shifted, will “tumble”, as Mother Shipton (1488-1561) put it, the very one who, for the prediction “about the repetition of the former miracle of long days and nights,” was called the Yorkshire witch.

It is unlikely that Mother Shipton knew that even during the reign of the Chinese Emperor Yao, the Sun did not move over one side of the Earth for several days, and night stood on the opposite side.

The father of history Herodotus retells the priests of Egypt: "The sun has risen - where it is setting now." It also follows from the ancient Indian epic that we are already the fifth generation of intelligent beings living on Earth, and the sixth is coming - for "non-incarnate entities that still live in a certain space of the spiritual world."

The epic also says that there are still giant mechanisms left over from previous generations that will again work on solar energy.


The Spanish missionary Bernardino de Sahagun (1500-1590), who studied the language and customs of the Indians, cites sacred hymns in his General History of Things in New Spain, in which they ask that the Earth not immediately fall on its side.

Among the information reported to the Vatican by Sister Lucia from Fatima, who witnessed the appearance of the Mother of God, it also repeats: "The earth has more than once laid its axis on its side." And a variety of chronicles (Chinese and Mexican) warn that the Earth "will move again."

This is echoed by Edgar Cayce: "When the poles move, everything will change in the blink of an eye."


Preserved calendars, where everything is calculated: these "movements" (shifts of the Earth's core?) Have a period of 4 288 years. The epoch of the Fifth Sun is coming to an end, and it is calculated that the Earth has already deviated from its "usual position" by 900 kilometers - the ancient astronomical tables show a different arrangement of stars.

In the oldest known prophecy of the Egyptian magician of the 18th century BC. e. (papyrus stored in the Hermitage, No. 116 G) it says: "I have no habit of predicting something that will not come, but I see that the Earth does not hold firmly … Someday all of it will become water."

And the Chinese treatise Huainan Tzu also indicated: a slightly greater inclination of the axis already means a new flood. The one that was not foreseen by anyone: from a sea robber to the head of state.


It is quite surprising that George Washington also had a vision of "waves rolling across the entire globe, sinking ships." The pirate Duguet-Trowen saw this in his time, who sank more than 500 merchants, but who lived to the eighth decade and wrote his memoirs.

“… Oia penetrated the darkness of the future, both near and far! Some unknown voice began to shout through the wind about a meeting in the near future with a rich merchant, and in the distant time - about a general flood, which was already thousands of years ago.

But not some unknown voice, but the visionary and artist Michael Gordon Scallion proclaimed from the podium: "I contemplated such a nature in a dream … There is almost nothing left on Earth - the entire globe is under water!" And he showed sketches of what was left. And later he even published "Maps of the Future World".

Scallion Flooded Territories Maps of Russia and the USA


The last flood was drawn by the shaman Black Elk from the Hopi Indian tribe, and by Leonardo da Vinci - a whole series of "Sketches of the Flood that existed on Earth" after a vision to him from the past: "The water was coming in waves, and no one found salvation."

In the book "Travels of Marco Polo" it was stated: "One must know that the ark has moored to the top of a high mountain." Fernand Navarro, a mountaineer, also asserts this: “Under the cover of a huge glacier, you can see the wreckage of the ark, once brought here by giant waves. Radiocarbon analysis shows the debris is 5,000 years old."

Geologists are discovering on the Pacific coast of South America traces of huge tidal waves with a height of 740 meters.

In the meantime, the trial and business, the oligarch Abramovich has already built his ark.

