All About Extrasensory Perception In The USSR (Part 2) - Alternative View

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All About Extrasensory Perception In The USSR (Part 2) - Alternative View
All About Extrasensory Perception In The USSR (Part 2) - Alternative View

Video: All About Extrasensory Perception In The USSR (Part 2) - Alternative View

Video: All About Extrasensory Perception In The USSR (Part 2) - Alternative View
Video: Banned TEDTalk about Psychic Abilities | Russell Targ | 2024, October


Extrasensory perception in our country is not lucky. One gets the impression that she is doomed to play the role of Cinderella - a stepdaughter, unloved, but necessary. While the people through the press are persistently imposed a sense of shame for their own gullibility and illiteracy, quite serious organizations, such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, often resort to the help of psychics.

Moreover, the employees of these departments have repeatedly expressed regret that such a mutually beneficial cooperation appeared so late. Indeed, in the West, laboratories engaged in the preparation of forecasts of emergencies have been successfully operating for more than a decade. The Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs received at their disposal the unique abilities of psychics only in the 1990s.

But in the Ministry of Defense people-phenomena have been used for a long time. For example, back in the 1980s, military unit No. 10003 was actively functioning in the USSR, the main task of which was the development of hidden superpowers and abilities of the personnel of the soldiers of the Soviet, and then the Russian army. Thus, in the winter of 1991, the specialists of unit No. 10003 received information about an earthquake approaching Kamchatka. But since seismologists saw no danger, the honor of the entire unit was at stake, because the issue was supervised at the very top.

As a result, the authorities decided to evacuate people. And at the appointed hour the earthquake happened. But thanks to the information obtained in unit No. 10003, victims were avoided …

The higher echelons of power did not neglect extrasensory perception. Until now, there are rumors in society that the most real sorcerers in uniform worked in Yeltsin's protection during his presidency. How it really was, the "Hour of Discovery" agreed to tell the man who was in charge of that mysterious "magic" department - Major General of the FSO, retired, first deputy head (of the main security directorate in 1991-1994 Boris Konstantinovich RATNIKOV …


Boris Konstantinovich, if you believe the Internet, then whoever did not protect the top officials of the state from psychological influence. They write that the sorcerers in the Kremlin were twisting the tables and Grabovoi worked for you … How was it really?

- I also heard these tales. Of course, nothing like that happened, and it could not be. It is common for people to take wishful thinking. In 1991 I was appointed first deputy head of the Main Directorate of Security (GUO). It was a separate structure created on the basis of the liquidated 9th KGB Directorate, which today has transformed into the FSO (Federal Security Service). When organizing work to ensure the safety of the president, I, of course, drew attention to the possibility of psychological influence. Since we did not have our own specialists, we invited Georgy Georgievich Rogozin, who in the Soviet years studied this topic in one of the departmental research institutes of the KGB. Together with Rogozin, we led a block of possible, real and potential threats associated with psychological and psychotronic influence on the president.

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What made you organize a psychological and psychotronic cover unit in the presidential security service?


• improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the safety of the psychosphere of the population

• formation of the state security system in the field of the psychosphere

• coordination of the activities of state authorities to ensure psychophysiological safety

• formation of state policy in the field of culture, education and art to ensure the safety of the human psychosphere

• determination of the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the field of ensuring psychophysiological safety

• creation of an effective control system for ensuring psychophysiological safety

• establishing the necessary balance between the need for the free exchange of information in the field of impact on consciousness and the permissible restrictions on its dissemination

• preservation of a single information and spiritual space of Russia and its culture, traditional foundations of society and public morality

• development of the domestic industry of means of protection, control, processing and decryption from destructive information and psychological impact

• organization of international cooperation in the field of information and psychological security

- There was such a case … Now you can already tell about it. This happened even at a time when Yeltsin was Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. His office was located in the current White House. Fans of spy stories will surely remember the scandal: eavesdropping equipment of unknown origin was found over Yeltsin's office. And after a while we began to notice oddities in Boris Nikolaevich's behavior. After 40-50 minutes of work in his office, Yeltsin felt bad: his head began to hurt, nausea appeared, he became absent-minded while receiving visitors …

But as soon as he left the ill-fated office, the ill health immediately disappeared. We suspected something was wrong. And after an hour-long search, behind the shelves of books, they found a niche in which a radiating antenna was located: a square of tarpaulin twenty meters by twenty meters with a radiator inside was stretched on the cable. Unfortunately, we did not manage to establish at that time who installed this remotely activated device in the niche behind the books. But after dismantling it, Yeltsin's health problems disappeared. It was this case that made us come to grips with the problem of psychological, mental and psychotronic influence on a person.

So psychics still worked under your supervision?

- Depends on what you mean. Yes, indeed once a healer-

Lyudmila Kim brought us that very Grabovoy, but he did not get further than the reception of the head of the Personnel Department of the Presidential Administration on Staraya Square. The Kremlin is a pretty serious organization. The best of the best, people with a spotless reputation have been selected and selected to work in it.

We worked with the officers of our service who have psychic abilities. Please note: these were not people from the street, not salon magicians, but officers who took the oath and deliberately went to this job.

Which of the types of influence were of interest to your service in the first place?

- First of all - the impact on human behavior. Each of us in the course of life forms a certain behavioral matrix, in accordance with which we act in given circumstances in one way or another. Knowing this matrix and its code - that is, the interest that drives the person, the motivation for his actions - you can force anyone to do what

is beneficial to you. Simply put: find out the interest of a person - and you can influence his actions without any generators.

What is your personal attitude to psychics, magic salons, and at the same time to the commission to combat “pseudoscience”?

- You see, in Soviet times, all extraordinary people were under the control of the KGB. Nobody oppressed them, as they are trying to present today, no. They just clearly explained to them that their abilities should not be used against society and the state. Today, psychics often act as accomplices of criminals. Several years ago there was a case when criminals robbed a bank, having previously calculated the possible development of the situation with the help of a 12-year-old boy who knows how to predict the future. And everything would have worked out for them, but … they did not take into account that the special services also have psychically gifted officers on their staff. They were caught, but the very fact of using unusual opportunities for selfish and criminal purposes raises great concern.

As for the commission for combating "pseudoscience" … History repeats itself. Remember how in the last century Soviet scientists fought against cybernetics - after all, at first it was also declared a "bourgeois prejudice." And only then they recognized it - under the pressure of facts. The trouble with our science is that many of its postulates are hopelessly outdated today.

What, in your opinion, should be the state policy in relation to magicians-psychics?

- I believe that people with parapsychological abilities should be carefully studied, each as a separate phenomenon. Nowadays it is impossible to study the world only from materialistic positions - this hinders the development of science!

As for magicians, in the overwhelming majority of cases they do not use paranormal talents, but the latest technologies that introduce people into an altered state of consciousness. Moreover, they are only concerned about money, but by no means the moral aspects of using these technologies.

Therefore, I personally believe that it is necessary not only to develop a federal law on the psychophysical safety of a person, but also to go to the international level with a proposal to develop a common doctrine of planetary security. The uncontrolled spread of technologies that allow to manipulate consciousness can lead to dire consequences for an individual person and for society as a whole.

Tell me what preventive measures our readers need to take in order to protect themselves from negative psychological and mental influences from the outside?

- The technique is the simplest. It must be remembered that any impact is carried out mainly on morally weak people living in fear. Exercise, have strong families, and a fulfilling job. And then you will be invulnerable to any technologies of influence and control of a person against his will.