Shrine Bakshay. Russia - Alternative View

Shrine Bakshay. Russia - Alternative View
Shrine Bakshay. Russia - Alternative View

Video: Shrine Bakshay. Russia - Alternative View

Video: Shrine Bakshay. Russia - Alternative View
Video: ALTERNATIVE HISTORY OF RUSSIA | Альтернативная история России - 1864-2021 2024, June

The place, which is now called a temple or a settlement with a strange sounding for us “Bakshay”, is geographically located in the Southern Urals on the territory of modern Bashkortostan. This monument of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan culture, according to some estimates it is more than 10 thousand years old, got its name from modern archaeologists from a small river flowing by.


On the territory of Yuzhno-Uralsk, more than 20 places of residence or settlements of ancient Proto-Slavic peoples have already been discovered and investigated, for example, such as Arkaim - a well-preserved defensive fortification, or Sintashta - a fortified settlement on the banks of the river of the same name, built in the Bronze Age. But Bakshay is much older than them, approximately one millennium, and until that time it has not yet been determined, but what was actually built there.

On the one hand, Bakshai is strangely similar to Stonehenge (England, Wiltshire). The same earthen ramparts and ditches, lined up in a regular circle, and the circle was one of the sacred images of the ancient Aryans. Such objects have already been discovered and studied not only in our country or in England, but they are found in the Czech Republic and Austria, also in an area surrounded by mountains - in the Czech Republic it is Radopi, and in Austria - the Alps. In addition, in the Bakshai circle (according to geophysical exploration data and images from space, which were made back in the 60s, it has a diameter of 100 m, and a rim width of 70-80 cm) there are discontinuous segments that are directed strictly in accordance with the magnetic poles of the Earth. It should be borne in mind that the Bakshai facility itself is located on the border between Asia and Europe.


There is one, but a big difference between Bakshay and Stonehenge - English menhirs (menhir is a stone set or dug into the ground, the girth of which is less than the height of the elevation above the ground) lined up on a flat relief, and the South Ural - in a valley among the mountains … At the same time, there are no menhirs themselves in Bakshai, but there are pits left of them, and local residents say that the stones themselves were relatively recently (compared to the age of the temple itself of 30 thousand years) pulled out of the ground and taken away.

Menhir, in a state acceptable for research, is located 40 km from the Bakshai temple and was named Uchalinsky by archaeologists, since it is located near the village of Akhunovo in the Uchalinsky district (you can also find such a name as the Akhunov observatory). The Uchalinsky menhir and the Bashkai sanctuary arose in the same time period, at the beginning of the Bronze Age, which makes archaeologists talk about their interconnection.

So far, archaeologists have not agreed on a common opinion about the true purpose of Bakshai. On the one hand, the pits in which the pillars stood at the entrance to the temple and the cross obtained by drawing straight lines from the areas where the ditch was interrupted indicate that this place was a sanctuary for carrying out religious activities. On the other hand, the central entrance is strictly oriented to the top of the Yantyk-Bash (Kosaya Mountain) mountain, above which the sun rises exactly on June 22, the day of summer equilibrium, which may indicate Bakshay belongs to astronomical structures.

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There are no special legends about this place. As in other similar places, there are rumors about white ghosts coming out of the mountains, and about lost lovers. But the fact that the Bakshai temple has a certain influence on a person is recognized by the participants of expeditions to these places, and there were only two of them so far - in 2004 and in 2013. The story is told that on their last trip they were accompanied by a woman who had not been able to get pregnant for many years and now she has switched from traditional methods to non-traditional ones. However, the fact remains that now she has two sons. And climbers who climbed Yantyk-Bash remember that all their electronic equipment often failed, even the flashlights went out.