3000 Years Ago, People Had A Telephone! - Alternative View

3000 Years Ago, People Had A Telephone! - Alternative View
3000 Years Ago, People Had A Telephone! - Alternative View

Video: 3000 Years Ago, People Had A Telephone! - Alternative View

Video: 3000 Years Ago, People Had A Telephone! - Alternative View
Video: What Did Humans Really Look Like 200,000 Years Ago? 2024, September

According to scientists, the megaliths, which literally dot the entire Earth, could be used for data transmission, but how did our ancestors communicate with the help of stone giants? Can this technology be replicated today?

Scientists have found a Neolithic ATC! It's incredible, but 4.5 thousand years ago, ancient people used the telephone. Isn't this already really so?

Karnak Stones is the world's largest complex of megaliths. It consists of many mounds, dolmens and menhirs, lonely granite pillars. The huge boulders are laid out in several lines that stretch for about 3 km.

Karnak stones
Karnak stones

Karnak stones.

Archaeologists have noticed that from a bird's eye view, the Karnak stones look like power lines. Then it occurred to them that the largest menhirs and dolmens stand in a separate group for a reason, because they emit ultrasound, and the rest of the stones generate it, and they work not only for transmission, but also for reception. It means that the complexes of megaliths scattered throughout the globe are the telephones of our distant ancestors.

The hypothesis of the researchers explains why almost all megaliths are located in the fault regions of the earth's crust. Scientists have repeatedly recorded magnetic anomalies near them, and the strongest jumps are recorded during the periods of solstices and equinoxes (at this time, stones become giant distributors of energy).



British scientists have found that all megaliths are built of quartz sandstone, a mineral capable of generating electric current. Researchers have also discovered that Karnak stones emit ultrasound. The energy of each individual is small, but together they create a powerful energy flow.

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According to the hypothesis of the researchers, all the megalithic structures of the Earth are interconnected by a network of paleotunnels, and this is not an accident, such a connection is necessary to transmit sound over a distance - this is a kind of communication network.

Since the discovery of the Karnak megaliths, scientists have put forward several hypotheses for the purpose of the building. Megalithic structures were sometimes called ancient observatories, or religious centers. However, modern researchers refute these assumptions, because in order to track the movement of planets or worship the Gods of such large-scale structures, ancient man did not need.

While scientists are trying to find an explanation for the origin of the buildings, most local residents have long found an answer to this question for themselves. In English legends, this is the place where the wizard Merlin turned Roman legions into stone, and the Christian commune of Brittany believes that the cobblestones are petrified pagan warriors.