The Scientist Told What Will Happen When The Earth Falls Into A Black Hole - Alternative View

The Scientist Told What Will Happen When The Earth Falls Into A Black Hole - Alternative View
The Scientist Told What Will Happen When The Earth Falls Into A Black Hole - Alternative View

Video: The Scientist Told What Will Happen When The Earth Falls Into A Black Hole - Alternative View

Video: The Scientist Told What Will Happen When The Earth Falls Into A Black Hole - Alternative View
Video: What to Expect if Earth Ever Falls Into a Black Hole? 2024, September

British astrophysicist Kevin Pimblet tried to mentally reproduce a scenario unpleasant for our planet, in which the Earth begins to fall into such an extreme object of the Universe as a black hole.

According to a scientist from the University of Hull in the UK, when approaching the event horizon of a supermassive black hole, nothing unusual will happen on the planet, since this space object has a small tidal force, inversely proportional to the square of the mass.

However, when approaching directly to the event horizon, the planet will begin to stretch, since the difference in the gravitational effect on its different sides will be different. At this moment, nothing will help humanity, since the Earth will begin to collapse.

But an even greater danger is a fall into a black hole in the center of a quasar. When gas or other cosmic bodies are absorbed, the latter at the very event horizon accelerate to near-light speeds, starting to shine brightly, heating up to colossal temperatures. It is this light that will evaporate all life on the planet long before approaching directly to the black hole.

The event horizon of a black hole is a sphere around the singularity, in which the strongest gravity acts, which does not allow even photons moving at light speed to leave this region. That is why such an object appears completely black.