For Tourists All Over The World, Museums With Horror Stories Have Been Created - Alternative View

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For Tourists All Over The World, Museums With Horror Stories Have Been Created - Alternative View
For Tourists All Over The World, Museums With Horror Stories Have Been Created - Alternative View

Video: For Tourists All Over The World, Museums With Horror Stories Have Been Created - Alternative View

Video: For Tourists All Over The World, Museums With Horror Stories Have Been Created - Alternative View
Video: Creepy Collector Reveals World's Sickest Museum 2024, September

You can always go to the tourist center, visit museums, visit exhibitions or lie on the beach. Such a vacation is a classic, but it is not very memorable and quickly gets boring. Whether it's a matter of visiting places steeped in dark secrets, which are accessible only to the most daring.

For those who are looking for thrills, ready to hear chilling stories and test their psyche for strength, we tell about the most creepy tourist places.

Bodie Ghost Town

Bodie is a small settlement in southern California. When a large reserve of gold was discovered here in 1876, the city began to grow rapidly. Gold prospectors, gamblers and bandits began to gather here. The city has become like a typical western: robberies, murders, deceptions, violence. And all the mined gold people let down in saloons (bars) in one night.


When the deposits dried up, residents began to leave the city until there was no one left in it. And in 1962 this place was declared a historical park and tourist attraction. You can get to Bodi only in summer: in winter the road to it is washed away by rains. Here you can see buildings of the 19th century, dusty furniture, abandoned things and listen to stories about local atrocities.

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Pub "Jon Snow"

The pub in London on Broad Street, where a cholera outbreak occurred in 1854, killing 500 people. All because of the infected water pump outside the pub.


Dr. Jon Snow was the person who identified the infection. He tore off the handle of the water pump with his own hand and thereby saved hundreds of people, and his personal research served as an impetus for the development of epidemiology. By the way, this pump with a torn off handle is still there, and the pub itself was renamed in honor of the doctor.

Gomantong Caves

In Mount Gomantong in Malaysia, there is a crevice leading to an intricate system of caves known as the "caverns of horror." This is because visiting this place is not fun for the faint of heart.


Thousands of bats nest on damp ceilings, walls and floors covered with cockroaches, beetles, rats and snakes. A thick smell of ammonia reigns here, and the waste deposits of these creatures reach a depth of several meters. Therefore, the caves are equipped with bridges that you can walk over to explore this place. If, of course, you have enough spirit.

Mummy Museum in Guanajuato

The Guanajuato mummies are a collection of 111 naturally mummified bodies buried in the Mexican city of Guanajuato.


The bodies were exhumed between 1833 and 1958, when a law was in effect obliging relatives of the deceased to pay tax so that the remains of their relatives were in the cemetery. When relatives stopped paying, the bodies were dug up. The soil and air in these places are too dry, therefore they tend to mummify the remains. The bodies did not decompose, and the excavated remains were left in a common crypt. Soon this place turned into a very gloomy local landmark.

Trenton Psychiatric Clinic

The Trenton Clinic was founded in 1848 and was the first public hospital in New Jersey (USA). But in 1907, Dr. Henry Cotton (pictured left) became the director of the clinic. It was then that the whole horror began.


Cotton believed that mental disorders are caused by infections and can be dealt with by removing the infected parts of the body. As a result, he has performed hundreds of surgeries on patients. At the same time, he declared the effectiveness of his method in 85% of cases, but in reality most of the patients simply died. The abandoned hospital can still be visited today, however, given its history, few people dare to go there.

Vrolik Museum

The Vrolik Museum of the University of Amsterdam is a collection of 10,000 anatomically anomalous human and animal specimens of particular scientific significance.


200 years ago, the museum was the private collection of Professor Gerardas Vrolik (1755-1859) and his son William Vrolik (1801-1863). In addition to the fact that William Vrolik added to his father's collection, he wrote a work on mutations, which advanced medicine far ahead.

The entrance to the museum is open, but only for those with a strong stomach.

Church of St. Jiri

The Church of St. Jiri, or, as it is also called, the "Church of Ghosts", was built in 920 in the Czech village of Lukova by a local prince. The church burned down many times, but it was rebuilt. In 1968, the ceiling of the building collapsed right during the funeral, after which people began to believe that ghosts are found in the church.


Because of this, the building remained abandoned for a long time, until in 2012 student Yakov Khadrava used it as a place for his installation. He created figures from plaster and placed them along aisles and on benches, transforming an abandoned church into an eerie tourist attraction.

Parikkala Sculpture Park

This is one of the weirdest and most attractive places in Finland. A walk in this park is like a journey into the subconscious of a madman. But Veijo Rönkkönen, who created this park, was not a nutcase, but a recognized artist who created this place for 41 years. He made 450 life-size concrete sculptures of people and animals and placed them in his garden.


The sculptures look very creepy, but they also fascinate. They are divided into groups by theme and reflect the path of the artist himself. Childhood memories, fragments of modern reality, meeting people and fantasies - all this can be seen in this amazing park.

Crocodile Road Cahills Crossing

Cahills Crossing in Australia is one of the most dangerous crossings in the world. On a small, half-flooded section of the road, there are more than 120 crocodiles who are just waiting for the moment when someone falls into the water.


In fact, crocodiles gather there to feast on fish, the schools of which float upstream. Every year dozens of drivers try to cross this section of the road, but not all of them manage to reach the end. Despite the warning signs about the risk of crocodile attack, the crossing is very popular with fishermen and tourists. For the latter, there are guarded tours.
