Ghost Towns Fly Over The Ground - Alternative View

Ghost Towns Fly Over The Ground - Alternative View
Ghost Towns Fly Over The Ground - Alternative View

Video: Ghost Towns Fly Over The Ground - Alternative View

Video: Ghost Towns Fly Over The Ground - Alternative View
Video: Ruby Ghost Town Fly over via Mavic Pro 2024, September

Ghost towns no-no yes appear in the sky before the gaze of astonished witnesses. This happened more than once in China, although there these visions were more like cloud formations. But the inhabitants of the Nigerian village of Dudali, for example, observed how a fairytale city floated in the sky above their village, illuminated by many lights, while the Africans clearly distinguished buildings, trees, cars in this heavenly metropolis, heard the usual city noise and many other details. As it turned out, pilots see ghostly flying cities even more often, just a strict veto was always imposed on such information, and therefore it began to leak on the Internet only now, when some relief began in this matter, and the witnesses of these mysterious visions themselves are no longer afraid to get caught to a madhouse, telling that.

The ghost town of Chilean pilotsSo, in 1988, the pilots of a Chilean patrol plane flew over a mountainous area, where there were absolutely no villages. Suddenly they noticed a huge city below, which was burning with numerous lights. At first, the commander of the plane suggested that this was the resort town of Antofagasta, located in northern Chile, but immediately rejected this version: how could he end up in this uninhabited area? Or is the crew off course? The pilots immediately contacted the air traffic control service and received an answer that their plane was on the correct course, and there were only mountains under them, there was no city, and there could not be. The aircraft crew made another circle over the city, which supposedly does not exist and which, in reality, was clearly visible from above, as if mocking the pilots who did not understand anything. And then this metropolis completely stunned them:he suddenly moved from his place and … flew to the northwest, gaining more and more speed. Soon its numerous lights merged into one yellow spot, which gradually "melted" into the clouds. It goes without saying that the crew did not report anything to anyone: they would still be considered crazy. And the dispatcher, thank God, did not attach serious importance to their request …

Other encounters with the ghostly metropolisIn 1996, apparently, the same mystical city met the crew of an airliner over the Andes. And in this case, the megapolis, burning with millions of street lights, surprised and then even frightened the pilots, because it swam over the mountains and soon disappeared from sight. More recently, the American media reported on another similar case in 2006. This time, the ghost town was spotted by the crew of a US private jet flying to Polynesia from Colombia. Flying over a thick layer of cloud cover in the Galapagos region, the pilots witnessed a fantastic picture. Here is how one of them described it: The flight took place, as they say, without a hitch, nothing foreshadowed any surprises. Suddenly … a yellow spot appeared in the clouds. We, of course, immediately changed course, heading to the left, in order to avoid a possible collision. But nothing happened, and the spot, which grew into millions of lights, passed right below us. It was a huge metropolis. In the breaks of the clouds, we could clearly see the strange, some kind of modernist architecture of his buildings, unlike anything else, light was pouring from the windows of the houses, the streets, located perpendicular to each other, were well illuminated again by some outlandish lamps. Cars moved along these streets, and small vehicles, like air taxis, flew over the buildings. It was an earthly and at the same time a fantastic city. True, we watched him for no more than a minute, and it was not very convenient to do it because of the clouds. And then the fabulous metropolis just flew away at a speed of at least 40 kilometers per hour. My comrades managed to take several pictures of this miracle … As reported further,enthusiastic stories about the ghost town reached the leadership, the pilots were soon interrogated by the US Air Force intelligence, forced to describe everything in detail and took a nondisclosure receipt of this incident. Information about that flight was leaked by accident. The main narrator of this amazing meeting at some point began to be tormented by nightmares, last year he turned to a psychotherapist and told the doctor this fantastic case during hypnosis sessions … However, today flying ghost cities are no longer a secret for many researchers. Some of them disagree with the generally accepted version of "spatial mirages". If these are mirages, then they are rather temporary, and then they may simply be "breakthroughs" into parallel worlds. It is no coincidence that people see some outlandish, just fabulous megalopolises, not very similar to our earthly ones …the pilots were soon interrogated by the US Air Force intelligence, forced to describe everything in detail and took a nondisclosure receipt of the incident. Information about that flight was leaked by accident. The main narrator of this amazing meeting at some point began to be tormented by nightmares, last year he turned to a psychotherapist and told the doctor this fantastic case during hypnosis sessions … However, today flying ghost cities are no longer a secret for many researchers. Some of them disagree with the generally accepted version of "spatial mirages". If these are mirages, then they are rather temporary, and then they may simply be "breakthroughs" into parallel worlds. It is no coincidence that people see some outlandish, just fabulous megalopolises, not very similar to our earthly ones …the pilots were soon interrogated by the US Air Force intelligence, forced to describe everything in detail and took a nondisclosure receipt of the incident. Information about that flight was leaked by accident. The main narrator of this amazing meeting at some point began to be tormented by nightmares, last year he turned to a psychotherapist and during hypnosis sessions told the doctor this fantastic case … However, today flying ghost cities are no longer a secret for many researchers. Some of them disagree with the generally accepted version of "spatial mirages". If these are mirages, then they are rather temporary, and then they may simply be "breakthroughs" into parallel worlds. It is no coincidence that people see some outlandish, just fabulous megalopolises, not very similar to our earthly ones …forced to describe everything in detail and took a receipt for non-disclosure of this incident. Information about that flight was leaked by accident. The main narrator of this amazing meeting at some point began to be tormented by nightmares, last year he turned to a psychotherapist and told the doctor this fantastic case during hypnosis sessions … However, today flying ghost cities are no longer a secret for many researchers. Some of them disagree with the generally accepted version of "spatial mirages". If these are mirages, then they are rather temporary, and then they may simply be "breakthroughs" into parallel worlds. It is no coincidence that people see some outlandish, just fabulous megalopolises, not very similar to our earthly ones …forced to describe everything in detail and took a receipt for non-disclosure of this incident. Information about that flight was leaked by accident. The main narrator of this amazing meeting at some point began to be tormented by nightmares, last year he turned to a psychotherapist and told the doctor this fantastic case during hypnosis sessions … However, today flying ghost cities are no longer a secret for many researchers. Some of them disagree with the generally accepted version of "spatial mirages". If these are mirages, then they are rather temporary, and then they may simply be "breakthroughs" into parallel worlds. It is no coincidence that people see some outlandish, just fabulous megalopolises, not very similar to our earthly ones …The main narrator of this amazing meeting at some point began to be tormented by nightmares, last year he turned to a psychotherapist and told the doctor this fantastic case during hypnosis sessions … However, today flying ghost cities are no longer a secret for many researchers. Some of them disagree with the generally accepted version of "spatial mirages". If these are mirages, then they are rather temporary, and then they may simply be "breakthroughs" into parallel worlds. It is no coincidence that people see some outlandish, just fabulous megalopolises, not very similar to our earthly ones …The main narrator of this amazing meeting at some point began to be tormented by nightmares, last year he turned to a psychotherapist and told the doctor this fantastic case during hypnosis sessions … However, today flying ghost cities are no longer a secret for many researchers. Some of them disagree with the generally accepted version of "spatial mirages". If these are mirages, then they are rather temporary, and then they may simply be "breakthroughs" into parallel worlds. It is no coincidence that people see some outlandish, just fabulous megalopolises, not very similar to our earthly ones …Some of them disagree with the generally accepted version of "spatial mirages". If these are mirages, then they are rather temporary, and then they may simply be "breakthroughs" into parallel worlds. It is no coincidence that people see some outlandish, just fabulous megalopolises, not very similar to our earthly ones …Some of them disagree with the generally accepted version of "spatial mirages". If these are mirages, then they are rather temporary, and then they may simply be "breakthroughs" into parallel worlds. It is no coincidence that people see some outlandish, just fabulous megalopolises, not very similar to our earthly ones …