Archeology Of Mexico Or Thousands Of Finds That Are Hard To Find An Explanation For - Alternative View

Archeology Of Mexico Or Thousands Of Finds That Are Hard To Find An Explanation For - Alternative View
Archeology Of Mexico Or Thousands Of Finds That Are Hard To Find An Explanation For - Alternative View

Video: Archeology Of Mexico Or Thousands Of Finds That Are Hard To Find An Explanation For - Alternative View

Video: Archeology Of Mexico Or Thousands Of Finds That Are Hard To Find An Explanation For - Alternative View
Video: The Most Incredible Archaeological Discovery Of 2021 2024, September

Most likely, everyone at least once saw pictures on the Internet of various stone slabs or fragments with images of unknown creatures and aircraft, these are the finds that relate to Mexico, only there are not a few of them, but at least hundreds.


Archaeologist Victor Camacho is the first person to make many such discoveries throughout Mexico, but he is far from the only one. Many such finds have been made throughout Mexico, by a variety of archaeologists and researchers.

Immediately I would like to touch upon the topic of the authenticity of these finds. Repeatedly I saw people's distrust of these particular Mexican artifacts, perhaps some of them are really modern fakes, but certainly not all.


Think about how to make several hundred such fakes, how much effort you need to spend in vain? Since no loud "sensation" really happened, and such artifacts continue to be found to this day.

In addition, on some slabs and fragments of stones with images there are obvious traces that they have been lying underground for a long time, or somewhere in abandoned buildings and cities, thousands of years ago.


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It is clear that in the modern world such forgeries can also be made by special means, but this simply does not make sense, especially on such a scale.

And now, it is worth talking about the finds themselves. These are various stones, both large slabs and debris, on which there are many strange creatures, although they are all in one way or another similar to each other.


Aircraft were depicted on the same stones, and almost everywhere this is the standard image of a "flying saucer". And it can be seen that many images were cut or hollowed out rather roughly, which again proves their age.

Where does all this lead? No matter how trivial it may be, these finds once again confirm the direct contact of ancient people with extraterrestrial beings, most likely, sufficiently developed in all planes.


In addition, the same images are found all over the world, both in America and in Africa with China, as well as in other places on Earth.

By the way, many rock paintings and even ancient writings prove that extraterrestrial civilizations not only visited ancient people, but also taught them a lot.


Everyone has their own opinion, of course, but personally I am only interested in one thing, if extraterrestrial civilizations have visited Earth and are visiting it in our time (we see "plates", although most are "fake"), why do they have no contact with us?

In general, the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations should be obvious to everyone, since this is a theory of probability. It cannot be that of the billions (only known to us) stars and planets, there is no life.


That's just what happened to an extraterrestrial highly developed civilization, and why at some point contact with people was interrupted, one can only guess.