10 Architectural Artifacts Proving The Existence Of Advanced Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

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10 Architectural Artifacts Proving The Existence Of Advanced Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View
10 Architectural Artifacts Proving The Existence Of Advanced Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: 10 Architectural Artifacts Proving The Existence Of Advanced Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: 10 Architectural Artifacts Proving The Existence Of Advanced Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: Artifacts That PROVE Past Advanced Civilizations Existed 2024, September

The knowledge of modern man about ancient cultures is very limited. But the architectural artifacts that have come down to our time give reason to believe that many millennia ago, developed civilizations existed on our planet, which were forgotten. In our review of 10 archaeological finds, the secrets of which still remain unsolved.

1. Ancient devices

Lens of Nimrud from the capital of Assyria


Ancient civilizations knew much more and were more advanced than scientists assumed 20 years ago. Archaeologists have discovered a number of ancient devices, from planispheres to prototypes of batteries. The most famous finds are the Nimrud lens and the Antikythera mechanism.

The lens of Nimrud, estimated to be about 3,000 years old, was discovered during excavations in the ancient Assyrian capital of Nimrud. Some experts believe that the lens was part of an ancient Babylonian telescope. This means that they had advanced knowledge in astronomy.

The famous Antikythera Mechanism (200 BC) was created to calculate the movement of the sun, moon and planets. Unfortunately, people can only guess why and how many ancient devices were created, and why ancient knowledge about them disappeared.

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2. Empire Rama

Evidence for the existence of the ancient Indian empire of Rama


For a long time, it was believed that Indian civilization emerged only in 500 BC. However, discoveries made in the last century have pushed the origins of Indian civilization back by several thousand years.

In the Indus Valley, the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were discovered, which were perfectly planned even by modern standards. Harappa culture also remains a mystery. Its roots are hidden for centuries, and the language has not yet been solved by scientists. There are no buildings in the city that would indicate different social classes, there are no temples or other places of worship. No other culture, including Egypt and Mesopotamia, has had this level of urban planning.

3. Longue Caves


Longyu - the Chinese call another wonder of the world. The system of 24 caves was discovered by accident in 1992. The time of the emergence of the caves dates back to the 2nd century BC. Despite its titanic volume (about a million cubic meters of stone would have to be removed to carve such caves in hard rock), no evidence of construction has been found. The carvings covering the walls and ceilings of the caves are made in a special manner and are full of symbols. According to officially unconfirmed information, the seven discovered grottoes repeat the location of the seven stars in the constellation Ursa Major.

4. Nan Madol


On an artificial archipelago in Micronesia, not far from Pohnpei Island, there are the ruins of the ancient prehistoric city of Nan Madola. The city is built on a coral reef made of basalt blocks weighing up to 50 tons. The city is crossed by many canals and underwater tunnels. Part of its streets are flooded. The scale of this structure can be compared with the Great Wall of China or the Egyptian pyramids. Moreover, there is not a single record of who built the city and when it was built.

5. Tunnels of the Stone Age


From Scotland to Turkey, archaeologists have unearthed evidence of an extensive network of underground tunnels beneath hundreds of Neolithic settlements. In Bavaria, some tunnels are up to 700 meters long. The fact that these tunnels have survived for 12,000 years is a testament to the extraordinary skill of the builders and the sheer size of their original network.

6. Puma Punku and Tiwanaku

Megalithic ruins of Puma Punku and Tiwanaku


Puma Punku is a megalithic complex near the ancient pre-Incan city of Tiwanaku in South America. The age of the megalithic ruins is highly controversial, but archaeologists are unanimous that they are older than the pyramids. The ruins are believed to be 15,000 years old. The massive stones used in the construction were cut and fitted to each other so precisely that there is no doubt that the builders clearly had developed knowledge of cutting stones, geometry, and they had the tools to do this. The city also had a functioning irrigation system, sewerage system and hydraulic mechanisms.

7. Metal mount


Continuing the conversation about Puma Punku; It is worth noting that at this construction site, as well as in the Korikancha temple, the ancient city of Ollantaytambo, Yurok Rumi and in ancient Egypt, special metal fasteners were used to fasten huge stones. Archaeologists discovered that the metal was poured into grooves cut in the stones, which means that the builders had portable factories. It is unclear why this technology and other megalith construction methods have been lost.

8. The riddle of Baalbek

Baalbek in modern Lebanon


Archaeological excavations at Baalbek, Lebanon have unearthed some of the best-preserved Roman ruins in the world. The megalithic mound, on which the Romans built their temples, makes this place especially mysterious. The stone monoliths of this mound weigh up to 1,200 tons each and are the largest processed stone slabs in the world. Some archaeologists believe that Baalbek's history goes back about 9000 years.

9. Giza plateau

The Giza plateau is a mysterious and iconic place


The Great Pyramid of Egypt is geometrically perfect. How the ancient Egyptians achieved this is unknown. It is also interesting that the erosion of the Sphinx, as scientists have proven, occurred due to precipitation, and this area of the camp was only 7,000 - 9,000 years ago. The pyramid of Mikerin also belongs to the pre-dynastic period. It was also built from blocks of limestone and has exactly the same erosion marks as the Sphinx.

10. Göbekli Tepe

Göbekli Tepe temple complex


Dating from the end of the last ice age (12,000 years ago), a temple complex in southeastern Turkey has been named the most important archaeological discovery of our time. Ancient ceramics, writing, an already existing wheel and metallurgy - its construction implies a level of development that goes far beyond the development of Paleolithic civilizations. Göbekli Tepe consists of 20 circular structures (only 4 have been excavated so far) and skillfully carved columns up to 5.5 meters high and weighing up to 15 tons each. No one can say with certainty who created this complex and where its creators had advanced knowledge of masonry from.