Are Bigfoot Descendants Of Neanderthals? - Alternative View

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Are Bigfoot Descendants Of Neanderthals? - Alternative View
Are Bigfoot Descendants Of Neanderthals? - Alternative View

Video: Are Bigfoot Descendants Of Neanderthals? - Alternative View

Video: Are Bigfoot Descendants Of Neanderthals? - Alternative View
Video: A Neanderthal Perspective on Human Origins with Svante Pääbo - 2018 2024, September

Some researchers believe that Bigfoot is the descendants of the surviving Neanderthals and, under certain conditions, can replace humanity.

Test Monkey Escape

Stories about "snowmen" supposedly living in different parts of the world have been stirring the imagination of gullible citizens for more than one century.


For example, in Abkhazia you will be told a lot of tales about how huge hairy creatures more than once carried women to their mountain caves, used them as females, but pregnancy did not occur.

Some researchers drew a parallel between these chilling stories and the experiments of the great Russian biologist Ilya Ivanov on the crossing of monkeys and people, carried out in Sukhumi in the 20s of the last century. It was Ivanov who became one of the prototypes of Professor Preobrazhensky in Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog".

It was believed that the transplantation of the genital glands of animals, in particular monkeys, would make a person a sexual giant and give him eternal youth. But this was, so to speak, a by-product of a more grandiose idea: to bring out for the young Land of Soviets a new breed of physically hardy and obedient universal workers and soldiers.

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Nature intervened in the insidious plan of politicians and scientists: the experimental monkeys fled to the mountains. It was then that the mysterious disappearances of people began. According to local residents, scientists managed to breed several individuals, which are a mixture of humans and monkeys. Biologists completely deny the possibility of such crossing.

In any case, in those years, in the absence of biotechnology and genetic engineering, this was basically impossible. And how then can one explain that people observed hairy giants - they are called Almasts here - not only in the Caucasus, but also in the same Gornaya Shoria, at the junction of Altai and Sayan? It is unlikely that the Sukhumi miracle monkeys would have been able to get there.

In the Bigfoot family

One of the most high-profile stories of a Bigfoot abduction occurred in the 1920s with Canadian Albert Ostman. He went to the quiet Toba Bay on Vancouver Island to rest and, if he was lucky, to reclaim some gold - after all, the bay was in an abandoned mine. There were rumors that people had disappeared here more than once. An old Indian who accompanied Albert said: Sasquatch kills them.


Albert soon fell prey to a huge hairy alien himself. At first, he ate almost all of his canned food, and then in the middle of the night he took Albert himself to his lair.

Surrounded by Sasquatch, his wife and two children, the prisoner spent about a week. They did not touch him, just watched him and gladly accepted gifts - canned food and empty bright cans from under them.

The escape turned out to be a matter of chance: the head of the family ate Albert's snuff, his stomach ached, and he began to roll on the ground with a howl. The prisoner started to run, but no chase followed.

He was silent about the amazing incident for over 30 years. It was only in extreme old age that he decided that he had no right to take the secret to the grave. The story hit the pages of newspapers and magazines. Albert met not only with journalists, but also with specialists - psychologists and cryptobiologists. And they came to the conclusion that he was not lying.

There is a contact

Yeti are seen in the Leningrad, Tver and Nizhny Novgorod regions, in Karelia, in Altai and even in the Moscow region. There are cases of their observation … in the elevator of a high-rise building!

In early spring 2005, a member of the scientific association "Cosmopoisk" cryptozoologist Anatoly Fokin went on an expedition to the Vyatka forests. To lure the relict hominid, he arranged several feeders. At first, no one touched the food, then it began to disappear.

Anatoly wrote in his diary: “In the upper part of the ravine, I went out to someone's rookery. In the forest among the snow, 200 meters from the trough, a large comfortable bed was arranged. Whose is she? Judging by the size, rather large creatures could have rest here, and judging by the arranged headrests, there could be three of these creatures. None of the large animals - elk, wild boar, bear - could arrange anything like this. To find so much dry grass among the snows and to arrange a "feather bed with pillows" here, you need to have not only hands, but also brains.

After going another 100 meters, I found a second bed, but smaller. It looked more like an observation post. This ambush was hidden behind mighty spruce branches, through which one could observe my feeder. Only the Yeti could have so competently set up an observation post here. No other animal is capable of this."

In May 2011, the members of "Kosmopoisk" decided to conduct a second expedition. Arranged feeders, armed with equipment and began to wait. “Soon we found a bed,” says Yulia Shepeleva, head of Cosmopoisk in the biological direction. - It was hidden under the branches of fir trees in such a way that you could not see it from the side of the trough. It is only about 30-40 m to the trough. Surprisingly, the bed is not made of dry grass, but of rye! Where from? It could only be obtained in a field located about two kilometers away. The yeti probably carried the grass that he liked on purpose."

The second task of the expedition is to establish contact with a mysterious creature. “We know very little about the Bigfoot signaling system. When establishing contact, we tried to impose our own communication method on him - for example, knocking on wood."

On the sixth day, the experiment yielded results: in response, a loud, distinct knock on wood began to be heard. "We can not reliably assert that it was the" Bigfoot "who knocked in response, but who but him?" - Julia reflects.

The head of the expedition, Yuri Kalinogorsky, went into the forest to this sound: “At first there was a loud sound like a shot. A little later, a sound similar to the crying of a child. I went to look for the source of the sound, but as I approached, it died down. While I was standing and pondering what it could be, I heard two blows from a dense spruce tree literally 50 meters from me. Then a wild fear came over me, and I, overcoming myself, hastily left."

Goblin telepath

The unaccountable fear that arises at the approach of the "Bigfoot" was experienced by the local residents. Few people were lucky enough to see him in his natural form. Most often the goblin, as they call him, turns into a dog, an old man, a hare, or even a bear. Only now no one has been able to shoot such an animal, as well as to talk with such an old man - the legs become numb, the hands do not obey, the tongue is filled with lead weight.

“All the transformations of goblin and other evil spirits that exist in Russian fairy tales and myths of different nations are most likely nothing more than the paranormal abilities of these strange creatures,” says Anatoly Fokin. - Apparently, they do not have such a developed intellect as in humans, and a confirmation of this is their lack of developed speech. But they do have what we do not have: developed intuition, strong telepathic and hypnotic abilities, thanks to which they can appear before a person in any image and inspire him with any emotion."

Hid from a wicked man

What are these creatures and where did they come from?


One of the most authoritative Russian researchers, Doctor of Historical and Philosophical Sciences Boris Porshnev, who for many years led a special commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences, came to the conclusion that relict hominids are descendants of extinct Neanderthals.

This species most likely had nothing to do with human ancestors. They could not have a common offspring, and they did not exist sequentially, but simultaneously, competing with each other. Neanderthals, as studies of recent years have shown, were not at all stupider than representatives of the Homo genus, on the contrary, they had a more developed brain, stronger muscles and, it would seem, in the face of evolution, should have been in a more advantageous position.

However, the Homo drove them off the face of the Earth. It is assumed that the reason for everything is the special aggressiveness of the human race and its ability to build a social hierarchy, while the Neanderthals were more peaceful and lived in separate, unrelated families. One way or another, we won.

But did you win? What if they survived, hid, live very close, but we do not see them because they do not want it?

“Unlike the homo sapiens, whose development went towards socialization and technocratization, the Neanderthals developed parapsychological and extrasensory abilities,” suggests Dmitry Bayanov, a student of Porshnev, head of the International Center for Hominology. - Their intuition is so subtle that it is impossible to watch for and catch the Bigfoot. They don't need a meeting with us - tapping and imitating a person for them is nothing more than a game, but only within limits that are safe for them. A state of chilling horror, partial or complete paralysis - apparently, a defensive reaction against possible aggression from a person."

Sapient parasite

The fact that the "snowmen" are the descendants of Neanderthals is nothing more than a beautiful hypothesis. There is no evidence that this is an unknown species of monkeys, feral sectarians, vagabonds, or a side branch of human development that have gone into the forest. The versions that these are bears or mutant boars are unconvincing. Who are they - goblin, "snowmen", yeti, bigfoot and sasquatch? And what is the correct name for them?


The founder of Western hominology, Ivan Sanderson, proposed the abbreviation ABSM (from abominable snowmen): it denotes non-sapient hominids, wherever they are found and no matter how they are called. Foreign paleoanthropologists often shorten this abbreviation to australopith.

And Dmitry Bayanov suggests calling these creatures homines. “The short term means a modern hominid, different from Homo sapiens,” explains the researcher. "Better than the acronym ABSM anyway."

Once the homins were pagan gods, then they became devils, devil, evil spirits. In other words, different, different, not like us. For this otherness, they were called evil. Or non-humans - not humans. They were feared, but respected, considering them as guides to another, parallel world. Maybe our ancestors were not so far from the truth? What if these creatures know something that we don't even know about?

Cryptobiologist Igor Burtsev came up with a different name: in his opinion, it would be more accurate not to be a “snow man”, but as a “adjacent person”. “Indeed,“adjacent people”are not from another planet, they are next to us and can live in the forests, in the mountains, in other rugged places of the planet, until such, of course, are extinct,” says Dmitry Bayanov. "They look like people, but still not people."

On this occasion, I recall the old children's cartoon about Leshey, Vodyanoy and Baba Yaga, who are being forced out of the dense forest by tractors and bulldozers. The poor evil spirits are invited to move into a fairy tale. And the gloomy heroes doomedly wander to the indicated address … Where will the "adjacent humanity" move if the aggressive host of the planet, the Homo species, decides to put him, for example, in a zoo?

On the other hand, the biosphere of our planet for millions of years has done well without us and, probably, will find a way to get rid of the aggressor who has lost all shame if our plans go too far. After all, now humanity, according to the apt definition of the Russian biophysicist, academician Vladimir Spirin, is nothing more than a "rational parasite."

Not only science fiction writer, but also a professional biologist Stanislav Lem at one time put forward a hypothesis that one of these ways to stop the maddened humanity is the AIDS epidemic. Who knows if nature is not preparing the next change of scenery, when the peace-loving "adjacent humanity" turns out to be more viable than the human race, drowning itself in wars and violence?

Alternative to humanity

This is the hypothesis that Valentin Sapunov, a well-known researcher of the phenomenon, doctor of biological sciences, chairman of the "Cryptobiology" association, adheres to.

VB Sapunov - Cover of the book “Secrets of the Bigfoot. Between man and beast"


“Charles Darwin introduced the principle of divergence into science: any biological form tends to disintegrate in historical development into many new forms, of which the two extreme ones have the greatest chances of survival,” the scientist explains. - This is also true in relation to the evolution of the human race. Its entire course is the relationship of the biological with the social.

Representatives of the biological branch evolved based on the strength of their muscles. The representatives of the alternative branch relied on the power of their mind. According to the laws of evolution and ecology, only one branch could become the master on Earth. A reasonable modern man won.

However, the alternative evolutionary variant remained in latent form as a mysterious "Bigfoot". It is not just a rare species. This is an alternate path for human development. Or, if you like, one of the biosphere fuses."

How does Bigfoot manage to levitate, disappear, read our minds and instill fear in us?

“A Czech scientist living in the United States, Stanislav Grof, developed an idea of the so-called transpersonal experiences that arise during abnormal brain functioning,” Sapunov says. - With them, a person begins to scroll through information that he did not receive during his life. Perhaps transpersonal experiences include images that were important for the survival of our ancestors. Among them must be present and "Bigfoot".

This can explain some of the absolutely fantastic circumstances reported by witnesses to the meetings. Another situation is not excluded - the witness forgets about the real circumstances of the meeting, and the "Bigfoot" himself actively helps to erase the record from memory.

The scientist comes to the conclusion: evolution played through two scenarios. One - social - brought to us; the second - biological - revealed to the world the "snowmen" who have become a rare rudiment. This does not mean that they are on the verge of survival: according to Sapunov, they represent an alternative version of the development of the noosphere, the sphere of reason according to Vernadsky, when the dominant is not rational thinking and purely material values, but spiritual development - what we usually call mysterious phenomena of the human psyche.

If telepathy and clairvoyance in our country are mastered by a few, then for them it is children's alphabet. Maybe these amazing creatures have been hidden by evolution in case people completely lose their heads and drown their civilization in waves of blood and violence?

It cannot be, the skeptics will exclaim. After all, "Bigfoot" has not yet been caught, which means that he simply does not exist! However, as St. Augustine said, "a miracle is not in conflict with nature, but with what we know about nature."

Vasilisa Andreeva