A Girl From Michigan Told About A Meeting In The Forest With Slenderman - Alternative View

A Girl From Michigan Told About A Meeting In The Forest With Slenderman - Alternative View
A Girl From Michigan Told About A Meeting In The Forest With Slenderman - Alternative View

Video: A Girl From Michigan Told About A Meeting In The Forest With Slenderman - Alternative View

Video: A Girl From Michigan Told About A Meeting In The Forest With Slenderman - Alternative View
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About a thousand comments were collected by a photo that appeared on Facebook on April 12, 2017, in which a teenager watches a strange long figure in a snow-covered forest. The picture, according to the caption, was taken at about 11 a.m. on January 22, 2009.

Among the many responses to the photo, the story of Brenda Maria Garcia of Holland, located on the shores of Lake Makatawa, Michigan, was the most interesting. The girl talked about Slenderman, a long, slender man whom she and her sister saw in the forest.

This happened in January 2009 when Brenda and her sister Lorena did not go to school. The girls left the house and met two friends along the way. It was cold and windy, so they all decided to go to the nearest forest together.

“We went with the guys in different ways. Let me remind you that we skipped lessons, so we had to keep conspiracy,”Brenda wrote.

The teenagers wandered through the forest for a long time and, in the end, came across a clearing with large logs on which they could rest. They took out their boxes of sandwiches, ate and talked and laughed. Then the guys said that they needed to leave, and agreed to meet near the school at about 3 o'clock, when the lessons ended.

The sisters were left alone in the forest. They were taking their time putting the lunch boxes into their backpacks, and at that moment Brenda heard a sound to her left.

“My sister was also sitting to my left, and I asked her:“Did you hear that?” She said, "Don't talk, and don't break the box." I did so, and then I felt that someone was looking at me,”Brenda continued and remembered that she began to look for someone else's gaze among the trees and when she saw that a rabbit had run out into the clearing very quickly, she was worried. The girl looked in the direction from which the rabbit jumped out, and saw a very tall and thin human figure, dressed all in black.

“I told my sister, 'Look there, there is someone there,' but she continued to ignore me. And then, apparently to calm me down, she asked me to hold her box while she looked there. As soon as the girls looked in that direction, a strange figure began to move in zigzags from tree to tree and approach them.

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“I didn't even have time to say anything to my sister when I realized that I was running as fast as I could along the path. My knees went up and down on their own. I heard my sister is puffing right behind me."

When Brenda ran out of the forest, Lorena asked what had happened, and her sister showed her with her eyes to the forest, from where the tall creature was looking at the girls, and then turned and walked away.

“Believe me or not, I was scared to death,” Brenda wrote in the comments to the photo and added that she sincerely believes that she didn’t dream it out of fear.

Voronina Svetlana