Technology Of Promoting Perversions In Russia - Alternative View

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Technology Of Promoting Perversions In Russia - Alternative View
Technology Of Promoting Perversions In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Technology Of Promoting Perversions In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Technology Of Promoting Perversions In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Digital Education.21st Century - 2020. Online communication in distance education 2024, June

As the analysis of the products of mass culture - films, music, television programs, the content of news agencies - shows, that which recently seemed unthinkable, today penetrates our home and begins to establish its own rules. Not only has the taboo been removed from the topic of perversion in Russia, but it is also being actively introduced into society. There is even a scientific basis for the legalization of vice, in particular, official psychiatry no longer considers sodomy a "mental disorder" and, in fact, equated it to the norm.

The main goals of this process are obvious to any person who knows about the existence of global politics - this is the reduction of the population and the destruction of the institution of the family with the subsequent atomization of society.

The goals of propaganda of perversion:

  • population decline
  • destruction of the family institution
  • atomization of society

The visible front of the struggle is the pressure exerted on the Russian leadership at the international level, and numerous attempts to discredit the Russian law prohibiting the propaganda of perversion among children, through parades of perverts and public appeals for tolerance. What is at least a collective letter to Vladimir Putin of 27 Nobel laureates, headed by Gandalf himself, or rather the actor who played this role, with a request to lift the ban on the propaganda of perversion among children.

Of serious concern is the recent ruling of the European Court of Human Rights, which required Italy to legalize sodomite marriages in the form of "civil unions" as the most appropriate way to recognize same-sex relationships. Interestingly, it was in the direction of "civil unions" that Dmitry Kiselyov, the general director of Russia Segodnya, also urged to move our country a little earlier.

Perfectly understanding where the part of the Russian elite, represented by Kiselyov, is heading, and given that the judgments of the ECHR are of a precedent nature, the projects Political Practice and Teach Good are directed to an appeal to the Prosecutor General to clarify the procedure for protecting against political decisions of this international judicial body. The appeal is intended to forestall a possible adoption by a European court of a similar decision against Russia.

Nevertheless, the main means of introducing perversions into Russian society is not external pressure, as it might seem at first glance, but the gradual formatting of the population's consciousness through the mass media. And we will consider this main tool in more detail. The propaganda of perversions in the media includes the following areas.


Promotional video:

Firstly, it is propaganda through cinema products. You have probably noticed that recently there have been many films with perverts in secondary and even leading roles, and youth comedies are not complete without jokes or hints on this topic.

Television propaganda. Popular talk shows regularly invite all kinds of freaks and morally degraded personalities to the studio. If the topic of sodomy is being discussed, then surely most of the broadcast will be given to pederasts and people who treat them neutrally and positively. Any constructive arguments against, for example, about the statistics of suicides, sexually transmitted diseases or the average life expectancy of sodomites, will simply be cut out during the installation.

Propaganda is also carried out through music. Russian music channels and radio stations constantly broadcast many songs and videos about same-sex relationships, giving special preference to supporters of a tolerant approach.

Newspapers and glossy magazines not only constantly cover these topics from a neutral or positive side, but also use foreign euphemisms such as "gay", "LGBT", "homosexuality", instead of traditional terms such as "homosexual", "sodomite", "sodomite "," Pervert "and so on.

The main Russian news agencies also use exclusively tolerant vocabulary and do not miss the opportunity to tell the whole country about the next stupid trick of some freak by advertising him. And at any public processions of perverts, journalists are often present more than homosexuals, although which of them is who - sometimes you cannot tell …

There is also active propaganda on the Internet, where many groups on social networks and sites have been created that promote perversion. The editorial offices of such publications are usually sponsored through various NGOs, which most often fight for freedom, equality and fraternity for homosexuals.

One of the innovations, so far only gaining momentum, is the propaganda of perversions in computer games. It is not for nothing that Electronic Arts has been recognized in the United States as the best employer in the world for sodomites for several years in a row.

Media promotion of perversion includes:

  • propaganda through cinema products
  • television propaganda
  • propaganda through music
  • propaganda through the press and print
  • propaganda through news agencies
  • Internet propaganda
  • propaganda through computer games

Each of these areas has its own characteristics, but the basic principle is the same everywhere - it is the choice of an appropriate news story and its presentation and replication in a neutral or positive light. Agree, the influence on the audience will be radically different, depending on the chosen topic: to make a film about a large family or take for the plot the touching story of the death of a young homosexual; publish an article about the heroine mother or tell your readers about how wonderful children grow up in sodomite families; to report on how the crops are harvested in the fields, or to dedicate it to a pervert who bravely fights for his rights.

But those who will be considered a leader of public opinion, an expert and even a talent, in the overwhelming majority of cases, are determined by the same media, and therefore they play a key role in promoting perversions in society.

The attitude of the editorial staff of any publication to sodomites is one of the main criteria for whether this media works for the interests of society or for its degradation. Refusal to condemn vice, or ambiguous or vague formulations on this issue by patriotic citizens should be regarded as an anti-popular and anti-social position.

The purpose of this review is not to incite hatred of perverts, but to show the global and manageable nature of the process of introducing perversions in society and to convey the understanding of the seriousness of the threat to the maximum number of citizens.