Red Mountain Uluru. Australia - Alternative View

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Red Mountain Uluru. Australia - Alternative View
Red Mountain Uluru. Australia - Alternative View

Video: Red Mountain Uluru. Australia - Alternative View

Video: Red Mountain Uluru. Australia - Alternative View
Video: Uluru: Australia’s Mythic Monolith 2024, June

This mysterious natural wonder is located almost in the center of the Australian continent and attracts about half a million tourists a year, despite the heat and hordes of annoying insects.


The mountain was formed about 680 million years ago. In fact, it is one huge stone with a length of 3.6 km and a width of 3 km, which from a bird's eye view looks like a baby elephant lying on its side. There are still disputes over the nature of the mountain. Some believe that this is a monolith, while others believe that Uluru is connected underground with another mountain located 25 km away. This mountain is called Olga, in honor of Olga, daughter of the Russian emperor Nicholas I. Aborigines also call the mountain Kata-Tjuta.


Local residents settled at the foot of the mountain 10 thousand years ago. But for the first time this miracle of nature became known relatively recently. Ernest Giles, while on the shores of Lake Amadius in 1872, saw the mountain. But the ascent took place only a year later. William Goss did this, and it was he who gave the name to the mountain, by which it is still known today - Ayers Rock.

Halo of mystery

Local tribes are convinced that Uluru is the door connecting the spirit world with the human world. Shamans have performed their rituals here for centuries. And even now, local residents consider the mountain a relic. But some tribes consider Uluru an assistant and ask her for various benefits. Others consider the rock a repository of evil spirits.

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There is another belief that the rock is actually hollow inside. And in the very heart of the mountain is the "source of sacred energy."

But be that as it may, the mountain really gives the impression of a mystical place. Australian Robin Davidson wrote in her book that she had never before felt the extraordinary power that comes from the mountain.


By the way, the natives believe that if you take a piece of the mountain, you will be cursed. And many tourists confirm this. They say that after taking the pebble as a souvenir, misfortunes began to happen in their lives. And now, in the post offices, many parcels with stones have accumulated, which have arrived from different countries.

Tourist attraction

Mount Uluru opened to tourists only in the middle of the last century. Aboriginal people do not interfere with visiting. Because this is a good article for making money. But they are opposed to tourists climbing the mountain. Officially, officials did not issue a ban on the conquest of Uluru, but many tourists respect the beliefs of the tribes and enjoy the view from the ground.

In addition, there are places at the foot of the mountain where you cannot take photos. This is also due to the beliefs of the aborigines. These places are marked with signs.


The nearest town where tourists can stay is called Yulara, and it is located 18 km from the mountain. To get the right to visit the mountain, you need to buy a ticket. For AUD 25, you get a 72-hour Uluru pass.