Secret Societies That Rule The World - Alternative View

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Secret Societies That Rule The World - Alternative View
Secret Societies That Rule The World - Alternative View

Video: Secret Societies That Rule The World - Alternative View

Video: Secret Societies That Rule The World - Alternative View
Video: Secret Societies | HOLY FACTS #9 - Deepak Chopra 2024, June

The New World Order is a daunting concept, even if you are sanely skeptical about conspiracy theories. However, you will not be surprised to learn that many people believe in them. There are secret societies, they are convinced, and their goal is to get rid of democracy in any way possible. The elites who enter them are able to rule the world, instilling in us the illusion of freedom of choice. However, it is they who will ultimately decide his fate and establish total control over him. At least that's what most conspiracy theorists are suggesting. Here are 10 secret societies that could rule the world.


Members of this society have been with us for quite some time. It appeared back in 1776 and was originally a union of scientists and philosophers who opposed the power of the Roman Catholic Church. Over time, the community has grown quite large and now probably has thousands of members. Among them are such famous people as Beyoncé, Kanye West and Jay-Z. The Illuminati are often associated with the terrorist act of September 11, 2001 in New York, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and the activities of the Area 51 military base.



You may be surprised, but members of this society have the right to tell others that they are Freemasons. As you can see, their unification is not so secret. You must be a man to become a Freemason in the United States, but women can also join the ranks in Europe. The Vatican believes that Masons are worse than the devil and have long since sold their souls for his unholy promises and godlike status after death. Members of society themselves believe in goodwill, which in no way depends on religion. Among the Masons, there were 8 people who signed the United States Declaration of Independence. No, these guys can't be that bad!

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Bohemian club

Located in Monte Rio, California, Bohemian Grove is a place where America's most influential people come to stay away from the civilized world and relax in the open air, devoting time to theatrical performances and pagan rituals. Yes, you got it right. Not only do the high-ranking members of the Bohemian Club dress in appropriate attire for the occasion, they also perform sacrificial rites, burning the effigy in front of a huge statue of an owl surrounded by redwoods. Their pastime is usually described as "a musical drama celebrating summer and nature." Presumably, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan took part in the ancient ritual.


Opus Dei

A relatively young society, which gained fame largely thanks to The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. In his book, the author portrayed its members as rather radical keepers of some secret knowledge, ready to do much to protect them. In fact, Opus Dei is supported by many leaders of the Catholic Church, including the popes. Nevertheless, the conspiracy theorists are convinced that Opus Dei is a dangerous cult, and its members are insane fanatics engaged in self-mutilation, capable of conspiracy against the world, and unthinkable crimes.


Ku Klux Klan

This society has a long history of racism and violence. The Ku Klux Klan emerged after the end of the US Civil War and became a terrorist force in the soon-formed Democratic Party. It was founded by the defeated veterans of the army of the South, who set as their goal the liberation of the country from the "invasion" of blacks who, thanks to the republican North, said goodbye to their slave status.


It is difficult to imagine that such a terrible and unjust association can exist today. However, the Ku Klux Klan still operates in 25 states and has about 8,000 members. Moreover, the society has special websites where it promotes its ideas.

Black Hand

Founded in 1911, the Black Hand consisted of officers from the army of the Kingdom of Serbia. Initially, their goal was to unite all Serbs into one state. However, over time, the "Black Hand" turned into a group similar to a mafia structure: members of the society killed national leaders, and then replaced them with their own people. If only they knew that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand would lead to the outbreak of the First World War!


Order of the Knights Templar

The society appeared in the Middle Ages. In 1139, the knights who served the Catholic Church united to form the Knights Templar. He fought for his own interests - mainly for wealth, the destruction of Protestants and all objectionable religions. The Templars were closely associated with the infamous Crusades and vowed to do whatever they could to protect Christians from foreign "evil." Now the order is no longer on the "battlefield", but their values are still alive.


Bilderberg Club

Bilderberger conferences have been held annually since the early 1950s. Approximately 150 people belonging to the world's elite gather to discuss common problems in a relaxed atmosphere or make acquaintances with each other. No one except the club members is allowed to know what issues they raise at conferences. Conspiracy theorists have put a lot of effort into figuring out what rich people and scientists are discussing at club meetings. The secrecy of the meetings made them come to disappointing conclusions. The Bilderberg Club, they believe, is capable of destroying the world economy, turning the world into a police state, or using bio-weapons to wipe out humanity from the face of the Earth.


No list of secret societies would be complete without the lizardmen. The theory looks completely insane. However, thousands of people are sure: our planet is teeming with these malicious creatures who have learned to take on human form. From time to time they make mistakes, and then we learn about their true nature. The Anunnaki are influential, conspiracy theorists believe, and can be found in every area of human activity - both among politicians and among musicians. It is generally accepted that they rule humanity and distract people from their evil plans.



Of all the hideous and frightening secret societies, Anonymous is a relatively harmless association. It is an international network of hackers whose sole purpose is to uncover government crimes and bring the truth to the public mind. Anonymous is more of a subculture than an organization. Its members are scattered all over the world and do not have a common leader. That is why the logo of the association depicts a man without a head.


Maria Shcherova