Forward To The Past - Alternative View

Forward To The Past - Alternative View
Forward To The Past - Alternative View

Video: Forward To The Past - Alternative View

Video: Forward To The Past - Alternative View
Video: forward to the past //drarry 2024, September

I wanted to call this article "Back to the Future", but this phrase seemed too hackneyed. It has been repeatedly used by many writers in different years, and now it sounds hackneyed, not fresh and not relevant. Well, in this regard, the inverse option was more suitable. It is possible that it was also used and is being used, but in our case it will sound more correct. Fortunately, the plot for this article is more suitable for this phrase.

The well-known Internet political scientist has repeatedly analyzed the behavior of Saudi Arabia in the modern political arena, which, in his opinion, is of great interest. Indeed, as you know, the leadership of this country has adopted a difficult task - to reduce the dependence of the country's budget on oil sales and move from a semi-feudal state to the standards of social development of the 21st century. Let's leave the first part of the problem without comment, but let's take a closer look at the second. Why is all this for a country that has never lived differently throughout its known history, and this was quite suitable for all its citizens? History knew similar cases before, when, for example, Mongolia, on the wave of the influence of world communism, declared the transition immediately from feudalism to socialism, that is, through one stage of the development of society. Everyone knows how it ended. Why so long for an incomprehensible and uncharacteristic future, when the past still comes and takes its full right? Maybe just go to the past so as not to waste time and resources? Or maybe the past itself was so good that no future is needed, but we just don't know about it?

There are too many questions. But let's finish the introduction here and move on to the main topic. Namely, to agitation of a trip to the past. Why do we need this? And here, let’s honestly say to ourselves that we do not know the past. Something was taught to us in history lessons, but recently it is beginning to rapidly collapse under the onslaught of facts drawn from the depths by numerous researchers. It turns out that many historical documents were trite forged for a specific purpose. Only old photographs remained, which were not so massively forged. There were, of course, staged and retouched photos, but in some places the original ones were also preserved, which by a lucky chance (or perhaps through an oversight of the censors) were made public. Photos like this can tell a lot. Well, we will try to understand on the basis of these photos,what it was, that very past. Well, in some places photos from previous articles will be used, tk. finding them in the public domain is very difficult.

According to the teachings of the well-known, but slightly forgotten classic, material production is the basis of the life and development of society, i.e. production of material goods. And you can't argue with this truth. It is true even for a feudal society. According to the same classics, the production of material goods ensures the process of constant reproduction of the very life of people, without which the existence of society is generally impossible. Paraphrasing in understandable language, the growth of the human population is possible only through the production of material objects that provide normal living conditions for this population. Without such production, chaos begins, and the number of people, even with a high birth rate, begins to rapidly decline due to hunger, disease and the struggle for survival. There are many examples of this. But now we are talking about something else.

How has this production been carried out in the past? About subsistence farming, small-scale production, etc. we have already heard. Let's turn to those old photos.


This is India of 1857, according to the photo annotations (which should not always be done). Why in a country that at that time (and now) has a lot of low-income people, such ships? It's not even a basic necessity. One could argue that in any such society there are rich and super-rich people who can afford this. But in this case, everything is explained by the devastation in the background and half-flooded ships. And this mannered ship is simply abandoned. We will not go into who it was thrown by and why, but we will note for ourselves that it should at least be built (i.e. produced) and be able to manage it. But how to manage just this? Our past turns out to be not so simple. However, we will return to the ships later.

Or another example. In many museums around the world and just in ancient rooms, there are many chandeliers and candlesticks with holes for placing some objects in them. We are constantly convinced that candles were inserted into these chandeliers, and this despite the fact that there are considerable distances from the floor to the chandeliers themselves, and there is not the slightest trace of soot on the ceilings. And suddenly it turns out that this is not entirely true. More precisely, not at all.

Promotional video:


This is a dining room somewhere in the 19th century USA. As you can see, the candles are somehow far away here. And at the same time, even if the candles were conditionally replaced by glasses with some kind of liquid, they must somehow be set on fire and refueled to generate light. How can this be done with such a quantity? But even this is not interesting, but how to produce it and what is it all about? And where did it disappear, and without a trace, and was replaced by legends about candles made of organic materials?

Our past looks at us with the frightening candor of such photographs. And a virtual road to this past would clearly not be easy. For example this.


And bumps on such a road would have to fill a lot. But … let's continue.


This is an 1865 customs terminal somewhere on the Pacific coast. Customs, like any other state institution, by definition, cannot function without communication channels with a single center. And if there are hundreds of kilometers from the customs terminal to this center, the courier service, for obvious reasons, disappears immediately. Without the means of communication, such a duty collection point would be an easy prey for sea robbers or a commercial organization (I suppose everyone knows what I mean). And looking at this photo, try to guess what the connection was. And this is up to Popov and Marconi.

I guess you shouldn't rack your brains, just look at the view of a typical post office from Brazil from the 19th century. It may not be a photograph, but it does suggest certain thoughts.


The past amazes us to surprise. Was the existence of a wireless telegraph possible before its official invention? Obviously yes. Only in the 19th century there was a reboot of mass consciousness unknown to us, and on a global scale (even if somewhere with a delay of half a century or a century). How could it have happened? This is another question, but the fact is that after it the whole world began to think differently. Including about your past.


This is Switzerland of the 1850-60 model. Probably, if you replace all the people in the photo with knights, it would also look quite realistic. Especially near the poster board in the background. Strange, by the way, some kind of curbstone. It clearly differs from its modern species, and even from the rudiments of old pedestals, still preserved in some places in Europe. Take a look at its roof. Officially, it seems, street cleaners kept their inventory in such cabinets. What was really there? But here something else is interesting - the society shown in the photo had such a quality of life that allowed them to produce such stands for advertising cultural events. These are clearly not the essentials that are needed under the feudal system in order to survive. But this is only Europe. What about the rest of the world?


And this is a simple American bus, model 1870. I wonder how he worked? Now we probably won't know. The wheels look especially interesting. The word "tire" as applied to wheels has not yet completely gone out of circulation, at least in Russian. And at the same time, in technology, this word refers to a conductor on which other suitable or outgoing conductors of a smaller section are mounted to make electrical contact. One involuntarily recalls road pavements made of metal parts, which are still preserved in some places. Is this really the case? And by the way, a car of this type still needs to be produced. Judging by its appearance, it is not possible in artisanal conditions. I wish I could take such a bus and go to this very past, but … let's be realistic and look at the ships of the past from the same continent.


When I first saw the ship in the background of this daguerreotype, I thought it seemed. He looks too bold, doesn't he? Even though there are two pipes, this fact is not at all surprising. But which of them sticks out (remember this part of the pipes) and what is a little further than the pipes? According to official data, daguerreotypes began to be sharply replaced by ordinary photographs after 1850, and there is every reason to believe that this is a photo of the 1st half of the 19th century. And as it turned out, this is not a mistake at all.


Since this is a drawing, please now pay attention only to the very top of the ship. Why is there that kind of church there? Probably, it was politically correct that they began to call it the captain's bridge, and there was a cap-tain (a cap for something there), which over time after that very reboot turned into a ship's rank. Apparently, there was some secret in this design that rotated the propellers of such ships.

Maybe it's still a mistake? Not at all.


Our past sailed away with these ships, and sailed away so that their traces were removed from almost everywhere and photographs of completely different ships were planted. And by the way, in order to manufacture such a ship, the plant is needed even more seriously than for the bus discussed above. But America is America, its capabilities then and now were considerable. What happened on other continents?


A similar structure in a very simplified form, for example, illuminates the porch of a house in South Africa. It just lights up without having any suitable wires. And this is by the way the beginning of the 20th century. Also the past, and quite recent. Why is there nothing like this anywhere, even just in human memory? And was it really that simple?


In Egypt, during the reign of Ismail Pasha (late 19th century), such structures were used to transmit music to the surrounding space. Yes, exactly by broadcasting, as the microphone and amplifying equipment do now. It should be noted that Ismail-Pasha received a European education, and he most likely brought similar ideas of musical repeaters from there. Many photographs of such music kiosks have survived from almost all major cities in Europe at that time. What level of development did society have in that very past, if it was able to create something like that, which cannot be done now?


And in Australia, with the help of such structures, they simply extracted water. No bulky hydraulic systems. Australia, by the way, is a continent, most of which is occupied by deserts with uninhabitable conditions. It is because of the lack of water. How did it happen in the past that the problem was solved in such an easy way? And what were the magical properties of the very structure that gave enhanced music, light and thrust in ship engines? What sacred knowledge did the masters possess who created such magic? But if it is preserved in the photo, then there is no magic at all.

But that's not all.


Guess what century this photo of the interior of one of the churches in Brazil was taken. According to the annotation of the archive, it is 1885. I wonder if they prayed at all in such places? Just standing there and looking at all this splendor already brought spiritual healing, not to mention the fact that, according to numerous data, in such places healing was accomplished by influencing a person by certain physical and chemical processes that are now forgotten or kept under strict secrecy. Alas, all these attributes of the past are also gone, along with the past.


And again Australia, where at the beginning of the 20th century one of the cities of New South Wales was prepared for the solemn reception of the Duke of York. For some reason, after 1920, such illuminations disappear, and not only in Australia, but throughout the world. And paradoxically, this is happening exactly at the time when the scientific and technological breakthrough of the 20th century begins. So maybe that dash was in the wrong direction?

By the way, a few interesting facts will be presented a little later about this strange historical character, the Duke of York. Has anyone ever heard of this? In theory, many should know him. Try to guess who is in question until it comes to his turn in the text.

But since we began at the very beginning of the article to refer to the classic who gave the whole world, along with his philosophy, material production with its basis and superstructure, then what did the factories that produced all this look like?

Actually, they looked the same as they showed us in numerous feature films. And even all over the world there are still many buildings of those factories. And many old photographs of the workshops of those factories have survived. Those very photographs where a long transmission with shafts and pulleys goes through the entire workshop, and each machine was connected to it individually with its own drive belt. Everything would be fine, but everywhere under the strictest confidence the equipment that set this transmission in motion is hidden.


It's strange, but we again see an analogue of the same design as on the captain's bridge of the same ship. What do you think, is it possible, in principle, in factories where there was such equipment, the exploitation of man by man, as another no less famous classic sang? The answer suggests itself. The works of both of these classics are brilliantly written and in many ways very truthful, but they are written about completely different factories that have replaced these same factories from the past. The factories that came again possessed all the attributes, namely the proletariat and its exploitation. Perhaps this is the very bourgeois revolution that was mentioned in passing in the history textbooks. Well, the factories of the past have also sunk into oblivion, perhaps leaving the old buildings for their successors. How could a reboot of such a scale and size go so unnoticed?

I think the view of the next building in the modern photo is familiar to many.


Similar buildings in various variations have survived throughout the world. Many of them have survived in Russia too. These buildings were erected mainly for technical needs on the railways. Even without being a professional architect, when looking at such buildings, I always found some kind of incompleteness. It looked very strange that the old masters made the roof of such a building (structure) flat without any special need. Interest in this topic was fueled by a certain engraving depicting a railway station in the Strasbourg region in 1865. More precisely, not the engraving itself, but one small detail on it.


The figure shows a pipe, the one from which smoke never came. These pipes are described many times in various research materials. There are still many remains of these pipes. But here, on such a pipe, something is seen that was not observed either in the photo or on the remaining pipes. What is this mysterious detail? And let's remember the same daguerreotype with a ship, pipes and incomprehensible details on these pipes.

Quite by chance, an old photo of the Swiss railway from the 19th century was found, and the mystery was solved by itself.


Alas, all the remnants of such structures around the world have been completed, namely, their upper metal part has been completely dismantled. If on ships this structure stood for the rotation of the propellers, then why here? The answer is clear again. This is a device that provided traction for all locomotives traveling along this train of the road. Or, who knows, what PM and SHC are doing now, taken together (railroad workers will understand what they mean), was done by this building alone. And it did, it should be noted, without failures and the human factor, like a clock. Wow was the past.

The remains of such structures are sometimes now referred to as water bodies by the railway. It is possible that this is so, but such facts must be carefully checked. It is likely that such buildings in their old form, with an iron dome at the top, were multifunctional and not only carried out traction, but also stored a supply of water for steam locomotives. After that same reboot, the iron part was completely demolished, which in general is quite easy to do. And the same was done on those very smokeless pipes, which were most likely a simplified form of such buildings. But this is a topic for a separate story.

Attentive readers must have noticed some strange details that can be seen when enlarging a fragment of a photo with this iron structure on a railway building. If not, here's a close-up.


Some kind of déjà vu. This has already happened somewhere. By the way, I am writing now from the country where before Christmas such glowing symbols hang on almost every home. And it is no coincidence that I mentioned above about PM and SHC taken together. SCH, among other things, also provides communication. Why was the shape of this design called the Luciferian star?

Taak … And what kind of light did this star carry on a stick? In this case, it was clearly not light in the optical range, although nothing can be ruled out. What is such a ray light on a railroad for? Let's remember a customs post with antennas on the roof. There is no doubt - these stars were the prototypes of modern radio relay lines, only in the very past. What size and shape these stars became in the 20th century, at least on the same railroad, I believe, many people imagine. There is nothing to be done, this is a reboot and a scientific and technological revolution.

And once again, our past surprises us and puts before us another question - how is it that such stars suddenly become symbols of some subcultures? By what kind of raider seizure they were taken and forced to carry the light from one people to another, and exclusively in visual agitation? The question remains unanswered. Well, or so far no answer. But we look further.


This is a photo of some greenhouse from Brazil (strange, I understand myself) of the 1860-1870 season. Such greenhouses in the past were not at all uncommon in those days, but this is also a topic for a separate story. They met in almost all countries. And here, as above, it is not the greenhouse that is interesting at all, but the background.


Here the Luciferian stars stand already as symbols. Although, according to the architecture of the building, one might think that this is not Brazil at all, but some kind of the Middle East. Who seized this territory and planted such symbols, and most importantly, what was there in the past before this seizure? What country? Another mystery of the past. But that's not all.


In the photo of the turbine hall of some exhibition from Australia, we see our very designs, but they have an incomprehensible symbol. More precisely, more than understandable and even painfully familiar to all Soviet people. How did he get there? To whom did this star shine, in order to then move from such technical nodes to red banners with the subsequent destruction of those very technical nodes?


And this is Prague, a monument on the Charles Bridge, which stood there in 1870. As you can see, the entire set of symbols is available, and electric lamps are clearly present in the stars, and not the ones that Edison and Yablochkov invented. To what people did these lamps bring light? The monument looks fresh, and not even made very neatly. Who captured this territory in order to plant the same symbols there, destroying the devices of which they were prototypes? By the way, I believe that many do not know where the name of the American currency - the dollar - came from. This is just the name of the Czech mountain Thaler, on which these dollars were first minted. Why did the first hard currency start to be published in the Czech Republic? In the eastern territories, this currency was also used, but under a different name.

I think everyone understands why, for example, Finland was called Finland, Arabia (Arabia) - Arabia, Mauritania - Mauritania. Why was Europe called Europe? We've already heard stories about the Arabic or ancient Greek origins of this word, it's hard to believe. I heard the version that Yakutia and Judea are two identical designations of the same geographical area. The indigenous peoples of Yakutia never called their country that way; they called and call it Sakha. Was it not from there that Moses led his peoples to Europe? A very strange coincidence.

I think we need to make a small digression here so that the reader understands what it is about. The 19th century is almost entirely a little-known historical period. Almost all official historical documents for that period were falsified (the author's opinion, I believe that many will agree). We can only judge about the events of that period by such photos, accidentally leaked in our days, and by other indirect conclusions. From what can be understood now, in the 19th century the entire planet was conditionally divided into two warring parties. Let's call them conditionally the Empire and the International (I suppose we won't be mistaken). During the ongoing hostilities, the Empire was defeated by the International. It is not excluded that the victory of the International was essentially a Pyrrhic victory, since during the hostilities, almost all resources were spent,and they were no longer enough for the total occupation of the territories of the Empire. And a very big mystery is a natural cataclysm that destroyed most of the planet. What it was - the cause or effect of those hostilities, is difficult to establish now. The history was rewritten by the winning side, all unnecessary artifacts from the past life were destroyed. And all the technical achievements of the past were introduced into everyday life in the form of their symbols. And so the very past, which we now remember with sadness, disappeared. And all the technical achievements of the past were introduced into everyday life in the form of their symbols. And so the very past, which we now remember with sadness, disappeared. And all the technical achievements of the past were introduced into everyday life in the form of their symbols. And so the very past, which we now remember with sadness, disappeared.

It is probably not entirely fair to attribute these symbols to a certain nationality. As well as blaming this nationality for all mortal sins and torments of other peoples. With the same success, you can blame the pike, which the Almighty created so that the crucian did not sleep. Everything in the ecosystem is thought out, and the extermination of one species does not lead to anything good for the remaining species. And if we apply this allegory to the 20th century and modern days, it turns out that this entire period was marked by the fact that either the pikes crushed the crucians, or the crucians crushed the pikes, or the pikes crushed the crucians with the forces of the crucians themselves. And the Almighty, who created all these species, does not care deeply about this worldly vanity. However, we will return.

I assume you have already guessed what territorial entities were behind the definitions of the Empire and the International. Let's start with the latter.


Does this symbolism remind you of anything by chance? Some states still have something similar. And in the 19th century, the International included a lot of nations, in fact, because of this, it was called that. And under the action of the united forces of the International, the Empire began to lose its lands one after another. Gradually she lost all her possessions in Africa, both Americas, the Middle East, India, China. In Europe, her holdings have decreased significantly. The rest of the holdings passed under someone else's protectorate, but more on that later.

I apologize in advance to the British for publishing such pictures. In no way do I want to offend their national dignity or question the official history of their flag. It's just that the symbol depicted on it very strangely coincides with a certain technical architectural detail, which apparently in the past also had its own functionality. As well as other symbols from the flags of those times.


What was that detail? There must have been something in its center that attracted attention. It is not for nothing that a coat of arms was placed on the flag in this place. As I said earlier, if any symbol is placed on some artifact with signs of antiquity, then it is necessary to search here. This symbol gives a hint that some secret of the past has been replaced with it. I wonder what the red flag symbolized? Let us leave the legend about the color of the blood shed for freedom as an evening tale for party functionaries. There are guesses on this score, but these are just guesses. Perhaps, after reading to the end, one of the readers will understand.

There are several interesting points about the very wars of the International and the Empire that should be noted.


There are a lot of oddities in this rare photo of 1854 soldiers of the International army. The soldiers are dressed in light-colored clothing, which is not entirely practical in wartime, and most importantly, as a conclusion, they had no goal of disguising themselves as the surrounding space. Obviously, there were no snipers at that time. What caused this and what kind of service was it? But that's not all. Wearing cylinders on the head rather than helmets, for example, in combat conditions is even more impractical. And this top hat was fastened very strangely, under the chin. And what was on this cylinder? On closer inspection, we can state that these are not brushes, but the same … bulbs. And there was the opposite goal - these soldiers had to be seen from afar. What for? It was very difficult to find something similar in the photo.


There are a number of signs that this photo is staged, but nevertheless, the version with light bulbs, moreover, multi-colored, is only being confirmed. But the mysteries are not diminishing. And to solve them, consider a photo of one of the campaigns of the International against the Empire - the second opium war in China in 1860 (as it is now nobly called).


This is the appearance of the Pekhtang Fort occupied by the allied forces in China. Despite the seriousness of the fort's appearance and its obvious role in this war, Wikipedia does not even mention it. There is one small oddity - the tents of the troops at a certain interval go along the entire wall of the fort. What for? But let's not go into the intricacies of military affairs of those times, but see another photo from the same place.


The archive does not hesitate to call this photo "Soldiers at a wooden gun." In appearance, oddly enough, the weapon really looks like a wooden one and tied with hoops. But besides that, there are also tires-wheels and heaps of incomprehensible cables, one of which is very much like an electric cable. And here, quite reasonably, even more than one question arises. How did these weapons fire and why is there a cable?


This is a photo of the same location but from a different angle. And again we see a really wooden trunk and cables. This is clearly not a mistake. There are two tents at the top near the flag. The mysteries become even more. And one more detail - the Asians are clearly fighting on the side of the allies. How to understand all this? Let's take a look at another photo.


Let's pay close attention to the aiguillette, about which a lot has been written earlier and by different researchers. Why does he leave in different lines in epaulettes? The first association immediately gives out that the same tire is in pursuit, into which the tips of the aiguillettes enter through the connectors. And if the opposite tips of the untangled aiguillette are inserted into the free shoulder strap of the next soldier, then a living chain is obtained. The term, by the way, is common. And if such a chain is lined up next to a row of guns, then everything will fall into place. The light on the headgear will give a clear indication that the chain is working properly. Its visibility will be excellent even at night, which in general was required. In the field, the organization of such batteries is one of the important matters. And the guns themselves were made of wood, leather, etc., and no powder charges were used. They fired with ordinary cables that went into the tents. Tents are nothing more than the very same metal structures, only in field performance. They also had such a military application.

In the Russian language there is a well-known word "row", which generally means a certain set of objects of the same type at a certain distance from each other. Imagine a number of such wooden tools, for example, in the loopholes of the same fort. What is behind this row of weapons? Obviously, charge. Let's rewind again and look at the photo of the Pekhtang fort, where tents are located along the walls immediately behind the loopholes. Let's also see other photos, where cannonballs with holes with a caliber much larger than the existing guns lie. Here it is, the very charge that, after the introduction of gunpowder, continued to be called. And it is not without reason that the military rank, which in the English-speaking army was called cap-tain, in the Russian army was called the sergeant for a long time. The puzzles start to take shape surprisingly.

And this weapon, by the way, had a huge destructive power, it was not for nothing that the artillerymen were called the gods of battles. In combination with the primitiveness of execution, these weapons gave the troops tremendous opportunities and advantages. Such that after the victory of the International over the Empire, it was decided to completely destroy these weapons, for the sake of their own safety. You never know what. Moreover, battles often flared up within the forces of the International, which over the years became stronger and stronger until they escalated into world wars.

And by the way, another non-relative photo of the times of the second opium war in China.


I am not a specialist in oriental languages, but in my opinion there is something written in ligature. This is in China in 1860. And here specifically Beijing. The annotation says dryly that this is a destroyed Tatar mosque. Judging by its appearance, this mosque was destroyed not so long ago. Who lived in China in the past?

However, there is no need to look for an answer to this question. Within the Empire, very different peoples lived harmoniously on one territory, and even in places of different races. Representatives of one of the races possessed the secrets of technical devices that provided all peoples with the very material and spiritual benefits (according to the classics), moreover, completely free of charge, and on a huge scale. There have never been wars among these peoples - they had nothing to fight for. The rule of the country was an ordinary subsistence economy, which was not at all as bad and backward as we were taught at school. The state apparatus was not cumbersome and ineffective, and there was much more that we can envy now. And even after the conquest of the Empire, the remnants of the former order existed for a very long time on its territory, until they were completely destroyed. The above photos are those very captured remnants of the past. The past, into which one must go.


The weak side of the Empire was that it did not have to be fought in the classical way. It was enough to destroy the very technical devices that produced material wealth, and the person quickly became who he really is. A banal struggle for survival began, and the peoples who had lived together for more than one hundred (maybe) years before, began to destroy each other on a national basis. And almost always the people lost, whose representatives possessed the very technical secrets of the reproduction of material wealth. In some territories of the Empire, they were simply destroyed, such as in the modern territories of Turkey, Syria, Iran, Central Asia. As you can see, it is no coincidence that Asians are fighting for the Allied forces in the photo of the second Opium War. And there are a lot of such examples of obscure and little-known wars of the 19th century on other continents. Divide and conquer, as they say.


And the empire's technological advances, such as these newly-hung wireless poles, were quickly adapted to generate income. It would be foolish not to use such a resource for enrichment. And this was done gradually, without sudden movements, taking into account the natural decline of the population, who still remembered those golden times of the past.


This photo shows the illumination on the occasion of the arrival in Sydney (New South Wales, Australia) of a certain Duke of York, who, judging by the surviving photos, came there regularly since 1901. But for some reason, there are no photos of this duke on the network in the period from 1901 to the 1930s, despite the fact that the illuminations on his arrival were filmed in detail. Or maybe this duke came only once and stayed there forever?


And these colorful illuminations, reminiscent of something similar from Moscow, were simply replicated.


In this photo, this Duke of York is already in the guise of King George, who arrived in Australia in 1916. The Great War (as it was called in those countries) is in the yard, and he was not at all afraid of it for such a trip. And there is information that he came back in 1918 and 1921. Actually, here is this Duke of York in person, but in a different status.


Do you recognize anyone in this slightly aged gentleman? If he wanted to take a virtual tour from St. Petersburg (for example) to Sydney, and in Europe at that time there was a war on land, sea and air, then the most ideal route for him would be a trip by rail through Yekaterinburg somewhere on Vladivostok or Port Arthur, and then the question of technology. I believe that the scale of fooling the masses is beginning to reach the Russian-speaking segment of readers.

Well, what happened in 1/6 of the land on the territory of a seemingly unconquered Empire?


Actually, everything is the same - Luciferian stars in the form of symbols everywhere, at any national events. There are many old photos where they are present on buildings and even on mountain slopes in Kiev, Vladimir and other cities. How could this happen? Obviously, the official history does not tell us very much.

Most likely, the Crimean War is revealed to us only for a small part, the main emphasis is placed on the war of 1812. For what purpose? If these events are indeed chronologically spaced apart and correspond to their dates (which there are absolutely proven doubts of many researchers), then we can safely say that the Empire was conquered completely in the first half of the 19th century, and it was then that the destruction of all its technological achievements began, and where it was not possible to do this, a massive substitution of their props began.


There is very little photo evidence of this. Indeed, the victors did not need to preserve the memory for the descendants of those who survived this war.

Russian language itself can sometimes give hints. For example, the status of a pillar nobleman, which was known to that very nominally new Empire, is still known. What does that mean? In Wikipedia, as always, there is a very skimpy non-relative definition of this title. And here are some columns and were there any? Probably, here again we need to remember architecture.

The yard at that time, and in many places now, is called an annex to a wooden house, made with a common roof with the rest of the house, or separately. Now in these yards agricultural implements are stored and livestock winters. And in the old days of the past, the courtyard was used for some other purpose, and its owner had a higher status than all simple ones, which had an ordinary hut. And what could be there? And where are the pillars? So maybe the poles were placed in the courtyards for some technical needs, and the house turned into a smart house (according to European definition), and provided itself with water, light and heat? The picture is starting to clear up.


And here it is in front of you, the street of post noblemen, in this case in Blagoveshchensk, model 1870. Ordinary mortals were not allowed such architectural delights or could not afford it. For them, there were other goals and objectives. And for titled persons there were even special addresses, such as "your Excellency" or "your honor." Oddly enough, both of them say that their owners were allowed to have the technical achievements of a destroyed civilization - light and something that brought peace of mind and recovery to the house. Everything is primitive and as old as the world. Each ruling stratum had its own degree of freedom and its own level of permissibility, well, and its own responsibilities in this not very complex hierarchy.

How do you sound such a phrase - "the colonialists, having conquered the country, planted a government of collaborators in it, and the indigenous population was driven into reservations, while destroying the cities and suppressing the centers of uprisings until complete victory." This is quite a common situation for 19th century politics, for example, in some Latin American country. No wonder, that's how it was. And if we paraphrase it a little differently? For example, “under the aegis of Catherine the Great, the revived nobility introduced serfdom, which limited internal migration in the country, attempts to escape to Ukrainian lands were punishable by death, and numerous peasant uprisings were brutally suppressed. The cities were rebuilt in a new way. " This is generally not in the textbook and in an arbitrary form, without a claim to the truth, but the meaning of the phrase is almost the same as the previous one. But only the phrase is already for another country and looks more elegant.


And this is one of the cases of suppression of such hotbeds of resistance, now known to us as the defense of Sevastopol.

And from somewhere suddenly a lot of writers appeared who praised the special way of development of this territory, which, in fact, corny covered a special type of colonization, which was very successfully worked out for the mentality of the populace inhabiting this territory.

There is a lot to talk about on this topic, so let's come back. How did it happen that on the territory of the vast Empire in a very short period of time there was a complete reboot of the consciousness of the entire population? Here, probably, from the past it is necessary to transfer to the present, or to the beginning of the 20th century. And to quote a little from the armycarus website. I always thought that one should read there and divide by eight (may the author forgive me for such frankness), but this is not the situation here. It will focus on those very events of October 1917 in St. Petersburg (author's spelling).

Hmmm… Barack Obama himself would envy such a reboot. I believe that now it is clear to everyone what caused the erasure of the people's memory of almost yesterday's events. And what do you think, this happened in the vastness of the conquered Empire only in 1917 in St. Petersburg and then in Moscow?

Back in Soviet times, when studying the history of my native land at school, I had a chance to read a booklet for tourists on the history of the ancient city of Murom. Years later, nowadays, quotes from that booklet have migrated word for word to modern sources. And there was one strange phrase that for some reason I remember. There she is.

Do you think such a renovation is possible without evicting residents? What was the easiest way to relocate the residents? The answer suggests itself, and even more so other cities are mentioned. Everything is more than simple - the Bolsheviks were not at all the inventors of such reboots, even before them this tactic had been successfully tested and they were well aware of it. And now we can only guess about the scale of such renovation. Those who survived lived in the villages, and it took quite a few years for the people's memory to be completely erased.


Where are you, gentlemen-democrats of the past century, praised by the now-forgotten, very talented performer Igor Talkov? Have you really left for Sydney after reading Engels' correspondence with Kautsky?

The subsequent history is generally more or less known, despite the fact that a number of manipulations were carried out here as well. Forgotten technologies of the Empire at the beginning of the 20th century began to spontaneously and uncontrollably revive, which put the existence of the International in jeopardy. By coincidence, discord, or opportunism, as it was called there, began in the International, which led to huge destructive wars. Their result at the beginning of the 20th century was the reformatting of the territories of the former Empire, but then the events that were written above followed. Under the guise of instilling freedom and brotherhood, the remnants of the achievements of the past were finally destroyed. These events are well known to everyone and there is no point in repeating them. I would also like to add an episode about Stalinist architecture, Beria and a strategic reserve of red mercury in case of war, which they were waiting for and did not wait,but more on that later.

Well, of course, one should not go into this past, but this past should be well understood and forgotten. And we will again return to the past, which was discussed above in the miraculously preserved photographs.

To summarize and apply allegories again, the process of destroying the technologies of the past looked something like this. Someone took a lizard and cut off its tail, but at the same time suggested that its tail could not grow back on its own, and attached a paid prosthesis to it, which did not allow this tail to grow back. Over the years, this prosthesis has been modernized and has already reached nanotechnological performance, but it has remained a paid prosthesis. What happens if you take it off?

Well, probably enough to write this sad science fiction story. Let this lizard tail grow a little.


As you understand, this is a model of the very structure that rotated the screws, pulled steam locomotives and did many other useful things. She herself, as well as her secret, are outside the Russian Federation and have nothing to do with the author of these lines (or else?). This is neither good nor bad, it is inevitable.

Standing under it, I involuntarily felt like a hero of the forgotten old Polish film "Sex Mission" (do not think what), which in the Soviet box office went under the name "New Amazons". Who has not watched or does not remember, according to one of the plot lines, the heroines of this film were taught for many years that they can live only on a space base, outside of which life is not possible. And at one fine moment they went beyond the territory of the base and went through planetary space, and surprisingly, the view of lifeless space turned out to be a decoration, breaking which, they entered a previously unknown world. An ordinary world, where there is air, plants bloom and there is much more. At that time, this film sent a message to the society that communism in Europe had already been ended and the decision had been made, the rest was just a matter of the near future. Who could understand it.

In general, I can already share some of the results for lovers of exact and natural sciences:

  1. This design and a conventional power transformer are one and the same, only the design differs from the transformer by the use of "Sumerian" geometry. In the transformer, the energy in the secondary winding is created by a man-made imbalance of a certain substance, and in the construction, this imbalance creates the movement of the same substance, which theoretically does not seem to exist. If a transformer had even a small part of the ability to implement this controlled self-imbalance, it would also most likely become a victim of the "scientific and technological revolution" and we would also think for a long time looking at its photo. But there are two nuances. The first one is in the principle of operation of the transformer, which we are taught at school, the truth (I'm not afraid of these figures) is 5-10%. The second - "Sumerian" geometry is taken in quotation marks from the fact that it hardly has any relation to the very people. This geometry was widely used until the early 20th century in architecture. We still use it, for example, a watch face. Take a look at it and this structure from above. Try to understand why the dial is divided into 4 sectors, and each of the sectors into 3 equal parts. If you guess, then I give a guarantee, you will be very surprised why you didn’t think of this earlier.
  2. Schumann waves do exist, and they are strictly ordered. Their frequency is now given in real time by many information resources. But no one knows their real location in space. Not because this information is classified, but because the technique of drawing in space the amplitudes of these waves ("wind rose", remember) is really lost. Anyone who can revive any old measuring device from the museum, which can show the "wind rose" at the present time, will achieve a lot in this life.
  3. The recipes for red mercury that are now circulating on the Internet are fake. The fact that this is a Soviet invention, and that the whole world was frightened by it in the 90s, is also fake. I hasten to reassure everyone, personally I did not hold it in my hands (honestly) and I can only guess what it is.

I can't say anything else, and don't try. Believe me, on the agenda are the tasks of the level of an advanced student of the 3rd year Polytechnic University.

Well, in general, we can state that the beginning of the trip to the past has come true. How long this path will last and whether it will take place at all is known to the Almighty alone. In the meantime, this road to the past is completely free.


Somewhere in a few years (I suppose), a crush and walking over the heads of those who want to get into this past will begin on this road. And they will begin to ignore all the stupid laws that limit peace and happiness in the whole world. And whoever will convince that this is all a lie will only create competitive advantages, thereby running into the past. And no one wants to make a leap into an incomprehensible future, like some countries.

Well, we stock up on popcorn and wait, who will be the first to run into the past, how much this article will hang (just kidding). And I ask you not to forget that a writer is a man of the grotesque, he tends to thicken colors, fantasize, shift accents, etc., there was absolutely no purpose to offend someone or to agitate someone to do rash illegal acts.



  1. And yet I'm not sure that this article will hang for a long time, so it can be simultaneously published on several channels, incl. foreign. Please do not be surprised. Thanks to those who showed concern about my absence in the information field. In connection with the transition of tasks to the practical plane, there is no time for articles, I will write as much as possible.
  2. All persons interested in promoting this project in practice (I emphasize), please write to [email protected]. Russian, English, Deutsch. Especially technical specialists who know something about the operation of such installations, or simply technical specialists in physics and chemistry, who consider themselves unique and not in demand.

Author: tech_dancer