Yeti: Search Zone - South Ural. Part 1 - Alternative View

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Yeti: Search Zone - South Ural. Part 1 - Alternative View
Yeti: Search Zone - South Ural. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Yeti: Search Zone - South Ural. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Yeti: Search Zone - South Ural. Part 1 - Alternative View
Video: Загадочный случай с йети на Урале 2024, June

In the photo: photo of "Bigfoot" made by N. P. Avdeev.

"… it happened in the 20s of the last century, in a small village of the Chelyabinsk region called KULUYEVO. And the following actually happened: during the mowing, the men drove the hairy creature out of the swamp, they tried to catch it, but nothing came of it, the creature was so dexterous that it was in no way given to the first Ural "Yeti hunters" …"

Person. Where did he come from, how did he come from? An answer to this question has not yet been obtained. In all theories of its origin there are many so-called "white spots", and in the famous evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin (recognized as the main one, but now they are moving away from it due to the emerging inaccuracies of its formulation), there are such gaps. Let me remind you that according to this theory, man became himself, only after passing the long and thorny path of evolution from ape to Homo sapiens, that is, you and me. Everything would be fine, only here the transitional link from monkey to man, unfortunately, could not be found …

Was it even there? And can it be found now? Maybe the answers to these questions can be obtained by carefully studying the legends about the "Bigfoot"? After all, perhaps he, this mysterious "Bigfoot", is the very missing step in the evolutionary ladder of human development.

If you look at the mythology of all the peoples of the world, then you can easily find similarities between them. So in all legends, or you can call them fairy tales, a certain "owner" of the forest appears, who was very much feared and respected by the people who inhabited in those days, the expanses located closer to the forest, since it was the forest that was the core around which the life of the ancient revolved human.

In Russia, this is a goblin, in Japan they are, In the United States, bigfoot, in Mongolia, in the Himalayas, Yeti, and in Australia, yahu. According to the signs describing the vital activity of the above listed creatures, it is possible to make a rather bold, but rather logical assumption that one and the same animal is called by different names. We have seen and described these creatures always, throughout the entire developed humanity. Even during the reign of Ancient Persia, and this falls on the 5th century BC, the doctor of the king of Persia Artaxerxes describes the strange, hairy creatures he observed during his campaign in India. Plutarch also described a satire (in fact, very similar to "Bigfoot") presented to the Emperor Sulla on his return to Rome after the victorious war with Mithridates VI.

Descriptions of animals very similar to the "snowmen" are found on the pages of the holy book for all Christians - the Bible. There, in the Bible, these creatures are called destroyers. They were called that for their wild disposition, obstinate character and inhuman image (their body is covered with thick red hair, long arms, large feet). In the Middle Ages, traces of the discovery of "Bigfoot" can be found in Europe. They were compared with wild people, "forest man" - this is the name that appears in all descriptions of creatures that would now be attributed to "snowmen". Even the sanctuary of medieval science, biologist Karl Linnaeus decided to introduce a new type of person into the systematics of zoology - the wild man (homo ferus). Yes, it is possible that ideas about great apes then left much to be desired, but the descriptions of "forest people" suggest behavioral characteristics,not belonging to a large humanoid monkey (lives in the night, settles in caves, publishes non-animal cries). And besides, Linnaeus described a new species, possessing 9 live individuals caught anywhere in Africa, but on the territory of the same Europe. And there, as is now known, there are no large monkeys and there never were. A large abundance of information about the discovery of a new species of man, received from the most educated people of that time, serves as the basis for starting disputes about human nature. Voltaire, Kant, Rousseau, Condillac, etc., expressed their theories about everything that happened.there are no large monkeys and never were. A large abundance of information about the discovery of a new species of man, received from the most educated people of that time, serves as the basis for starting disputes about human nature. Voltaire, Kant, Rousseau, Condillac, etc., expressed their theories about everything that happened.there are no large monkeys and never were. A large abundance of information about the discovery of a new species of man, received from the most educated people of that time, serves as the basis for starting disputes about human nature. Voltaire, Kant, Rousseau, Condillac, etc., expressed their theories about everything that happened.

However, the object of the dispute itself did not live long in Western Europe. The last mention of the capture of the "forest man" occurs in 1760, he was caught near Barcelona. From this it should be concluded that this animal is very small in number, because even several decades of episodic hunting turned out to be catastrophic for it. On the territory of Western Europe it is no longer to be found. The "forest man" went to the East, as the researchers of these creatures will think later, since the beginning of reports of the capture of "forest people" in the territory of Latvia, Estonia, Russia.

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By the way, such a structure of affairs, meaning the disappearance of the “forest man” from the territory of Western Europe, fully proves his real, not astral essence. Apparently, it was taken into account similar to the fate of an elk, wolf, bear. All these species of animals also did not stay on European lands.

It should be said that in our time, the problem of "Bigfoot" is mainly dealt with by scientists specializing in cryptozoology.

Cryptozoology - (crypto - hidden) is a science that studies species of animals that are considered extinct, or they are not known to science at all.

Do not assume that cryptozoologists are this "bunch of madmen" looking for mythical creatures in the mountains and forests. The main, forming science backbone includes very, very educated people, mostly adherents of natural sciences with academic degrees. On account of cryptozoologists, not only hundreds of books and articles about "unknown animals", they also have REAL scientific discoveries of animals previously unknown to European science. These are mainly small animals, but there are also quite large (mammals) specimens. A clear example of this is the story of the Mexican Wasp (Mexican cheetah), Dr. H. Hemmer (cryptozoologist) discovered this species of animal as a result of a targeted search among the skeletons and "fairy tales" of local residents. The figure of 400 years alone says a lot, just so many years ago, according to European science,the last individual of this species died out and the animal was considered non-existent, and all data on its observation were equated with myths. But this turned out not to be the case, and cryptozoologists proved it by defeating orthodox science. This is not the only victory for cryptozoologists, but that one of the largest is for sure.

By the way, the “Yeti hunters” have not only hundreds of eyewitness observations, photographs and videos of this creature. They have real casts of the feet of this animal, samples of the hair of its wool (obtained in the South Urals, but I will tell about them later), that is, these are material traces of the existence of the "Bigfoot", which fully prove its reality. But, despite all the iron proofs of cryptozoologists and enthusiastic researchers from various associations and clubs of "lovers of the unknown", in the reality of this animal, they will never convince skeptical scientists. On the side of orthodox science, there is one argument that shatters all evidence overnight: until the animal is caught, the fact of its existence will not be recognized.

And how to catch him when this requires huge funds, which cryptozoologists do not have, and no one undertakes to finance large "round-ups".

But until the cell with a living hominoid (the scientific name of "Bigfoot" given to him by cryptozoologists) is delivered to the Russian Academy of Sciences or somewhere else, the "Bigfoot" will remain on a par with UFOs, Nesi, the monster of Lake Brosno, etc.. P. wonders of the planet Earth.

In the meantime, we do not have a living hominoid, we will try to at least put together all the facts of its appearance on the territory of a separate region - the South Urals.

Why this particular region, you ask yourself? Let me explain that the fact is that I live in Chelyabinsk (the capital of the South Urals) and along the way I head a group of UFO and YA researchers operating throughout the region. Therefore, I own the most accurate selection of material on the observation of a hominoid in my region. In addition, one of the most famous cryptozoologists in Russia, Nikolai Pavlovich Avdeev, who has been collecting information about the Bigfoot for many years, lives in Chelyabinsk.

To begin my story, I would like to describe the portrait of the "Bigfoot": height is simply huge, about 2-2.5 meters; the figure resembles a human, but only very stooped and hunched over; long arms; pointed head; eyes are large (reddish); the mouth is much larger than a human; the nose is almost invisible; the body is covered with light hair; possesses simply unimaginable physical strength; but, fortunately, in relation to the person is calm. Nocturnal, lonely. The activity is seasonal, autumn and spring, possibly related to the breeding season.

This portrait was compiled based on the results of the expedition of the Chelyabinsk cryptozoologists to the territory of the Polar Urals and Siberia. But most of the readers may ask: “How can such a monster remain uncaught? With its dimensions, it should have been shot and handed over to some museum of natural sciences long ago. To be honest, I cannot answer this question with 100% accuracy, but I dare to assume that the official scientists did not catch this animal just because no one purposefully caught it. An extensive "roundup" requires money, but as I said, the enthusiasts do not. In addition, we can conclude that the hominoid lives in a very large territory and is constantly busy with examining it, being a purely territorial animal, this greatly complicates its search. And the profanity of the topic is so great, of course, this is not a UFO and Nessie,it has not yet reached such a level, but nevertheless it is not customary in academic circles to believe in any "nonsense", and deciding to do it, you can lose scientific authority …

I decided to start my story about the appearance of this bestial man from the earliest that was in my archive.

So, it happened in the 20s of the now last century, in a small village in the Chelyabinsk region called KULUEVO. And the following actually happened: during the mowing, the men drove the hairy creature out of the swamp, they tried to catch it, but nothing came of them, the creature was so dexterous that it was never given to the first Ural "Yeti hunters". It moved on two legs, and very quickly, it was difficult to keep up with it on its legs, on horses. And soon the creature, using cunning (!), Escaped from its pursuers into the forest thicket. This was the end of the persecution. It would seem that the whole village should have stood on its "ears" from such a wonderful incident, but Kuluyevtsev were not particularly impressed by this action, they were a little worried and forgotten. After all, they knew that it was SHURALE - a forest man or a goblin,which are very often met by people in those places. These animals did not bring evil, the terrible ones, of course, and the villagers were afraid of them, but still it was not up to the shurale then. You yourself understand the 20s …

This case very clearly shows one side of the search for a mysterious hominoid, the locals in remote villages know a lot about these creatures, but they do not talk about it, because because of their isolation from the world, they do not understand that at least a scientific sensation is wandering in front of them. in one of the main secrets of our history - the secrets of the origin of man. For them, this is an ordinary beast, this is shurale, almasty, sosquatch, etc., but not a miracle in which no one believes. After all, when you see a snake in the forest, do not run with a letter to the RAS to share what you saw. So for some villagers, and as I said, these are remote taiga villages, hominoid is the same as for a city dweller. After all, you do not often see snakes in the forest, and indeed any animals in the forest, and there are hundreds of them per square kilometer, and hominoids, perhapsare isolated on squares of forest thousands of kilometers in size. So figure out how much you need to climb in order to meet this mysterious creature.

In general, as I already said, in the Chelyabinsk region the main hominid hunter is N. P. Avdeev. Now he has already retired and in pursuit of the unknown, he no longer enters, however, the materials of his expeditions still excite the minds of inexperienced inhabitants and inveterate anomalies. But I will return to it later, but for now I will describe the eyewitness accounts of their observation of a hominoid collected by V. P. Cherentsov (the famous local historian, author of many articles and scientific publications, was interested in the problems of everything mysterious and mysterious), unfortunately Vitaly Petrovich left us in 2001, but his books, filled with truly amazing data, will live for a very long time. He collected a fairly large archive of reports of UFO sightings, "Bigfoot",as well as a huge number of myths and legends about his hometown of Satka (he only collected information about Staka and the Satka region, where, in fact, all the events of interest to us took place). I will say right away how incredible the stories described by V. P. Cherentsov, he was not a storyteller, I can say this with all confidence, because I personally communicated about the truth of the information he was giving out with a person who knew Vitaly Petrovich quite well.

According to Vitaly Petrovich, in 1940, on Lake Zyuratkul (a high-mountain lake, incredibly beautiful, and also very mysterious), the senior groom of the Satka Metallurgical Plant, while harvesting hay near the Moskal mountain range, collided, as they say, "head-on-head" with a mysterious creature of enormous growth, all covered with hair and very terrible in appearance. But, fortunately for the groom, the hominoid watched not at him, but at the hut where the workers of the mining mines lived and, only seeing that some person was looking at him, the creature seemed to melt in the bush.

The next case, described by Vitaly Petrovich, published in his book "Abnormal Satka", happened to the Ailin shepherd Sergei Yegorovich Sherstobitov. There was a meeting between a village shepherd and the Ural hominoid in the summer of 1972. One day, he does not remember exactly, but he remembers that in the morning, Sergei Yegorovich fanned the fire in order to drink tea. Suddenly it seemed to him that someone was stirring in the bushes. Turning in the direction of the noise, he saw, about fifty meters away, a huge, hairy creature standing on two legs, with long arms and a stooped posture. The creature, after standing for a while, disappeared into the thickets of the forest. Sergey Yegorovich never met the unknown beast again. Moreover, - he noted in an interview with Cherentsov, - the behavior of my dog at that moment was rather strange, he barked a couple of times and immediately calmed down, wagging his tail. So the dog acted only by barking at Elk or at strangers. The dog did not see a threat in this creature.

Everything seemed to be fine, the unfamiliar beast that frightened the shepherd did not appear again, at least Sergei Yegorovich did not see him, but there were several more interesting cases that clearly indicate the presence of a hominoid near the shepherd. So, a couple of days after his observation, Sherstobitov noticed that someone was in his hut - a booth (forest huts in which hayworms, hunters, shepherds, berry pickers, mushroom pickers, etc.) spend the night. The things lying on the wooden flooring were scattered across the floor, but nothing from the house was missing, and nothing was broken. Even such necessary things in the forest as a knife, an ax and table salt were left untouched. But of all the property, only the boiled potatoes "in their uniforms," lying in the pot, disappeared. Someone ate potatoes without leaving the house, and without even peeling them,as on the table and on the floor there were scraps of peel with pieces of crushed potatoes in some places. And the salt was not even discovered. Sergei Yegorovich knew that a person could not be an uninvited guest, in the past few days people did not come here. Well, if, say, a bear wandered into the house, then with its clumsiness it would certainly break something, and a dog that would smell the skin of a wild animal would not behave so calmly (he did not show feelings of anxiety). Who it was is a mystery, but most of the evidence points to the presence of a hominoid.and a dog that would smell the skin of a wild animal would not behave so calmly (he did not show a feeling of anxiety). Who it was is a mystery, but most of the evidence points to the presence of a hominoid.and a dog that would smell the skin of a wild animal would not behave so calmly (he did not show a feeling of anxiety). Who it was is a mystery, but most of the evidence points to the presence of a hominoid.

And once, at night, Sergei Yegorovich heard a rustle near his forest house. The dog also heard rustles, but did not bark, but instead lazily murmured something under his breath. In the morning, the shepherd woke up and discovered the following picture: the fire pit was scattered on the ground, coals were scattered throughout the small courtyard, and a very large imprint of something similar to a bare human foot was clearly visible on the ground. It was impossible to confuse it with a bear trail. This one clearly did not resemble him - there were no claws, and the print was different, in the shape of a foot. And from the coals, the potatoes disappeared, which Sergei Yegorovich put into the fire from the night to bake, apparently the hominoid is very partial to potatoes … since he goes to great lengths to get it. Meetings with hominoids also took place in other places. For example, in the so-called German steppes,located not far from Lake Zyuratkul (between the Nurgush and Urenga mountain ranges). This place is a vast mountain meadows with motley vegetation and a huge number of raised bogs.

Mountain meadows are used as hayfields. Wild onions grow abundantly there. But by the middle of summer, the leaves of this onion become tough, hard and unsuitable for food. The mowers noticed in these meadows some strange hairy creatures who were engaged in digging bulbs from the ground and eating them. People and onion stubs were found, with bite marks resembling a human jaw. There were also rumors that sometimes they saw hominoids on the banks of the Bolshoi Kalagaz River, on the western side of the Zyuratkul ridge, somewhere in the region of Mokhnataya and Gola Sopka, a certain Anatoly Fedorovich Kutuzov, a resident of the village of Rudnichny. And in 1993, a resident of the village of Sibirka remembered that after the war they saw goblin (hominoids) on Mount Sviridikha. They behaved very strangely:all night they screamed wildly, sometimes it seemed that they were laughing, in general, the lumberjacks did not sleep that night. The next incident happened to a resident of the village of Suleya, Alexander Grigorievich Shalamov. Once he went to the Khutorka river to get alder firewood (he wanted to smoke bacon). Having collected enough firewood, Shalamov began to tie them to the trailer of his motorcycle, it was already getting dark, Shalamov wanted to return home before dark. The matter was arguing, and he had already prepared about half of the total volume of firewood for transportation, when suddenly in the bushes he heard a sound very similar to the barking of a dog. Of course, Alexander Grigorievich did not betray this particular importance. But the sound kept repeating and repeating. It was already clear that this was not a dog barking. Interested in the source of the strange sounds, Shalamov went into the depths of the forest, hid and decided to watch for the one who makes these sounds. Without sitting even half an hour, he saw that in the gaps between the trees at a distance of about 30 meters, a very tall (more than 2 meters exactly) humanoid creature appeared. Shalamov described him as follows: somewhat stooped, all covered with dark hair. The creature was moving very quickly. After about two or three meters, the creature stopped and at the same time uttered the same cry that Shalamov heard when chopping wood, it looked around and sometimes looked back. And it did it somehow strangely, it turned not the head, but the whole body. This creature was moving towards the swamps behind the forest. The lurking Shalamov remained unnoticed sitting in the bushes.all covered with dark hair. The creature was moving very quickly. After about two or three meters, the creature stopped and at the same time uttered the same cry that Shalamov heard when chopping wood, it looked around and sometimes looked back. And it did it somehow strangely, it turned not the head, but the whole body. This creature was moving towards the swamps behind the forest. The lurking Shalamov remained unnoticed sitting in the bushes.all covered with dark hair. The creature was moving very quickly. After about two or three meters, the creature stopped and at the same time uttered the same cry that Shalamov heard when chopping wood, it looked around and sometimes looked back. And it did it somehow strangely, it turned not the head, but the whole body. This creature was moving towards the swamps behind the forest. The lurking Shalamov remained unnoticed sitting in the bushes. The lurking Shalamov remained unnoticed sitting in the bushes. The lurking Shalamov remained unnoticed sitting in the bushes.

By the way, the swamps where the goblin went, whom Shalamov saw, are called Leshachye. Earlier, as Vitaly Petrovich recalls on the pages of his book "Anomalous Satka", the observation of hominoids in these places was almost an ordinary matter. They did not harm the locals, but they frightened them to death with their wonderful appearance. So this name stuck to them.

There is also a report in the archive of Cherentsov about the observation of the goblin, again in the area of Sulei. This time, Yevgeny Petrovich Kolyaskin, a resident of Suleya, was lucky to see the "Bigfoot". He worked as a receiver at the Suley railway station. The observation took place in July 1992. One day, in the evening, E. P. Kolyaskin was returning home from the mow, which was located near the Khutorka river, about 2 kilometers from the eastern outskirts of Suleya. This area is full of all sorts of small swamps and hollows. The way home also lay through the wetland. Passing another swamp, Yevgeny Petrovich drew attention to the fact that the swamp next to its mowing had been trampled by someone, it is not difficult to understand this, because at the sight of a rumpled and broken reed, nothing else comes to mind. Looking more closely,in the grass, someone's big bed began to be clearly visible. “The elk could not, they don’t walk through the swamps and they don’t make a sunbed there,” thought Kolyaskin, “and decided to go straight through the swamp, not paying attention to the mysterious bed. He did not walk much, when suddenly, about 10 meters away, he saw a huge humanoid creature, which stood like a pillar among the marsh reeds and marsh puddles. The body of the creature was covered with thick, brownish fur, the muzzle due to the hair was not visible. The creature looked at him, but did not take any hostile action. From the unexpectedness of the appearance of this monster, Kolyaskin was so frightened that he immediately jumped out of the swamps and rushed to the railway station.not paying attention to the mysterious lying. He did not walk much, when suddenly, about 10 meters away, he saw a huge humanoid creature, which stood like a pillar among the marsh reeds and marsh puddles. The body of the creature was covered with thick, brownish fur, the muzzle due to the hair was not visible. The creature looked at him, but did not take any hostile action. From the unexpectedness of the appearance of this monster, Kolyaskin was so frightened that he immediately jumped out of the swamps and rushed to the railway station.not paying attention to the mysterious lying. He did not walk much, when suddenly, about 10 meters away, he saw a huge humanoid creature, which stood like a pillar among the marsh reeds and marsh puddles. The body of the creature was covered with thick, brownish fur, the muzzle due to the hair was not visible. The creature looked at him, but did not take any hostile action. From the unexpectedness of the appearance of this monster, Kolyaskin was so frightened that he immediately jumped out of the swamps and rushed to the railway station. From the unexpectedness of the appearance of this monster, Kolyaskin was so frightened that he immediately jumped out of the swamps and rushed to the railway station. From the unexpectedness of the appearance of this monster, Kolyaskin was so frightened that he immediately jumped out of the swamps and rushed to the railway station.

Another interesting case, which took place on March 18, 1992, was told to Vitaly Petrovich by a resident of Satka, Alexander Naskin. Once he was riding his motorcycle, along the Suleinsky tract, from the village of Suleya to Satka, around the second turn after the railway bridge, not far from the place where the Ishchelka river crosses the road in front of a steep hillock on the rise to Kalym Mountain. It was during dusk, there were few cars, but a Moskvich was driving in front of his motorcycle. Suddenly, the car in front begins to drop speed sharply, and the driver waves his hand away from the road so that Naskin would also look in that direction. Naskin slowed down and turned his head in the direction indicated by the driver of the "Moskvich". The sight was really unusual. About 8 meters from the road, on the side of the road, in a roadside weed, a huge, hairy creature lurked,covered with dark fur, I remember long arms, they were almost to the knees, and a leg peeking out from behind the thickets. The creature was clearly larger than human growth. The creature also had one piquant detail that allows us to talk about its gender as a male. His penis was clearly visible. Gominoid slowly turned his head from side to side, as if watching the passing cars along the road. Naskin watched the creature for a long time, marveling at the strange appearance of the unfamiliar creature. He still did not understand who he saw that evening - a person or an animal. His penis was clearly visible. Gominoid slowly turned his head from side to side, as if watching the passing cars along the road. Naskin watched the creature for a long time, marveling at the strange appearance of the unfamiliar creature. He still did not understand who he saw that evening - a person or an animal. His penis was clearly visible. Gominoid slowly turned his head from side to side, as if watching the passing cars along the road. Naskin watched the creature for a long time, marveling at the strange appearance of the unfamiliar creature. He still did not understand who he saw that evening - a person or an animal.

It was Cherentsov's research in the field of cryptozoologists that attracted the famous hominoid hunter Nikolai Pavlovich Avdeev to the area of the small Ural town of Satka.

The expeditions of this person and the materials that he managed to get hold of will be discussed in the next part of my article.

In the fall of 1989, Nikolai Avdeev was preparing for an expedition to the polar Urals, it is there that most often people see a hominoid, indeed, places are so deaf that a person is rare there, but a hominoid, on the contrary, is a certain owner of a property. Having collected his things and, as they say, "sitting on suitcases", Avdeev waited for the day of dispatch. Suddenly, on September 10, 1989, a message about the observation of a hominoid comes from the village of Novogorny (50-60 kilometers from Chelyabinsk), a radical redistribution of the group's expedition plans immediately took place, instead of the Polar Urals, it was decided to go to the above mentioned village.

The incident was described by the warrant officer of the military unit, near which everything happened. Yuri Averkovich, the same warrant officer, by the way, he was an eyewitness to this creature, this is how it was: “Before my very observation, I heard a rumor among the soldiers for two weeks that they often began to observe some strange animal in the forest, especially their he was frightened by the scream that he uttered at nightfall, but no one dared to shoot. That evening I went outside the perimeter of the unit, where, according to the stories of the soldiers, this creature lives. It was already getting dark and it was hard to see the area, but I decided to approach the forest from where the soldiers heard the screams. Having entered the forest, and after walking a few meters, I saw nothing or heard anything, the forest seemed ordinary. But suddenly, from the side of a small forest swamp, a hairy creature appeared, whose height exceeded 2.5 meters. Everything was so fastunexpectedly and close to me - about 15 meters that I, due to the state of shock, did not even try to run away, I just stood like a pillar. From this creature walking by me, there was not only an unpleasant smell, but also some indescribable strength and power. The "hairy" walked calmly, without changing the pace of walking, even when he saw me out of the corner of his eye. So this creature passed me and disappeared into the forest. I hastened to the unit."