Mountain Shoria. It Seems That This Time It Will Not Be Possible To Hide The Information - Alternative View

Mountain Shoria. It Seems That This Time It Will Not Be Possible To Hide The Information - Alternative View
Mountain Shoria. It Seems That This Time It Will Not Be Possible To Hide The Information - Alternative View

Video: Mountain Shoria. It Seems That This Time It Will Not Be Possible To Hide The Information - Alternative View

Video: Mountain Shoria. It Seems That This Time It Will Not Be Possible To Hide The Information - Alternative View
Video: Proof That 5G Is Going To Make Us All Sick? 2024, September

To get started, I recommend reading the following articles:

"Stone Age - the bright future of mankind"

"Mountain Shoria. Siberian Baalbek"

"Georgy Sidorov: Who are you, Mr. Sklyarov?"

And now we read the addition:

"Russian Stonehenge was discovered by geologists in the mountains of the Kemerovo region"


The territory of the Azov region, the basin of the Kuban River, with its tributaries, and the spurs of the mountains of the Northern Caucasus have been inhabited by people from time immemorial, and it would seem that it is completely impossible to find something new and unusual. However, from year to year, dozens of discoveries regularly occur in this region. For archaeologists, this is a real paradise. Such a density of discovered traces of material culture, for example, was never dreamed of in the "holy land" of Israel. But not only shards and arrowheads and spears can be found here in abundance. The traces of the life of the ancients lie literally underfoot here, without attracting the attention of scientists. and not surprising. The first archaeologist who dares to recognize in the stones lying here and there, building products will be declared insane, and he will have to look for a new source of existence.

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The easier it is for us. Those who do not depend on the installations of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Let us be called ignorant, sensation hunters, we don't care.

I suggest following my good friend Elena Melnitskaya to the Krasnodar Territory, the village of Krepostnaya, the village of Planchenskaya Shchel. Many thanks to her for the materials provided.


Plancheskiy rocks (Golden stones, Planchenskiy, Crimean) - are widely known in tourist and mountaineering circles: they gained particular popularity in the early - mid-70s. It was a boom in the development of mountain tourism in Krasnodar and the Kuban. Rock preparation was required for the summer mountain hikes. Gold stones also became a necessary rock testing ground. Several generations of mountain tourists, speleologists, rock climbers grew up here, improving their skills. Rocks Golden stones hang over the left side of the Afips River valley 1 km south of the Krymskaya Polyana and Plannicheskaya Rocks tourist centers, between the village of Krepost and the village of Plancheskaya Shchel. The path leading to the rocks starts almost opposite the stone gazebo on the river bank. The rocks are located at an altitude of 130 m above sea level.


Actually, it is difficult to name them as rocks, since there are no mountain mineral aggregates such as granite, basalt or diorite. They are built of armored sandstones. Stretching 300 m from west to east, they vary both in height (10-22 m) and in the degree of difficulty for novice climbers


The main attractions of this area are the Sober-Bash and Bolshoi Afips mountains, the Golden stones rocks, the Fortress ridge, the Verkhneafipskoye lake, which is called the local Loch Ness, and waterfalls on the Bystrom stream.

They go to the area of the village of Krepostnaya to pick mushrooms and to hunt.


Anyone who first learns about the existence of this place, immediately appears in their minds a view of a harsh stone fortress in the mountains, remember Zhilin and Kostylin, mountaineers, abreks, and other attributes of the Caucasian war of the nineteenth century. I, too, certainly wanted to find the fortress, or its ruins, after which the village got its name. And you know …


What I read on Wikipedia made me laugh to tears. Read it yourself:

“Serf is a village in the Seversky District of the Krasnodar Territory, part of the Smolensk rural settlement.

The population is less than a thousand inhabitants.

The village was founded in 1864 under the name Soberoashkhskaya, the name was given over Mount Sober-Bash (735 m). In 1866, the village lost the status of the village and was included in the yurt of the village of Afipskaya under the name of the village of Afipsky, and after renaming the last in the village of Smolenskaya in 1867, the village of Smolensky. The status of the village was returned in 1908, at the same time the modern name was given - Serpostnaya: "by the natural fortress on a mountain located within the boundaries of this village."

In the reference book on the Stavropol diocese for 1911 it is said that “the inhabitants were mainly engaged in the timber industry. There is very little land suitable for arable farming. The population of the farm is very poor. The climate is feverish."


What? Do not understand what exactly amused me?

Here is the phrase: - "Serf:" along the natural fortress on the mountain, located within the boundaries of this village.


What our "scientists" will not come up with, but this pearl deserves to be captured on a bronze memorial plaque. What could be more ridiculous than a “natural fortress”, “a natural airport”, or “a natural tractor“Catharpiller”.


No … The name of the village was not given by fools. Although the settlement received the status of a village at the end of the nineteenth century, people always lived there, and place names are such a thing that most reliably preserves history. The concept of "fortress" was not accidentally fixed in the people's memory. Yes, most likely no one remembers the fortress with towering walls, towers and flags above them. When our ancestors appeared in these places, their eyes already saw the ruins, and in such a pitiful form that it was very difficult to guess the man-made structure in this pile of debris.


However, we do not need to play the child's game of guess what the cloud looks like, because we can reason about a subject armed with certain knowledge.


And knowledge gives us the right to assert that in our world, under our modern environmental conditions, and the laws of physics in force, nature DOES NOT CREATE straight lines, edges, flat edges and sharp corners. On the contrary, all the forces of nature are aimed at smoothing out everything direct and sharp. Nature erases corners and edges, destroys any semblance of symmetry, because the natural state is chaos, not order. Everything in this world strives for primordial chaos. Whatever a person does, over time it is doomed to complete destruction by nature and giving the man-made object their original appearance.


The fact that the stones shown in the photo bear little resemblance to man-made objects only testifies to their solid age. Nature has had enough time to work hard to eliminate traces of mind interference. I said “reason” because I’m not sure that this is about human hands. The stones are so old that it is not a fact that a person was already present on this planet at the time when they were new blocks. Why is that? A little patience …


See for yourself how the forces of nature have turned the overwhelming number of stone fragments into boulders. These are natural stones. Those marked with red arrows also suffered very badly, but the impact of natural forces on them was not as long as on the neighboring ones, because most likely they relatively recently rolled from the top to the bottom of the stream. This is the reason for the heterogeneity of erosion.


However, you must admit that nature seemed to have left a clue to clearly show the difference between ordinary boulders and fragments of stone blocks.


Someone dares to claim that this is a stone, just a stone and that's it? Let someone accuse me and my friends of trying to pull facts by the ears, of wanting to get their own, “pocket” Russian “stone henge” in order to have reason to assert that our ancestors are the most ancient and “coolest”, my answer is this:

Utter nonsense. It makes no difference to me who made it, my ancestors, the ancestors of Jews or Latvians, or Alans. For me, only one thing is important: - The subject of study exists, but science ignores it. So what kind of science is it then if it doesn't try to answer existing questions? If it does not fulfill its direct tasks, then why is such a science needed at all? Perhaps it would be better to divide the salaries of academics among the poor, unfortunate, destitute singers and artists?


Progress has been outlined in the recognition of man-made science by science: "Russian Stonehenge" was discovered by geologists in the mountains of the Kemerovo region."

Maybe finally this "natural fortress" will wait in the wings, and will be studied, researched, and subjected to mathematical modeling, with the creation of a graphical 3D - model of its original appearance?


Yes, nature is often able to create more or less straight lines in mineral aggregates, through their natural crushing from expanding cracks. But such formations do not in any way raise doubts about their naturalness, moreover, let me remind you that there are no mineral aggregates in this area. All you see is sedimentary rocks formed by the fossilization of once plastic materials, mostly ordinary clay. Here's a good example:


But this, you see, could not form in natural sediments. In my opinion it is obvious.


Where does such colossal destruction come from, you ask?

In my opinion, everything is readable in the geology of the North Caucasus. It is this abundance of thick layers of sedimentary rocks that testifies to the unprecedented impact of both water and tectonic processes in terms of catastrophic consequences.

Multi-meter layers of clay, alternating with layers of sandstone and limestone, testifies to an unprecedented flood, which covered vast territories with a multi-meter layer of clay and mud brought by streams of water. Take a look at this:


You are wrong if you decide that it is coal. Perhaps he would have appeared in this place, if not for one factor. To become brown coal, these stones would have to lie at a considerable depth, under great pressure and without access to oxygen. And so, clay deposits of a certain mineral composition did not completely petrify, but stratified into such feathers, which are quite soft in a dry state, easily crumble, and at the bottom of the river they turn into a kind of asphalt. This cannot be done without the help of a specialist in the geology of the North Caucasus. Too specific kind of sedimentary rocks. I would venture to suggest that this is some kind of shale, perhaps even bituminous. I would be grateful for a tip from a professional geologist!

In the meantime, see how this could have appeared in the world:


At first glance, it is not very clear. Let me explain now. At first it was like this:


The flood brought a layer of black clay, precipitations of chalk (lime) "fell out" on it. Then the second wave, and again a break, thanks to which a layer of chalk formed again. These chalk-limestone layers are indicated by arrows. Someone will certainly say that we are facing a multimillion-year process of sedimentary rocks formation, and perhaps it will be right if modern geology, of course, does not lie to us, like Charles Darwin … But if they lie? And this is beyond any doubt. So what then could lead to such an education?

It's simple. And it doesn't take millions of years. To make sure of this, take a handful of soil, sand and pebbles, place in a glass dish, pour water there and shake. Then let it stand, and after a while, when the water becomes transparent, you will see exactly the same picture in your dish.

It is not the number of millions of years that matters, and not the number of floods, but the layer-by-layer fallout of different in properties fractions of water-soil suspension. Stones immediately to the bottom, then clay, sand on top, and there will be exactly the same layers.

What happened next? How did the sedimentary layers get upright? This is also easy if you know that the Caucasus is a young folded mountains. To imagine how they formed, remember what the hood of a car looks like after a head-on collision with an obstacle.

Here - here … Our planet is alive, it breathes, constantly expands, grows, separate sections move to it, and it doesn't matter if they "scatter" in different directions, as for example, America "fled" at one time from Africa, but when they collide, then as a result of such "accidents" there are Kolyma, Caucasian, Altai, Ural and other mountains. They lift up what was recently at sea level. So in Georgia, high in the mountains, the remains of a sea vessel were found, and in Peru and Bolivia, Lake Titicaca.

Note that geologists admit this, only they stubbornly continue to insist that such processes take periods of hundreds of millions of years in time. They even hung labels with the names of geological periods: Precambrian, Catarchean and Archean eons, etc., in my opinion, nonsense.

In fact, like any accident, the process is instantaneous by geological standards. Such disasters often occur within a matter of days.

Now imagine how unlucky all the antediluvian structures were, the remains of which were found in all, without exception, mountainous regions of the planet. It's a miracle that at least something has come down to us. Soon they will completely disappear from the face of the earth, and then there will no longer be the very subject for discussion.


But we were much more fortunate than our descendants and our predecessors.

The first run the risk of not catching at all what we got, while the second did not have enough knowledge and technical equipment. So, do we really have the right today to close our eyes to the great heritage of the past, which, literally, is trampled underfoot!

Where is your mind and conscience, gentlemen, candidates for the doctor?