The Cave Of The Black Devil In Khakassia - Alternative View

The Cave Of The Black Devil In Khakassia - Alternative View
The Cave Of The Black Devil In Khakassia - Alternative View

Video: The Cave Of The Black Devil In Khakassia - Alternative View

Video: The Cave Of The Black Devil In Khakassia - Alternative View
Video: The BLACK DEVIL of Khakassia 2024, June

On the territory of Khakassia in the spurs of the Kuznetsk Alatau, there is an unusual cave Kushkulak. In the language of the locals, this name means "Black Devil's Cave". Once upon a time, very long ago, in this cave the ancestors of the Khakass peoples made sacrifices to their ancient gods … sometimes human. Much has changed since then, but bad fame is still passed on from generation to generation about the cave.

Many scientific and research expeditions have visited the Kushkulak cave. Scientists who studied the half-decayed bones of animals and humans said they were often overcome by an inexplicable feeling of fear and excitement, to the point that they had to stop research and hastily leave the cave. Having got out to the surface, no one could explain the reason for such a strange fear.

But sometimes stranger incidents happened to the people in the cave. One of them happened in 1983 with Konstantin Baulin, speleologist of the Novosibirsk Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. His expedition had been exploring the cave for several hours, and, according to the scientist, as the group headed for the exit, he felt that someone was watching him intently, then an unbearable feeling of fear seized him. Since he was the last to walk in the bundle, the scientist turned around and froze in horror … Before him stood something resembling the figure of an elderly man in a robe in a shaggy hat with horns, who was calling him with gestures. The scientist was able to remember well his burning eyes and inviting hand gestures.

According to Konstantin, at the first moment he had a passionate desire to run away from the vision, but his legs did not obey him, someone's ill will pulled him towards the vision, at some point he even took several steps towards a strange old man in a hoodie, but accidentally pulling the rope that tied him with the rest of the expedition, the numbness suddenly disappeared, untied the rope, he rushed to the exit with all his legs. After the horror he had experienced, Constantine no longer descended into this cave, and for a long time he dreamed of a strange vision and called him to follow him.

As the legends of local residents tell in one of the grottoes of the Kushkulan cave, its keeper himself, the ancient Khakass shaman, lives. The uninvited guests who dared to disturb his peace, the shaman punishes with what appears to him in a dream, in the form of a terrible old man in a robe, and calls them with him into the depths of the cave. But maybe it's all about some hallucinations …

Perhaps hallucinations can occur as a result of the influence on the psyche of the unusual environment of the enclosed space under the Earth. But that's why, those who have explored the cave, have the same hallucinations, no one can reasonably explain.

And yet, some observations that could help explain this phenomenon, scientists were able to make. For example, in a cave, instruments detected a constant oscillation of the electromagnetic field.

In addition, it was recorded that among other signals, one, strictly defined impulse is most clearly distinguished. Sometimes it was fixed as a single, and sometimes it was fixed in whole beams, for an hour at intervals of two minutes. But the amplitude of these signals was always the same. On some days, the strange signal did not manifest itself in any way, and then it was recorded by instruments. For a long time no one could explain what these signals are and what is their source. Later, scientists were able to understand that the signals come from the depths of the Earth. Scientists have suggested that these signals cannot be natural and are of artificial origin. But if it ate, let's say a radio beacon, who is this signal intended for?

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In the process of further study of the cave, a pattern was found that attacks of panic fear and depression in cavers occur just at that moment. when the instruments pick up this strange signal. Moreover, the signal appeared only when people descended into the cave, and the more people there were, the stronger the radiation. It was as if the cave somehow knew it was going to be disturbed.

It was also found that, at the moment of signal fixation, even animals and birds living in the cave behave uneasily. Scientists, based on all the data collected, suggested that this phenomenon is explained by some unusual external physical factor that occurs only in the presence of a person. Man is, as it were, a catalyst that triggers the unusual and unstable processes and phenomena observed in the cave of the Black Devil. Research continues, and the solution to the Black Devil's Cave is waiting in the wings.