Sharks Have Gathered Near New York. Do They Smell Food? - Alternative View

Sharks Have Gathered Near New York. Do They Smell Food? - Alternative View
Sharks Have Gathered Near New York. Do They Smell Food? - Alternative View

Video: Sharks Have Gathered Near New York. Do They Smell Food? - Alternative View

Video: Sharks Have Gathered Near New York. Do They Smell Food? - Alternative View
Video: Why No Aquarium In the World Has a Great White Shark? 2024, June

Several popular science publications in the United States published a rather intriguing headline the other day: About 1400 basking sharks have been discovered, gathered in the waters from Long Island to Nova Scotia.


Unlike whales and dolphins, sharks are not mammals and do not keep in packs, gathering in groups only at the moments of a meal, on which everyone swims. Therefore, when scientists, having seen aerial photographs of the area in March, the scientists found themselves in a fabulous surprise, in which they are still and the scale of which is described in an article in the scientific journal Fish Biology ("Biology of fish").


Analyzing similar images taken from June 1980 to November 2013, scientists found that, firstly, no more than 10 large sharks can congregate in one area at the same time, and secondly, when such a large group is observed, by indirect signs can always be assumed that the animals are feeding at this moment. However, 1400 individuals in just one photograph surpass everything conceivable and inconceivable.

To explain the observation obtained, scientists put forward several versions;

a) in fact, these are not sharks, but some other animals that were mistaken for sharks in the photograph;

b) sharks froze a little over the winter and therefore by the spring they sailed to New York, where they went to bask from the entire Atlantic;

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c) this is a new scientific fact that was previously unknown, but with which one must come to terms and deeply study it.

Since none of these explanations satisfied the Ameroblogodrom, people offer their explanations for what is happening.

The first explanation assumes that sharks sense a certain inaudible sound emitted by tectonic plates or underwater volcanoes that have become active. This sound of the animals is frightening, and therefore they went to the coast.

The second explanation is close in essence, but opposite in content. That is, sharks do not run away from a sound that is terrible for them, but on the contrary - they swam to the sound. For example, the sound of incomprehensible underwater equipment working off the coast of Long Island.


Finally, the third explanation is not so much a conspiratorial one as a religious and mystical one, since the mass invasions of predatory fish are described in the eschatological literature as a clear sign of the End Times. By the way, something similar has been observed off the coast of Israel for more than a year, and scientists cannot explain this fact.


In view of the latter circumstance, and not how to scare the people of the United States to death, we will gladly help the enlightened academicians and clarify the situation.

Today biologists know more than fifty species of rats that carry the plague, carry something else there and on this basis are studied, studied and studied.


But what biologists do not know is the crucial role of rats as indicators of malfunction on ships and ships. Everyone has heard about the fact that rats are fleeing from a sinking ship, and very few have already heard about the fact that rats are more important for engineers of nuclear submarines than dosimeters. However, this is a fact - not once or twice the strange behavior and anxiety of these animals helped to prevent accidents.

Academicians have a "natural scientific explanation" for this fact they know. For example, freon began to flow from the pipe, the rats did not like it, the rats began to squeal and attracted the attention of the watchmen to the leak. However, what about the fact that, both in the days of battleship combat, and much earlier, rats always knew in advance what compartment the shell would fall into! They left it in advance, while the captain of the ship was just getting aerated on the bridge and looking out into the optics of the fleets of the approaching enemy. This situation cannot be explained by any “natural-scientific explanations”. Rats definitely always smell something and transmit information through their unknown rat telegraph.


Other scavengers such as vultures, jackals and sharks behave similarly to rats. Even simple insects and worms - and they sense the upcoming feeding, beginning to advance in advance for the future mass burial. Sayings about the "flocked crows" are known no less than sayings about rats running from the ship. And just like the crows before the battle, sharks also behave, in a few days they begin to row in the wake of the ship, which is ordered to drown.

Based on these centuries-old experimental observations, it can be assumed that sharks in the Long Island region smell something. Most likely, they smell food, which will be enough in the local water after a while.

We follow the development of events.
