About The Vatican Library - Alternative View

About The Vatican Library - Alternative View
About The Vatican Library - Alternative View

Video: About The Vatican Library - Alternative View

Video: About The Vatican Library - Alternative View
Video: What's Hiding in the Vatican Secret Archives 2024, June

Undoubtedly, the largest library known to the world today is the Vatican Library, which has many underground multi-kilometer storage levels. And many ancient artifacts and genuine written sources of ancient civilizations are kept secret from all mankind, because only a very narrow circle of Vatican servants has access to the library archives. Therefore, they are inaccessible to science. But the truth about the antediluvian civilization of the "golden age", as well as about our true history, is available to the "top" of secret societies, whose activities are coordinated by the Vatican.

How did all these artifacts, collected over the centuries, end up in this library? Here is what the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov writes about this in his book "The Leader's Secret Project":

The fact that the Vatican is a project of globalists can be seen with the naked eye from its active ecumenist activities, the essence of which is well reflected in the book by J. Coleman "The Committee of 300". Therefore, many people who are able to think and analyze independently understand that the Vatican is in essence a religious and ideological "center of power" of the world government. However, behind the creation of the Vatican itself there are more ancient forces that control the "top" of the globalists. Namely, according to their plans, in the distant past, entire empires were created, which, during the campaigns of conquest, were engaged in plundering the ancient repositories of knowledge that they brought to their masters.

And, by the way, this process is happening now before our eyes, when not only regular armies and PMCs of the “democratic West” rob museums where artifacts are kept, but terrorist groups maintained by the world government are also doing the same. So, right before our eyes, these servants of darkness were partially destroyed, and for the most part secretly removed or sold to private collections of the world "elite" artifacts located in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Libya. And, of course, it doesn't take much cleverness to guess by whom and for what purpose a museum in Kiev was robbed during the 2014 Maidan.

But why hide from us the truth about the ancient civilizations of the "golden age"? Because the truth about our history interferes with the implementation of the millennial plan for the establishment of a "new world order" and that "paradise", which is actually a total electronic concentration camp, into which the globalists and their servants are trying to drag us, is very far behind in comparison with the "golden age." "When people were really free and lived in harmony with the world, receiving knowledge directly from information fields. That is why this knowledge was made “forbidden” for humanity.

And for the same reason, it took many thousands of years of activity to seize the sources of ancient knowledge and hide them from humanity so that it could not assess the level of its slavery from the world parasitic system. And for the same purpose, over the past centuries, the Vatican has actively coordinated a total project of falsifying history.

At the same time, all this satanic army slowly but surely lowered the level of consciousness of people, attaching them to antihuman "values" and indulgence of animal instincts. Thus, people were turned into predatory consumers, completely devoid of the ability to think independently, because a brainless "herd" is much easier to manipulate, just like a donkey is manipulated with a carrot. But the goals of this degradation path imposed on mankind go far beyond the plan of establishing a "new world order".

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