In France, There Lived A Son Of Hitler, Who Had Descendants Of - Alternative View

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In France, There Lived A Son Of Hitler, Who Had Descendants Of - Alternative View
In France, There Lived A Son Of Hitler, Who Had Descendants Of - Alternative View

Video: In France, There Lived A Son Of Hitler, Who Had Descendants Of - Alternative View

Video: In France, There Lived A Son Of Hitler, Who Had Descendants Of - Alternative View
Video: Nazi leader's son: 'Don't trust us' Germans - BBC News 2024, September

Adolf Hitler had an illegitimate son in France. French journalists found out that a young French woman, who became pregnant with him during the First World War, could give birth to a child to the future Fuhrer

French citizen Jean-Marie Lauret announced that he was the son of the leader of the Third Reich back in 1981, having written the book "Your father is Hitler", which no one paid much attention to then. Four years later, at the age of 67, the author died without proving his origin to anyone.

But now evidence of the relationship between Laura and Hitler has surfaced thanks to the efforts of his lawyer François Guibault. The latter claims that his client was right all this time, and told how he was able to find out his difficult origin.

Loret wrote that the romance between his mother - 16-year-old Charlotte Lobjoy - and Corporal Hitler broke out in 1917, when German troops were stationed in French Picardy. In March 1918, Loret was born. Neighbors and acquaintances began to contemptuously call the child "little Bosch" - this is how the children born from German soldiers were called in France.


A few years later, Charlotte, tired of bullying and ridicule, threw her son to a married couple who adopted him. It is noteworthy that in 1939 the alleged son of Hitler went to fight against Nazi Germany, and during the occupation he joined the French partisans and received the clandestine nickname Clement.

In the early 1950s, shortly before his death, Laura's own mother told him who his father was. It made an indelible impression on him. By his own admission, over the course of 20 years, he worked continuously to drive away thoughts of his origin from himself.

But in the late 1970s, he decided to find evidence that he was the son of a German dictator. In 1979, he came to the lawyer François Guibault and stunned him with the statement: “I am Hitler's son. Tell me, what should I do?"

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According to Guibault, his client approached the issue of finding out his origin more than thoroughly. Loret reached out to scientists including a historian and geneticist from the University of Heidelberg, as well as a specialist in graphology. Both concluded that he might be the son of the Fuehrer.

The publication writes that Hitler helped Charlotte Lobjoy after he ascended the political Olympus in Germany. In particular, in the documents of the Wehrmacht, there were records that German officers from time to time delivered envelopes with cash to the Frenchwoman. In addition, in the attic of the Lobjoie house, they found paintings signed by Adolf Hitler, and one depicts a woman, like two drops of water, similar to Jean-Marie Loret's mother.

It is expected that all the facts presented will be studied, after which they will be included in the reprint of Lore's book. According to Guibault, in this case, the descendants of his client will be able to claim royalties from the sale of Adolf Hitler's book Mein Kampf.

However, even if Loret's children and grandchildren really confirm their relationship with Hitler, they will not receive a single ruble from Russia - the fundamental work of their possible "relative" is included here in the list of prohibited literature.
