The Manuscript Is In Angelic! - Alternative View

The Manuscript Is In Angelic! - Alternative View
The Manuscript Is In Angelic! - Alternative View

Video: The Manuscript Is In Angelic! - Alternative View

Video: The Manuscript Is In Angelic! - Alternative View
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Russian mathematicians have deciphered the most mysterious document in history - the Voynich manuscript. According to one version, it contains a recipe for the elixir of immortality. The artifact is 500 years old. The manuscript is written in an unknown language by an unnamed author. They have been trying to decipher it for more than a century. Employees of the Institute. Mstislav Keldysh spent several years studying the manuscript. What was the result and did they manage to reveal this secret?

Researcher Alexander Ulyanenkov is sure that he managed to unravel the mystery of the Voynich manuscript. It's hard to believe in it, because according to the legend, the recipe for the elixir of immortality is encrypted on the pages of the manuscript. Hasn't humanity finally found the recipe for eternal life?

The original title of the manuscript is Dunstan's Book. In the Middle Ages, the manuscript belonged to the alchemists John Dee and Edward Kelly. According to Ulyanenkov, ancient scientists considered this work to be the legacy of Saint Dunstan of Canterbury himself and the emperor of the Roman Empire Rudolph II himself showed interest in its contents.


Incredibly, Rudolph II managed to convince the alchemists to sell him the relic. After buying the artifact for fabulous money, the Roman emperor convinced the alchemists to decipher the scripture for him, but did the scientists themselves know the code of the mysterious manuscript?

If you believe the records of John Dee's diaries, the Roman ruler who enriched the alchemists was left with nothing. There is a hypothesis that the alchemists themselves invented the composition of the magic potion for the emperor in order to receive a reward.

Saint Dunstan of Canterbury
Saint Dunstan of Canterbury

Saint Dunstan of Canterbury.

But did medieval alchemists really know the code of the manuscript? John Dee wrote in his diaries about a mysterious black mirror, from which children’s voices were heard, speaking in an unfamiliar language, and Edward Kelly helped him record and encrypt the mystical message.

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Researcher Alexander Ulyanenkov takes a more prosaic point of view. In his opinion, the cipher that no one can guess is actually quite simple. In the Voynich manuscript, like in a children's primer, instead of words, pictures. Each character in the manuscript represents one word.

Alexander Ulyanenkov sent his version of the transcript of the manuscript to the famous Yale University, where the Voynich manuscript is today. If Ulyanenkov's hypothesis is confirmed by American scientists, then for the first time in history, after 100 years of attempts, the secret of the mysterious manuscript will finally be revealed.

For 100 years, the Voynich manuscript has been tried to decipher the best minds on the planet. Russian mathematicians recently put forward a sensational hypothesis that the document cannot be deciphered, but you can guess it by studying the illustrations. The illustrations of the manuscript tell the recipe for obtaining opium from poppy. Foreign researchers do not agree with this conclusion of their Russian colleagues.

Even cipher specialists from the US National Security Agency tried to decipher the Voynich manuscript. They hypothesized that the manuscript is "gibberish" without any meaning. According to decryptors, the creators pursued a selfish goal - to sell it at a higher price under the guise of collections of magic spells.


Linguists also fought over the riddle of the manuscript. In their opinion, the manuscript is a botanical reference book, but this hypothesis was refuted by botanists, they argue that the plants depicted in the drawings do not exist in nature.

Alexander Ulyanenkov has his own theory of the origin of this artifact. The scientist is sure that medieval alchemists John Dee and Edward Kelly themselves created a mysterious manuscript in the text, which was encrypted by the very non-existent recipe for the elixir of eternal life. All this was done, according to Ulyanenkov, in order to receive a substantial reward from the Roman emperor. And if the hypothesis of the Russian researcher turns out to be true, then it turns out that for the last 100 years, scientists from all over the world have tried to unravel the code of the most ingenious forgery in history.

in the 40s of the XX century, professor of Keele University, British linguist Gordon Ruck was the first to call the manuscript a fake, and he supported his conclusions with evidence. Firstly, in the manuscript there is a repetition of words that are not characteristic of living speech (for example, mom, mom, I fell, mom, mom). Secondly, there are corrections in all the manuscripts, even the most diligent scribe makes a mistake, but the analysis of the manuscript showed that there is not a single corrected letter or number in it.

You can study the manuscript itself at this link.