When Imaginary Friends Of Children Turned Out To Be Something Very Creepy - Alternative View

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When Imaginary Friends Of Children Turned Out To Be Something Very Creepy - Alternative View
When Imaginary Friends Of Children Turned Out To Be Something Very Creepy - Alternative View

Video: When Imaginary Friends Of Children Turned Out To Be Something Very Creepy - Alternative View

Video: When Imaginary Friends Of Children Turned Out To Be Something Very Creepy - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Demons Pretending To Be Imaginary Friends 2024, September

Not every child in childhood creates an imaginary friend with whom he plays and talks. But according to child psychologists, this is quite a common occurrence for kids 2-4 years old.

Most often this happens with closed children or introverts, such children are initially quieter and indecisive, it is difficult for them to get to know other children and an imaginary friend is sometimes their only friend.

When parents see that the child is talking to someone invisible, they are often worried about this. In most cases, fortunately, these are vain alarms, since this phenomenon is harmless and quickly passing.

However, in isolated cases, something really sinister can lurk behind it. The scary stories below about children's imaginary friends are taken from various paranormal resources or sites like Reddit, and it's up to you to believe them or not.


A Reddit user named Eric once told a story about his 3-year-old daughter who just had an imaginary friend. And Eric from the very beginning this phenomenon became very frightening.

At first, Eric's daughter began to talk about a certain boy named Jonothan, with whom she loves to talk and who sits in her closet.

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But every month it became more and more intrusive. Eric's daughter constantly talked about Jonothan and sat in an old closet talking to him. When Eric and his wife became seriously concerned about the girl's psyche, they moved to another house.

But the story did not end there. Soon the new owners of the house called them and began to tell them that they had decided to make major repairs in the house, including removing the wardrobe in the children's room, and when they destroyed it, they found a niche behind the back wall of the wardrobe, where there was a large box with a heap of old clothes for a boy and photographs of a person. The box said Jonothan.

After that, Eric became haunted by the fear that his daughter was actually talking to a ghost.

Girl on fire

The following story is from Your Ghost Stories, from a woman who, as a child, played with an imaginary girl named Samantha.

Samantha appeared in the girl's life when she and her parents moved to a new house and at first, too, seemed to her mother just an age phenomenon. But then the woman began to notice a small shadow in the house, similar to the shadow of a child. Every now and then the shadow flickered in the corners and on the walls and seemed to live its own life.


Then unusual sounds began to be heard in the rooms, and the girl's father began to complain that he had a feeling that someone was watching him. Nevertheless, Samantha was quite peaceful and harmless. The girl played with her and nothing bad happened in the house. For the time being.

Friends from a burnt house

Another story from the same site "Your Ghost Stories" is told by a woman whose daughter Jessie from the age of 3 began to see several imaginary friends at once.

At first, Jesse's mom was very amused, but then everything became much more creepy.

Clothes for Clara

This story comes from a resident of Sydney, Australia named Rachel. Her 10-year-old son Oliver has an imaginary girlfriend, and Rachel thinks she is a ghost.


The most unusual thing is that this girl named Clara came to Oliver in the old house, and then began to appear after moving to a new address. That is, if it was a ghost, then he was attached not to a place, but to a specific person.

For a 10-year-old child, having imaginary friends is very unusual, but when Rachel's second son, 6-year-old Max, began to see Clara, and even asked to put a plate for her during breakfast, the woman realized that all this had long been beyond normal.

Then both boys began to ask their mother to buy new clothes for Klara, since her old ones were in poor condition. Then they sang a song for her at night. In the end, Rachel spoke to her husband and both became worried about the psyche of the children.

Burnt Sally

The latest story for today comes from the True Ghost Tales website. It is told from the perspective of a woman who saw an imaginary friend at the age of 3.


“It all started after moving to a new house, in which I almost immediately saw a little girl. She looked completely real and I thought she lived in this house. She was not translucent, but looked like an ordinary person.

She looked the same age as me, with big blue eyes and blonde hair. She was wearing a beautiful pink dress. We became friends and she said her name was Sally and she and her parents came from North Dakota. Then I told Mom and Dad about Sally's new girlfriend, and they brushed it off, deciding that I was friends with an imaginary friend.

Sally and I played for about 2 hours a day, chatting and holding hands. My parents were happy that I was busy on my own and did not disturb them. And I myself was happy to communicate. But then something ominous began.

One day I walked into my room and saw that my closet was on fire, and when I opened it, there was Sally in a flame of fire! I burst into tears with fear and ran to my mother, shouting that there was a fire in my room and my friend was burnt. But when mom and dad came running to my room. there was no fire.

However, all this affected me very badly. According to my mother, I was hysterical the rest of the day and screamed loudly with fear and kept repeating that Sally was on fire. In the end, my mom hugged me and I fell asleep with her in her room.

The next day, my mother asked the manager about the previous tenants of this apartment. At first she did not want to say anything, but my mother insisted.

And then she said that a family with a 4-year-old girl used to live here, but their daughter burned down in the bedroom closet when the light bulb wired there. Mom immediately asked the girl's name and she replied that her name was Sally.

My mother was terrified and we left this house the same evening. we moved to another house outside the city and in it I … saw Sally again. She was sitting on the stairs on the way to my room and I was very glad to see her alive. I told Mom and Dad that Sally was not dead and that she moved in with us.

My mom was so shocked that she didn't do anything or say anything else. So Sally stayed in our house, but only for a few weeks. Then she disappeared forever.

Later, when I grew up, I still clearly remembered Sally and how we played with her. And I wanted to find the house where Sally burned down, but my parents flatly refused to tell me the address."